This Incredibly Entitled 'Influencer' Tried To Pay Her Bill With 'Exposure'


1. Paying Her Bill With Exposure

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Tip your servers well, please. They have to put up with so much that people outside of the restaurant industry have no idea about.

Actually, many people who work as servers at dining establishments haven't heard anything as crazy as this story, shared by reddit user tamiraisredditing.

After hearing this tale of an entitled "influencer," you'll not only want to tip your servers better, you may even want to hug them.

Anyways, the story goes something like this...

2. Celebrity Diners

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Every so often we get a celebrity in the restaurant. I’ve never been here when it’s happened.

We’re not too far from our city’s main concert venue —

but the owner still has a strict “no comping meals for anyone based on star power,” 
policy that we’re all apprised of when we’re hired.

His logic being, it’ll start as just one exception and turn into all sorts of D-listers sniffing around looking for an ego boost.

Ironically this has never been a problem because the one or two times we’ve had real celebrities in, 
they’ve never expected a free meal, they’ve paid and tipped well.

It’s only the D-listers who act all shocked when the check comes.

But we almost never get them either, so it’s really no big deal. Until last week.

3. Campus "Celebrity"

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We’re located right by my college, and a girl who attends my college was recently on The Dr. Phil show.

She was not a featured guest, she did not even appear in person, she was just teleconferenced in for, like, three total minutes to weigh in on the featured guest’s 
(a friend of hers from high school I think) relationship.

But, because she “was on TV!!” she thought she was the hottest thing to have ever happened on campus.

I’d heard a few people joking about how she was going around telling everyone 
she was a celebrity and how she kept expecting people to recognize her.

It sounded really cringey and terrible.

But I don’t know her, I hadn’t even seen the show, so what did I care?

It was fun gossip for ten seconds but I quickly forgot about it.

4. Testing The Waters

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However, the girl’s self absorption wasn’t completely baseless. 
There are a lot more students on campus than usual this summer because so many took gap semesters to avoid zoom school during covid. 

Not much is happening around here as we ease back into normal life, 
so people did get unreasonably excited about someone from our school being on national TV.

So, she was sort of being treated like a celebrity. She was getting a lot of special attention.

She even got some free things on campus and had some people ask to take a photo with her... 
in an ironic sense, but she didn’t understand that.

So she decided to start testing the waters off campus and I guess met with some success because most of the nearby businesses are staffed with students.

She soon appeared in our restaurant.

5. Nightmare From The Start

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She was a nightmare from the moment she stepped in the door.

I didn’t recognize her at first but it all clicked as she was demanding a four top despite being a party of one.

We were ok with it only because we weren’t especially busy.

She didn’t make eye contact with her server (she wasn’t my section but I ate up every second of her visit with us once I realized who she was.)

The first thing I heard her say after the server said hi and introduced himself was, “Menu, water, new fork.” Like she was writing out a list.

Her server was only just bumped up from trainee status and he’s barely 16, so it especially sucked that she was dumped on him.

He’s incredibly shy and sweet. If I’d anticipated the shitstorm this woman blew in with her I’d have swapped with him.

But this all happened pretty quickly and I’ll usually do anything to avoid serving classmates I don’t like.

It’s rare I don’t like a classmate I haven’t met, but there’s a first time for everything.

6. The Horror

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Of course, nothing on our menu was acceptable to her as-is. She had to get a ton of substitutions and additions.

Even her side salad of mixed greens had to be, not kidding, “unmixed.”

She wanted each lettuce, but separately, on the plate. 
Her server explained that the greens came pre-mixed but she just stared blankly past him and went, “So, separate it?” 

As though it were the most obvious thing ever.

The kitchen actually accommodated all of her requests because it was a really slow day and there were easy enough solutions to each thing, but she still sent at least one of her plates back.

In the twenty or so minutes it took for her food to come out she asked us how much longer it would take four times.

She demanded we change the music we had on to a playlist of hers instead, she made comments about the lighting, 
by the time she was finished eating we were seconds away from throwing her out.

7. The Check

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He asked if everything was alright and if she needed anything else.

She said no, so he said he’d be right back with the check.

I could tell from her face, even as far away as I was, that she wasn’t expecting a check. 
She looked all sour and twisted. 

I was dying internally, it was so satisfying.

*editor's note: This is the part where the story gets particularly wild.

It's one thing to think being an influencer will get you a free meal.

But to eat the entire meal without even mentioning it and then expecting the staff to just assume is wild.

Suffice to say our shining star does not get more reasonable from this point on.


8. Walking Out

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But then she stood up and calmly just... Walked right out the door.

I wasn’t sure what I was seeing at first. 
I thought maybe she’d gone to get her wallet from her car or something, 
but, this isn’t the kind of place where a lot of people drive. 

And I just knew in my gut I had to follow up because her server definitely wouldn’t.

I went out the door and, yep, she was traipsing down the street.

Tapping away on her phone like nothing was wrong in the world.

*editor's note: Ok this is the part where I would have lost my cool.

Before we find out the rest of the story, what would you have done in this situation at this point?


9. The Matter Of The Bill

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I called out to her and she half turned around, then realizing I was from the restaurant, 
tried to pretend she hadn’t heard me and went right back to walking.

Quickening her pace a little. I would’ve laughed if I wasn’t so pissed.

