Happens all the time
Lexalator Betrayal
me_ow Does my computer thinks that I am a mistake ? :(
dhrutube that laptop is older than me probably
heheh_i_like_memes_and_anime My name is really long and when I type it it has the dotted line and then I start crying-
Dankosaurus Same.
Barry_the_shrek Everyone knows me by my deadname and its really uncommon so even my friends have to ask me to spell iy
allie8 my name is never on any of those cute keychains with names on them
sidd_1 Hawt cat
mememansaysstonks my name autocorrects to a name of a state in my country....that means even the people who know me text me with the state's name
DarthBean48 rip mah heart
Metalheadtrannie Never happened to me, my name is spelled the same as a word in Dutch and as a word in English
AvocadToast_Chan S A D
Lexalator Betrayal
• Replyme_ow Does my computer thinks that I am a mistake ? :(
• Replydhrutube that laptop is older than me probably
• Replyheheh_i_like_memes_and_anime My name is really long and when I type it it has the dotted line and then I start crying-
• ReplyDankosaurus Same.
• ReplyBarry_the_shrek Everyone knows me by my deadname and its really uncommon so even my friends have to ask me to spell iy
• Replyallie8 my name is never on any of those cute keychains with names on them
• Replysidd_1 Hawt cat
• Replymememansaysstonks my name autocorrects to a name of a state in my country....that means even the people who know me text me with the state's name
• ReplyDarthBean48 rip mah heart
• ReplyMetalheadtrannie Never happened to me, my name is spelled the same as a word in Dutch and as a word in English
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan S A D
• Reply