Every time \ud83e\udd23
Lovely_Niya Lol all the time
Home_pls This comb looks cooool
sandyscheeks Follow me for some epic meme!!!!
suicidal_patatoe This is my brain when I am combing a part of my hair 😂
itsmeyhu 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
nrl_legend 😂
KylerKhoas6960 Lol yeah so true
DATBOI67 I broke a comb doing that once
Pinchy_Crab legit me
iamtootruetobetrue ♾
Addyson14 Yep
connorswally1212 Yes
hener My brain will also force me unwillingly to steal leafs or berries from random bushes
Lovely_Niya Lol all the time
• ReplyHome_pls This comb looks cooool
• Replysandyscheeks Follow me for some epic meme!!!!
• Replysuicidal_patatoe This is my brain when I am combing a part of my hair 😂
• Replyxomos86038
• Replyitsmeyhu 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
• Replynrl_legend 😂
• ReplyKylerKhoas6960 Lol yeah so true
• ReplyGREAT_VIBES Omg ilr
• ReplyDATBOI67 I broke a comb doing that once
• ReplyPinchy_Crab legit me
• Replyiamtootruetobetrue ♾
• ReplyAddyson14 Yep
• Replyconnorswally1212 Yes
• Replyhener My brain will also force me unwillingly to steal leafs or berries from random bushes
• Reply