So I jogged to catch up with her and was trying to keep the situation nice and calm and allow her to save as much face as possible and was just like, 
“Oh hi, sorry, there’s just still the matter of the bill.” 

Knowing damn well she didn’t forget but figuring confronting her would just feed into unnecessary drama.

*editor's note: It's so frustrating how you have to treat customers like this even when you know they're being jerks.

The world would be a lot better if we could just tell certain people exactly what they deserve to hear.

There would probably be a lot less of this behavior in the world. But unfortunately it only gets worse from here.


10. Paying With Exposure

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She looks at me in total disbelief and says she was going to Instagram her meal with us and that’s typically enough when she goes out.

Without a hint of sarcasm or embarrassment.

So, I did know who she was because her reaction to being on TV was such a laughingstock on campus.

But, and maybe this was a little mean but I couldn’t resist, I went “Sorry... who are you?”

And she f**king lost it. 
Insisting I knew exactly who she was and that I was just jealous of her and that... wait for it... 

that’s why I was forcing her to pay for the food she ordered at the restaurant.

*editor's note: It's almost hard to believe that people like this exist.

Fortunately she's about the get everything that's coming to her.


11. Police Matter

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I didn’t want to be gratuitously mean so rather than antagonize further, though it was very low hanging fruit, 
I just told her, “Look if you don’t plan to pay we’ll have to involve the police.”

She laughed and said, “Well if you don’t know who I am, you won’t be able to find me, right?”

Honestly, she had me there. But I didn’t need to admit to her that I really knew who she was, 
because for all she knew we had security cameras or would just describe her really well.

*editor's note: see, if it was me and I for some reason did it,

 the first mention of involving the police would have caused me to turn around and pay.

I guess some people are just raised different. Still pretty mind-blowing to see.

But she would eventually learn to regret not turning around and paying right then and there.


12. Easy To Track Down

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So I let her walk off and I went back to the restaurant and called the police.

It was absurdly easy to track her down because I did know who she was and she was posting geotagged posts online all day.

Including a super angry post about how she had eaten at our restaurant and it had been terrible

(that positive mention had never happened, by the way, not that it would have gotten her out of paying, but still.)

*editor's note: listen, guys. I happen to work in social media and I know one very key piece of information.

Unless you're one of the top 1% of largest internet influencers, your endorsement and social media post about some restaurant or product does absolutely nothing.

Even if this maniac actually had done the positive shout-out like she said, it would have resulted in absolutely 0% benefit for the restaurant.

Fortunately for this restaurant, her negative review was ultimately her downfall.

Creating a digital footprint that she'd been to the restaurant was all that they needed as we'll find out.


13. Incriminated Herself

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So she incriminated herself and led the police right to her.

I doubt the cops would’ve followed up so diligently if it were only us, 
but apparently she’d walked out on a couple other places that genuinely didn’t recognize her and expected her to pay up. 

And posted angrily about how the businesses sucked, further incriminating herself.

They didn’t know who she was but they described her well enough, 
and that paired with the post was enough for the police to drag her in. 

Our trainee server actually had to go down somewhere and identify her. 
He was terrified when he was first asked, but when he came back he was totally giddy and thought the whole experience was pretty cool. 

At least, cooler than working his shift haha.

14. Incredibly Entitled Boyfriend Tries To Stiff Restaurant and Immediately Gets Hilarious Karmic Punishment

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If you thought that story was hard to stomach, here's another one about a waitress dealing with an incredibly entitled dude.

It'd be nice if American restaurants operated like dining establishments in most other places in the world, 
where the servers make enough money that they don't need to rely on tips, and they aren't expected.

But here in the U.S., if you choose to dine out, prepare to give your hardworking servers the gratuity they're owed.

And don't fake it, either. That happened to reddit user tamiraisredditing, 
who detailed the harrowing journey of being scammed out of a tip, and getting instant revenge...

15. Indirect Beneficiary

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We had a guy come in last night with his date.

Throughout the evening he was the picture of courtesy and good manners.

He complimented me, thanked me every time I came to refresh waters or check on the table, 
made a point to be forgiving of a kitchen mistake, super extra nice. The dream customer, really.

I appreciated it but didn’t delude myself that I was the source and figured he was just in a good mood because the date was going well—

They were chatting, laughing, having a great time, so I assumed I was an indirect beneficiary.

16. The Total

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He was certainly in some kind of celebratory mood because he was sparing no expense.

He asked for our highest quality wine, she got our most expensive entree, 
he ordered one of every appetizer for her to sample when she made a remark that she was having trouble deciding, it was a real feast.

So the evening starts wrapping up and I get their check. I ask if they’ll be together or separate.

She starts to say “Separate,” but he makes a big deal of saying, 
“Oh, are you kidding? Together, definitely together. 

You never have to pay when you’re with me babe,” and so on and so forth. 
Then slides me a credit card.

I get everything sorted and bring out the receipt. He fills it out and it came to $289.00 total.

17. The Tip

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He doesn’t even blink and makes a big show of leaving a $100 tip.

He thanks me for my service and emphasizes what a lovely night they’ve had.

Of course, a tip that size is exceptional, so I thanked him profusely.

He said there was no need to thank him and goes on a big tear about how under appreciated waitstaff are and to just think of it as a stand-in for all the ingrates who didn’t treat me right, going,

“Don’t plan to tip, don’t plan to eat out, you know?”

Looking at the mesmerized girl the whole time and not giving me a glance.

