Eddie_kaspbrak Ooooooooofffffffff
booty_hole3000 its said as dee not dy, it mean the, just like in afrikaans and dutch
TheMeeeeemeGod Die ms_joke meme
Ace_The_Rabbit Yeah the only reason I know Die is “The” in German was because of Call of Duty Zombies
BurningOrphanages Still annoys me that there are four ways to say the in German (die, der, das, and den)
DJNoob719 This is german hot babes
youwishloll You are of die die
hankypankylanky69 Der Die Das?
AvocadToast_Chan Don’t mind if I do
alfredolinguini I am afraid Duolingo caused this....
lewis.pucknell Oof like damn
xXShy_ArtistXx Die, is the german word of the day
prankboi Oof
maddi1214 ???
Eddie_kaspbrak Ooooooooofffffffff
• Replybooty_hole3000 its said as dee not dy, it mean the, just like in afrikaans and dutch
• ReplyTheMeeeeemeGod Die ms_joke meme
• ReplyAce_The_Rabbit Yeah the only reason I know Die is “The” in German was because of Call of Duty Zombies
• ReplyBurningOrphanages Still annoys me that there are four ways to say the in German (die, der, das, and den)
• ReplyDJNoob719 This is german hot babes
youwishloll You are of die die
• Replyhankypankylanky69 Der Die Das?
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Don’t mind if I do
• Replyalfredolinguini I am afraid Duolingo caused this....
• Replylewis.pucknell Oof like damn
• ReplyxXShy_ArtistXx Die, is the german word of the day
• Replyprankboi Oof
• Replymaddi1214 ???
• Reply