18. Marking It Down

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I could care less where he was looking, I was looking at the upcoming hundred bucks. 
I thanked him again and said I hoped to see them back soon and that was that.

So he helps her into her coat and off they go. Great night, I was riding high.

About 90 seconds later he’s back in the door, without her, going “I think left my—“

then when the door shut and, looking to make sure she was out of ear shot, 
he goes, without the slightest shade of shame or embarrassment, 

“Mark the tip down to twenty bucks Hun, I was just playing it up for my date.

You understand.” And turns to go.

19. Don't Try To Pull Anything

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Uh... I understood, but not how he hoped I would.

But I couldn’t make a scene in the middle of work, that’s not my place, 
so I just said one more time in order to give his conscience a chance to sink in, 

“Ok Sir. You’d like to amend your tip from one hundred dollars to twenty dollars, is that correct?”

And even though I didn’t show a hint of displeasure in my voice he shot back, extremely hostile,

“Yes, and if I see a cent over the twenty on there I’m going to dispute the whole meal with my credit vendor, so, don’t try to pull anything.”

20. That Was That

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The most frustrating part of this for me was not even going from an over 30% tip to under 10%, 
but rather that this poor girl was being strung along, with no idea of who the guy was behind her back. 

It was extremely manipulative of him which is a major red flag.

I’ve had my fair share of toxic relationships in the past and really wish someone had pulled the blinders off my eyes, 
so desperately wanted to do something to alert this girl to the trick the guy had pulled, 
hoping it would be a catalyst to her questioning his other actions.

But, again, I was at work and that just wasn’t my place.

So I altered the bill and that was that.

21. Sudden Realization

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Then, just in time, something occurred to me and I darted outside hoping to catch them in the parking lot.

I got lucky.

They’d parked on the street instead and he was still dealing with the parking meter.

So, I flagged him down and rushed across the street, 
nearly stumbling into traffic in my haste for a delicious moment.

22. Busted

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His date was already in the car but rolled down her window, 
since no one expects the waitress to follow you out to your car waving her arms like a crazy person.

I made it across and said, more than loudly enough for her to hear,

“Sir, we amended your tip from $100 down to $20 as you requested, 
but you’ll actually need to fill out a different receipt reflecting your new total for our records. 

Your old receipt still has your original tip of $100 written on it, 
but since you just came in and asked us to charge you $20 instead, we can’t have a discrepancy in our records. 

I hope you understand. This is just a bookkeeping regulation that goes way above me.

It has nothing to do with your retroactively downgrading your tip from $20 to $100, we’re just glad you enjoyed your evening.”

23. Repeating Herself

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His jaw was on the floor. He tried to pretend as though he didn’t know what I was talking about, 
trying to give me some line about, 

“I think you’re after someone else, 
I’d only come back cause I’d forgot my keys.” But I would not let it rest.

The more he played dumb the more I repeated versions of

“You wanted to change your tip from $100 down to $20, you came back in,” and on and on.

24. Are You Sure?

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So we went back and forth for a few more seconds when finally he went, 
“Ok, whatever, uh, sorry for the miscommunication. 

If you need me to fill out a new receipt I can.”

And I, totally even keeled was like, 
“You only need to fill out a new receipt if you want to change your tip from $100 down to $20.”

25. Feel That Delicious Rage

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And I’m guessing he didn’t have the money in his account because... he did it.

He filled out the new receipt.

His girlfriend was visibly shocked and the man was staring daggers through me, 
you could feel the rage emanating off him.

26. Vicariously Satisfying

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It was vicariously quite satisfying in place of the other toxic men I never did get that confrontation with. And all the bad tippers.

Ironically the exact kind he made a righteous speech decrying just a few minutes beforehand.

27. Totally Worth It

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And then off they drove, I’m sure never to patronize our restaurant again,

but hopefully never to go out together again either, 
which would make it totally worth it.

28. Moral Of The Story

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So what did we learn from this story? 
Well, you should tip your server if they did a great job, because they earned it.

And if you need a reason beyond that, you should do it because if you don't, karma might get you.

And as this tale showcased, sometimes karma strikes back immediately.

29. Entitled Influencer Gets An Internship Because of Daddy’s Money and Drives Other Employees Insane

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But entitlement isn't exclusive to restaurant patrons. Here's a story about an influencer who scored an internship at a company with daddy's money only to make her coworker's lives a living hell.
This story happened a few months ago at work and I think it fits here pretty good.

Also english is my second language so I'm sorry for mistakes.

Some backstory: I work in a online communication company.

We sell things like websites or Adwords to our clients.

I work for a year there now and it is really my dream job.

My coworkers are very kind and respect me although I'm only an intern.

I had a two months pause because my study courses just started but now I'm back working for one day a week.

The time the story happened I worked full 40 hours a week.

So onto the story: A few months back my boss announced we are getting an intern for a month.

30. It’s Just Nepotism

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Everything okay with that but after we heard she is the daughter from one of our clients we weren't so happy about it.

This client is a big one and we don't want to lose him and that means if that daughter is not pleased, she will probably tell her father.

My team leader told me I have to explain her the task she has to do for the time she was here.

Normally I have no problem with something like that but I was a little nervous about it.

The day Olivia (obviously not her real name) arrived she fulfilled every criteria of an entitled influencer (expensive clothes, blond, really thin, and tanned) but I didn't want to judge too quickly.

I helped her getting the PC ready and explained the task to her.

This task was really an easy one, you don't need special knowledge for it.

The only thing is it costs some time.

I prepared some templates for her and I tried to explain it by doing the steps together.

31. She Didn’t Want to Work

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I told her if she had problem or a question she can come to me and I will help her.

After that I left her on her own.

After a few days I realized she gets later to work and also goes earlier (her working ours were from 8am to 4:30pm but she came around 9am and left at 4pm or even earlier).

Also I checked her progress on my computer and saw that she basically did nothing.

I was mad because she didn't stick to her working hours but she also thought she does not have to work.

I mean she got paid for the job and did nothing.

I explained the task again and she asked me "why can't you do the task?" and I thought umm if I have to do the task I wouldn't explain it to you would I??

We talked a little and I told her that I'm leaving at the end of the month for some time because my courses are starting.

She asked me "you will be happy to get out of this company are you?

32. She Hates Working at the Company

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I will be." and I was like "no..

I really like my job and I will start here again after I got my timetable" after I said that she looked really confused at my like how can you like a job like this.

I wanted to roll my eyes because not everyone can earn their money with instagram.

Olivias next strike was one day she sent an e-mail that she is so "sick" she can't come in today.

Here in Germany you need a doctor's certificate after 3 days not showing up at work.

We all new about her instagram account and we checked it out that day for fun only to see that she is now in Berlin for an "important influencer event".

We just thought what the heck??

She said in her story that she is "soo sick but she couldn't let her dear followers down".

Of course we showed this our boss and we could just laugh about her stupidity, like did she really think we wouldn't notice?

33. She’s Too Rich to Care

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The day she came back to work (late again) and without an doctor's certificate (what a surprise) our boss wanted a talk with Olivia.

She was told to not do something like this again and she got her first warning letter.

There was only about a week left of her internship and we were glad that she will be gone soon.

Olivias attitude was really annoying.

She never greeted us in the morning or said goodbye after work.

I did a little smalltalk with her because I wanted to be nice and she just told me stuff like her next travel destination or that her hotel is not that great

(yeah she lived in a hotel - a really expensive one - the month she worked with us)

and she wants to earn even more money with a "innovative" shower gel.

I said nothing to the things she told me because I really didn't give a f*ck.

34. In the End She Got Away With It

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What annoys me most about this whole story is that if I had pulled stunts like this I would have been fired.

I work very hard for that job and this behavior made my blood boil.

She took full advantage of her status being a clients daughter and at the end she still got the job reference because my boss didn't want to have any trouble and that was the easiest way to get rid of her.

Sorry if this wasn't so exiting but this makes me still mad when I think about it.

But the best thing is she is gone and I never have to see her again.

One funny thing my coworker told me the photo in her application was one from her instagram and we thought how could you think a selfie (half naked) is an appropriate photo for a document like this lol.

Thanks for reading!

:) TLDR: New intern thinks work rules like working hours or a doctor's certificate doesn't apply to her because she is an influencer and only do this job because her daddy got it for her.

35. Man's Ridiculously Entitled Fiancé Refuses His Lab-Grown Diamond

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But it's not all influencers. Here's an equally frustrating story about a guy who tried to save some money by getting his fiancé a lab-grown diamond.

Marriage is supposed to be a joyous union between two people in love.

The proposal is stressful, but when they say "yes" both sides should be happy.

However, that wasn't the case in this story you're about to hear.

A redditor made a throwaway account to ask the community if he was the a**hole for how he reacted when his bride-to-be revealed she wasn't happy with her engagement ring.

And, well...we and all of Reddit had some strong opinions on this one...


36. When The Trouble Started

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I (30m) proposed to my (then) girlfriend (27f) of 5 years last month, it was wonderful and she said yes, and we were never happier.

Last week was when the trouble started, as she asked me how much I had spent on her ring.

37. Suspicious

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I told her that I had spent about $20,000 on it that I had been squirrling away for the last 10 years.

(When I first started saving I was planning on building a kit car but when I started seriously considering proposing I decided it was worth spending the money on the ring.)

She was initially floored that I had spent so much but later became suspicious that I had managed to get such a large stone (3.6 karats.) for the price, 
and asked to see the diamond certificate I got with the ring.

38. Lab Grown

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I, of course, showed it to her (I thought she was worried I had been duped into buying a fake.)

and when she saw it was lab grown she got upset that I hadn't bought her a "real" diamond.

39. Thought She Wouldn't Care

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This reaction stunned me for a couple reasons.

Firstly, I had always been open in my distaste for the natural diamond industry, and secondly because I had employed the assistance of her friends and mother and everyone agreed that she wouldn't care if the diamond was lab grown.

40. His Reasoning

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Over the last week I have explaned to her multiple times my reasons for going lab grown, 
(It is better for the environment, I know the exact origing of the stone, so I know it isn't a conflict stone, 
and ultimately it is better value for the money and I wanted to get her the most beautiful ring possible.) 

and that lab grown diamonds are in every way real diamonds and that they are also indistinguishable from natural ones unless you look at their certificate.

41. She Wouldn't Have Known

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I have also pointed out that she had no clue and would have never known if I hadn't told her the price of her ring.

But she insists that she can tell a difference and it is just not the same.

42. Exchange

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Yesterday she asked me if I would be willing to exchange it for a natural stone of equivalent value.

Normally I would be happy to, but I spent months searching for the perfect ring for her and also, 
though value was the biggest reason for me, the idea of potentially getting a blood diamond really does sicken me.

43. Putting His Foot Down

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So I said no, and said if she wanted to give the ring back and end our relationship, that is fine, but I would not exchange it.

She called me an a**hole and went to stay the night with her parents.


44. Worth Being Firm On

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Since then I have received multiple texts from her friends telling me to just acquiesce and exchange the ring

(and, ultimately, I will if it means saving the relationship) but I just feel like this is something worth being firm on.

45. Reddit Responds

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This is a pretty good sign of how the actual wedding and marriage will go imo. NTA.

You're trying to look out for the world, if a "real" stone was that important to her,
 she probably would've brought up being against/wanting a lab created diamonds some point in your relationship.

She's being picky and should've been happy about the ring, which btw, 
sounds gorgeous (and I commend your effort for looking into options for so long)

Keep being a dope person. Also, I can't imagine asking my partner what they spent on a ring for me unless it was for insurance purposes or something like that.

Idk. Maybe that's just me but it feels tacky as hell.


46. Bigger Fish To Fry

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NTA You spent $20,000 on a ring and she isn’t happy? I think you have bigger fish to fry.

What’s going to be enough for her?


47. Possible Future Demands

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NTA - I can't understand why you'd want to be with someone who is willing to actually end a relationship over a non-conflict diamond that was given to her out of love and a hope for a future together.

Mind boggling to me how much of an A H she is being.

I can only imagine what else she demands or will demand from you going forward.


48. Summary

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The main takeaway from this tale and Reddit's reaction to it can be perfectly summed up with this response:

"Don’t marry this woman."


49. Check Please

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Everybody has that story about the time they avoided getting into a truly awful relationship, or narrowly escaped having to deal with some extreme drama.

But these people have your story beat. Hands-down.

50. Nuts

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She was pregnant and outspokenly antivaxx.

I didn’t know she was pregnant until we were on the date, btw. She was nuts


51. Feminist

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"Sports were created by men with the intention to oppress women and keep them as second class citizens."

I'm pretty damn liberal and feminist, but what the f**king f**k is that s**t?


52. Girlfriend?

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I went out with my next door neighbor. I didn’t know her very well even though we lived next to each other most of college.

Well the first date she took a Snapchat with me which I thought was innocent. It was the first date.

Just so happened one of the people she sent it to is a girl who pays me to tutor her in French.

It was the wildest coincidence in the world because there’s over 30,000 people at the university I went too.

Anyways whenever I went to tutor the other girl she said she saw me in a Snapchat a few nights back and didn’t realize I had a girlfriend.

Yup she took a Snapchat with me on the first date and captioned it that I was her bf.

It was super awkward ghosting someone living next door to me but I sure as heck did it and gave zero f**ks lol.


53. That's... A Lot

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Online date, I found out on our first date she:

Lived with he ex-fiancee
Looked after his kid (that wasn't hers)

Didn't work at all
Made her living though disability fraud

Was nearly 3x the weight and twice as old as when her pictures were taken
Was looking for a man to "take care of her"


54. Test

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When she told me that we couldn't hang out anymore and got mad when I accepted it.


55. Literal Knife Dodged

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Was talking to this girl for a couple months in 11th grade. Didn't pan out though.

A few months go by, senior year starts, and the whole school is abuzz with talk of her being incarcerated for stabbing her boyfriend.


56. Yikes

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Met a guy in the local nerd community, we hit it off, start becoming more than friends. He's moving too fast and I wasn't feeling it, so I end it.

A month later he disappears from social media. Three months later, still complete silence.

I got curious and started searching... Found that he'd been arrested for sexual acts with a minor.


57. Boyfriend With Cancer

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Met a chick who was beautiful. In passing conversation she had said her boyfriend has cancer and she feels like it should affect her emotionally but she just didnt care. He died.

I quickly passed on that one and met the best woman ever. Ironically I now have terminal cancer and she is the best mother of our kids, wife and support life could have given me.


58. Do The Math

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When she was married with children eight months after we broke up.


59. Misery Loves Company

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when I realized that she had to put down every single thing I did or wanted to do because she couldn’t stand me doing better than her at anything.

she only liked me when I was as miserable as she was and would do anything to get me there


60. Too Fast

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Met a girl at a bar and did a drunk hookup. She wanted to meet up again and I figured okay we were both drunk so I really don’t know how she is sober.

End up going out with my buddies and their girlfriends.

She then proceeds to take a bunch of pics with them within the first half hour of meeting them and uploading them on Facebook, asks me to go spend a weekend at her parents place, and basically clinging on to me the whole night and getting pissed if I would talk to one of my buddies over her even for a quick minute.

Decided it was too much and told her it was moving too fast.

This leads to her texting and calling me every night and driving by my house everyday to see if my car was there.

Also every bar I would go to I would end up running into her. Didn’t realize this until I saw on my Snapchat that she could see where I was.

She scared the s**t out of me.


61. It Could Have Been Her

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Was in a church youth group with the catholic priest’s niece.

I was like 14 years old. Came on to me very hard, but I was really a bit immature at the time.

Six months later she was pregnant and definitely having that baby.

I would have had a very different life than I do now.


62. Stopped Feeling Bad

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Guy I was friends with in elementary and middle school but then had a falling out in high school over something stupid and we never reconnected.

I felt a little bad about it but then years later I saw him on the news cuz he got arrested for filming up girls skirts with a hidden camera at the CNE(a fair).

Needless to say I stopped feeling bad about our falling out after that.


63. Different Expectations

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This is very recent. I was supposed to go on a date with a guy only yesterday (Saturday).

I had met him on POF, chatted for about a week and a half and then planned to go for lunch.

Despite the fact I kept telling him to go slow as this was my first date since becoming single, the breakup has messed me up a bit and I was still feeling fragile etc etc, it was like I never said any of that at all.

He wanted me to French kiss him the moment I met up with him and kept saying things like "I'm gonna give you the best date so your mum is proud of me" and "I'm gonna be charming and you're gonna fall".

So it got to Friday and I realised I really didn't want to go anymore. I even posted on the Anxiety thread on here as it had set me off.

I eventually cancelled and said I think we're expecting different things from this date. He then told me he thought I was immature anyway.

Yesterday morning he sent me a message that said "Biiiittcchh!". Oh how I laughed.


64. AC Guy

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my AC went out in my condo. The AC guy came out and ended up cutting his hand on my AC. I fixed his hand and we started chatting. He gave me his cell # and asked me out. He was quite cute, but for whatever reason I didn't go. 6 weeks later I was giving a party and the TV was on a random station.

I happened to walk by as they started a story on a serial rapist they had caught. Turned out it was the AC guy.

They said he had met several elderly women while doing house visits to fix the AC and then would go back later, break into the house, and brutally beat and r*pe them. 

Needless to say, I was screaming at the TV ...totally sickened and flabbergasted!!! THAT was a 50 caliber BULLET DODGED!!!


65. Cult

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When I found out he was involved in a cult and wanted to get me involved with it too.


66. Asked Out At Work

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Several years ago, a dude who was a waiter at a restaurant in the shopping center where I worked started crushing on me for a couple of weeks.

He first came up to me one day when I was in line at a drug store in the complex; I had never even seen him before then, but he started in right away with oddly persistent questions that had more to do with trying to ask me out rather than attempting to get to know me first.

I started getting nervous for some reason and hastily told him I had to go back to my store.

Well, a few days later he showed up there, and managed to corner me and ask me all the same s**t, more persistently this time.

Now, I hate it when guys try to ask me out when I'm on the job (since they're somewhat exploiting the fact that I have to be polite and attentive to people when they come in to shop),

so I put on my best fake-smiley retail face and turned him down more forcefully this time.

Not a week after that, I heard that he had been fired for instigating a shouting match which quickly escalated into a fistfight with one of the other waiters at the place where he worked. During dinner hours.


67. Not Boyfriend Material

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I met a guy at a party and we hit it off. Hung out the following night and then two days later he was arrested for armed robbery.

Spent 4 years in prison. Definitely wasn't boyfriend material.


68. Gay Homophobe

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I dated a gay homophobe. She used to buy me clothes and pick out my outfits in order to keep me looking a certain way and had some serious sexual hangups.

She would often tell me it was "unacceptable" to be holding hands at events where there were children, and she refused to let me go to the pride parade because she didn't want me shoving my identity in people's faces.

I thought she was just a closet case, but after our relationship ended I realized how much she hated herself, and how much she made me hate myself. Yikes.


69. Witness At Future Trial

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This one guy, a sci-fi fantasy geek type about 20 years old, who used to hang around the local coffee shop.

He did sometimes appear in women's clothing, but that wasn't an issue. The issue was his insisting on talking to everyone about the 12 year old girl he was in love with (from afar).

He sat down with me one day, started in on his love obsession story, and I told him I didn't want to hear it, because I didn't want to be a witness at his trial, and I never talked to him again.

70. Never Meet Your Heroes

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For many people, meeting their celebrity idols would be the greatest aspiration in the world. if only you could have that much proximity to greatness.

But it's not always actually a good idea to meet those you idolize - as they might not turn out to be how you imagined them in your deepest fantasies.

In fact, sometimes they're just downright awful.

71. Tim Curry

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Not a big confrontation, but stil funny. My parents were at Costco buying groceries in LA when they saw Tim Curry in the checkout line.

They were quietly trying to see what he was buying (to tell stories about it later,) so my dad casually walks by his cart, pretending to put back some cashews or something.

He got a look in his cart, and all Tim Curry had in the cart were about a dozen boxes of frozen crab cakes. Just crab cakes, nothing else.

My dad turns back around to report back to my mom, and happens to get a look at him.

Tim Curry was just staring my dad down, not saying anything, just looking at him because he knew what my dad was doing and he was not in the mood.

So my dad, in a panic, says loudly "I love shelfish" then awkwardly walks back to my mom at the cart. Says nothing else until they leave the store.


72. Bill Murray

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I swapped spit with Bill Murray. When I was a toddler we went to a Saint Paul Saints game.

Bill Murray was there with a bunch of press for some reason that I am unaware of.

He happened to encounter my mother holding me, and in a very Bill Murray way he took the pacifier out of my mouth and popped it into his mouth.

The press laughed and I, apparently, in a huff, ripped it out of his mouth and put it back into mine. Ta-da.


73. Chris Brown

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I met Chris Brown the exact day he beat up Rihanna.

He was actually pretty nice, so we were shocked when we heard later that day that he was currently being searched for by the police.


74. Adam West

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I was at a horror convention years ago, where Adam West was one of the guests. As I was coming back in from outside the convention center, I noticed he was leaving so I held open the door for him.

"Have a good evening, Mister West!" I said.

He turned around, rolled his eyes, and snorted "Whatever."

This royally pissed me off. So I responded, without thinking "Wow, you're a prick!"

He turned back to me, and growled in that Adam West voice "Go to Hell!"

Yeah, Batman told me to go to Hell.


75. Alan Rickman

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Essentially I was in a hotel and met Alan Rickman.

This was a few years back, when the 6th book was out, and as he was signing an autograph for me, he asked if I finished the book.

Starstruck, I said yes, even though I wasn't. He then says "Oh, so I guess you know that I'm the half-blood prince, huh?" My jaw dropped.

I had Snape Personally reveal his true identity to me.


76. Emeril Lagasse

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One of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

I met Emeril Lagasse. I saw him at a shopping mall for some kind of promotional thing he was doing there.

I passed by and was looking at him and I ran straight into this big camera.

It fell over and everybody just stared at me.

Emeril came over and was really pissed, he was all red in the face and asked me why I ran into the camera.

Nobody around seemed to notice he was being a huge douche. I told him it was an accident but he just told me to get out of there before I caused anymore trouble.

Easily the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. When I see him on TV it makes me cringe and I have to change the channel.


77. Wayne Newton

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I was in Las Vegas with my family waiting to walk across Tropicana Blvd when my step-mother became impatient and just jaywalked amidst afternoon traffic.

A Rolls-Royce came screeching to a halt, and inside was a smiling Wayne Newton who waived us to cross and insisted on waiting.

The guy must be immune to a**holes.


78. Barrack Obama

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I was at an Obama rally back in August of 2007. We were at Florida A&M, in a smallish gym.

We had shaken Obama's hand and talked to him a bit, and ended up following him back behind the barricade, talking to him.

He ended up hugging us and all this stuff, but security was not too keen on it so they asked us to move.

Obama climbs up on the bleachers to take a picture with the band.

Security ends up pushing me to move on the other side of the barricade (not hard, but it was crowded), and I fell forward.

I reached up to grab the first thing to stop my fall. It was Barack Obama's ass cheek. He laughed.

79. Pauly Shore

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I was waiting tables at a nice restaurant when Pauley Shore came in and sat in my section with his entourage.

I waited on him and at one point I had spilled some mustard on the table and Pauley said, "Duuude. You spilled the muuuuustard!"

And yes, he was stoned off his gourd.


80. Prince

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My grandfather owned a large scale electronics store, that often rented concert equipment.

Prince's manager came in the store asking to be helped in front of all these people who were waiting in line. The manager was apparently so annoying that,...

manager: HELLO isn't anyone going to help me? grandpa: there are plenty of people in line in front of you

manager: yes, well I represent prince grandpa: I don't care who Prince is, I'm the king. the end.

81. Shaq

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My aunt, who has never watched a game of basketball, met shaq in an elevator when he was at the peak of his career. Her son is one of the biggest lakers fans and she kind of recognized his face. This was their conversation:

Aunt: Aren't you famous? Shaq: Haha you could say that.

Aunt: Can I get your autograph? Shaq: If you can guess my name.

She never got that autograph.


82. Mike Myers

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I had a friend from out of state swinging through town and we met in NYC for lunch and a couple of drinks.

We are eating at the bar and I see further down that Mike Myers (Snl, Austin Powers, etc) is at the other end of the bar watching a soccer game on the television and drinking a beer.

I had never encountered a celebrity before, and didn't want to be some obtrusive asshole.

But prior to paying our tab I walked over and said "hey Mike, I'm a big fan, can I buy you a beer?"

And without even turning to look at me he says " I can afford my own drinks a**hole, save your money for my next movie".

I stood there speechless for a second and embarassedly turned back to my spot at the bar, we paid our tab and split without saying a word. I really felt like a d**k head, haha.

83. John Cleese

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My dad and I were in London one day, I think we'd been to a museum, I was about 9, maybe 10.

We decided to get a cab to a restaurant because I didn't like the confined trains. So as we hail a cab, another gentleman about 4 feet away from us does the same.

I turn to my dad and say "Look, it's the man from Fawlty Towers", low and behold, it was John Cleese in the flesh.

He was very courteous and insisted that we take the taxi.

I also told him that I was a big fan of Fawlty Towers, despite it being made some 20 years before I was born to which he replied "just don't mention the war".


84. John Williams

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John Williams almost ran me over with a car when I was crossing the road to go to a Boston Pops concert he was conducting.

It was f**king awesome.


85. Bam Margera

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I used to manage a Spencer's Gifts in an upscale mall in PA. Bam Margera and his crew came in on a very slow weekday.

One of his guys asks at me to close the store so Bam can shop without being hassled (out of earshot of Bam).

I politely informed the guy that we don't close the store for anyone.

The guy gets loud and in my face threatening to call my bosses and get me fired...and this guy was really big and intimidating.

About 20 seconds into his loud ranting I suddenly see a fist come out of nowhere and drop the guy. It was Bam. He very calmly told the guy, who was now streaming obscenities and trying to pick himself off the floor, to shut the f**k up and wait outside.

He then profusely apologized and continued shopping while the rest of his crew laughed their asses off. He bought a few shock pens and a few t-shirts.

My opinion of Bam changed that day dramatically from negative to positive.

86. Leonard Nimoy

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Have you ever opened a door at the exact moment someone else was about to do the same thing on the other side and bashed their head in?

My mom did this to Leonard Nimoy.


87. Mark Hamill

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My dad owned a liquor store in Malibu near the homes of many celebrities. I worked there for a summer and a couple regular shoppers included Denise Richards, Jay Leno and Drew Barrymore.

(My dad stocked these smoothies called Odwalla solely on her request. She was the only one who ever bought them)

However, his best customer by far was none other than Mark Hamill. He was on a first name basis with my dad.

He came in maybe 3 times a week and always bought 4 packs of "True Blue" cigarettes. (Again, something my dad carried specifically for him)

His career wasn't doing too well I guess. He drove a crappy car and his shirts were always some free promo item from a cartoon.

I remember he wore a Pokemon shirt once. When I finally got the nerve to talk to him, I told him I was a big fan of Star Wars. The next time he came, he gave me a signed photo of him hanging onto Slave Leia.

He signed it "To Justin, FORCEFULLY yours, Mark Hamill". Great guy.


88. Hilary Duff

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Pizza place in Sacramento, CA. It was the Warped Tour and Hillary Duff was on it. The night BEFORE the concert she and her posse (yes she had a posse) decided to stop into our restaurant.

When I saw her outside, I immediately asked to be the person to take her order, even though I was a cook. The cashiers obliged.

So she walked in and I gave our usual greeting. She walked up, I explained the menu all courteous-like, and her group ordered. After everything was done, I asked, "And what name will be on the order?"

She just looked at me like I was f**king crazy. "Uhh, Hillary..."

"Is that two L's or just one?" "Only one..."

As I took her money and stuff, she asked, "Do you really not know who I am?" "No, should I?" was my only reply.

She mentioned she was Hillary Duff and was on TV and actually playing at the concert the next night...

"Huh, that's strange." I said. Then I yelled to my friends in the back, "HEY GUYS! You ever heard of anybody named Hillary Duff?"

"Nope." "Naw." "Who?!" It was classic. Not really a confrontation, but still fun in my mind.

89. Tom DeLonge

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I ran into Tom DeLonge from Blink 182 a couple years ago at a starbucks. I recognized who he was and said, "I used to love you guys!" he looked at me and said, "What do you mean, used too?"

Then walked off. I really meant to say a compliment. Oh well.


90. Collin Farrell

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Not me but a friend of mine....

He was out with his girlfriend for lunch at a very fancy hotel in Dublin, Ireland and Colin Farrell happened to be there too.

This was back at the height of his fame. So my mate sauntered over to him and said something like 'Hey Colin, any chance of a photo?'.

Colin Farrell being the cool dude he was then was like 'yeh, course man, no bother' and started fixing his hair etc.

At that point, my mate hands HIM the camera and poses with his girlfriend.

In fairness to Colin Farrell, he didn't know what to do at first but he did actually take the photo and they still have it to this day.

The photo that Colin Farrell took of him and his now wife. I love that story.

91. David Hasselhoff

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Don't know if it was confrontational so much as it was rude, but I once met David Hasselhoff at Redondo Beach when I was about 7-8 years old

(so this was in the arc of his career in the mid-90s, plus my pop-culturally oblivious parents were the ones to spot him so you knew that meant this guy was primetime).

I asked him for his autograph, and without skipping a beat or looking at me he said, "I'm playing with my children right now, beat it."

I stood there not sure how to react or what to do, and he looked at me and gave me this weird face like he just smelled the most rotten thing that could ever billow into the nostrils of a human being and yelled, "F**k off you little s**t!" I ran away scared.


92. Gene Wilder

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I was at a Hibachi restaurant for a friend's birthday. There were five of us in total but the tables seated seven.

They were packed that night so they told us they would be filling our table. Before long, who should come over and sit with us but Gene Wilder and his wife.

At the time my friend and I were young and hadn't seen him in anything other than Willy Wonka, so when the food came we asked him if the snozberries tasted like snozberries.

Luckily he didn't miss a beat and replied with "we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

One of the most surreal moments of my life


93. Cincinnati Reds

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I went to a Pittsburgh Pirates game when I was 8 years old so we went early to see batting practice.

My sister and I were out leaning over the wall trying to catch a ball and one landed just short of my glove.

Now I hate my self but I can not remember the player's name but he was on the Reds and he ran over and tossed the ball up to me.

While the ball was in the air this huge man knocks me over trying to catch the ball and knocks it back onto the field.

The player runs over and starts screaming at the guy in a combination of English and Spanish and actually got the guy thrown out of the park.

Then he had me lean over the wall and he jumped up and placed the ball in my glove. And told me to enjoy the game.


94. Andy Rooney

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My granddad once beat up Andy Rooney to take Judy Garland out on a date.

No, really. He beat the s**t out of him.

95. Chad Grey

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I got into a staring contest with the lead singer of Mudvayne, Chad Grey.

We were in a bar in Portland, Oregon. I looked at him, he looked at me and did that 'open eyes wide and stare intently' at me.

I took my glasses off and mad dog stared at him. He grit his teeth, I made my eyes wince. Then we both kind of nodded and went back to our drinks.
