People That Have Walked Out on a Date Are Revealing The Point of No Return


1. $700 of Drinks in 2 Hours

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Went on a first date with this Korean girl my 2nd week into going to a major university, she approached me to ask me out so I accept because she was extremely beautiful and was really cute in how she asked me out.

Day of the date I have a bunch of different things planned and backups option in case she is not interested in certain places, she shows up looking like a goddess. Ends up rejecting all of the stuff I had planned, wants to go out clubbing instead. Don’t normally club or party at that point because I’m focusing on getting my degree, but I think, “what’s the worst that could happen?”.

She racks up a $700 bill in an hour buying drinks for other people and almost avoiding me, decide to bounce and let the staff know I’m not with her. Get a call from her almost 2 hours later as I’m chilling with a pizza and a movie asking where I was, don’t answer but ask her what she’s doing, apparently she was told she had to pay and she was 100% ready to stick me with the bill.

Told her I’m not rich, am not interested in being used like a wallet, and obviously couldn’t afford a night out like that as a student, ended up saying, “so why would you ask me out if she was just going to end up insulting me like that?”.

She can’t find an answer and does that whole singing/crying bit to play the victim, and I just tell her not to talk to me again before hanging up. Cut to 2 weeks later, this girl side eyes me longingly ever single time I have to be around her and I’m constantly approached by people asking me stuff for her.

Found out from an annoyed girl in that time that was pressured into approaching me that the girl is a spoiled rich kid and that her parents own a really huge company, immediately say that it explains a lot and that I’m sorry she was pressured into the situation.

I get a knock on my door and the RA says I need to come to the dorm office because someone is looking for me, which immediately has red flags written all over it as the look on his face is almost laughing. As soon as I get in the room, I’m greeted by the nerdy looking old guy and another slightly younger guy in fancy cloths is just sitting there.

Immediately am asked what I did to his daughter, so I told him everything that happened and that I wanted to go because the situation was really awkward. Instead of letting me go he starts asking me how much I would need to take his daughter on dates per week and that he would pay double that, I go to get up to leave and he says he will buy me an apartment and keeps offering more money just because he’s trying to make his crazy daughter happy.

Tell him no and that this whole situation is creepy, then I file a report with the university and my RA about what is going on because at that point I’m seriously freaked out. Get a package in the mail with $5k saying sorry for the inconvenience and to buy myself something nice, girl still side eyes me all the time but I’m left alone.

Was one of the creepiest things I’ve ever dealt with as a regular looking guy, I’m not going to ruin my future to be a play toy for a psycho rich kid

Username: mrinkyface

2. Imagine the Spawn

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I'd known her a little for a few months had we had fallen into bed a few times together, but never actually been on a date. The sex was good, not going to lie, and she seemed quite fun so I had asked about meeting up one lunchtime to spend some time and get to know more than what we each drank and liked in bed.

After half an hour or so of aimless nattering I'm starting to think there might be something to her so suggest we get coffee and plan what we want to do next. At this time my mind is going 'coffee, nice day so walk round park by river, see if she appears to be feeling good about this as well and if so suggest we get a movie and go back to hers or mine and chill.

Possibly get a take out or maybe even head off to a club later to meet the usual suspects but certainly hope to spend the night together and then a Sunday brunch out before we split to make plans for another met if all is still cool.'

So we get our drinks and a muffin to share and sit down. I start to talk about how great the park looks time time of year and how it might be nice to have a walk to the river. Suddenly her eyes shift to behind me and her face turns into something that looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

I turn round to see what it is that has caused this smiley, attractive girl to go like this, half expecting to see an ex of hers or the like. Nope all I can see is a couple who both obviously have downes but are just about to order. I look back at her and raise an eyebrow. "Eww, that's gross!" She exclaims, "God I hope those retards dont know how to fuck - imagine the spawn - makes me sick just thinking or it. They should be steralised."

I took a few seconds to process this and could see on her face she was already starting to regret what she has said. Too late love. As I got up I told her I'd had a real good time until a few moments ago but that I wasn't comfortable with someone who, if they ever did get to meet my aunt, would consider her a retard who should be steralised. To be fair to her she didn't try to cause a scene or anything, just sat there with an "I've fucked up big time" look on her face as I walked out.

This was before mobiles were the norm and I did or hear from her again until a month or so later when our friend groups bumped into eachother again. She was super apologetic for her behaviour and our lives moved on in their different directions.

Username: Eckieflump

3. A Series of Strip Clubs

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Okay so a few months ago I met this great guy at a local happy hour. He was ruggedly handsome and super polite. We ended up talking most of the evening and he asked for my number before I left. The next day he called (usually guys text so this struck me as old-fashioned and kind of awesome) and asked to take me out to dinner.

I'm in college and I hadn't been asked on a dinner date in years--most guys in my age bracket are all about group hangout/hook-up generation style--so I was SUPER excited. I dressed somewhat conservatively but still looked great I thought. He picked me up around 7 and we planned to go to a certain restaurant.

On the way we had great conversation in the car and everything seemed to be going so smoothly. Then he drove the car right past the place we were planning to eat and suggested we go somewhere else instead. I agreed, but felt a little odd about it since we had already mutually agreed on the restaurant. We kept driving and he finally parked downtown.

He took my hand and walked me to a little bar right on the edge of the busy streets. I thought "okay, guess we're having a drink before dinner, no big deal". We had a few beers then he suggested we take a walk. At this point I'm really hungry and feeling slightly off about this dinner date but we're still getting along famously so I didn't say anything.

He walked me over to a seedier part of downtown where we found ourselves at a strip club. He began talking to the security guy and it turns out he used to work at this particular club. At this point I'm feeling uncomfortable--I've never been to a strip club and while not a prude I really did not want to be there while on a first date.

My date then takes my hand and pulls me inside saying he 'just wants to say hey' to his old friend. he then leaves me by myself to watch the strippers while he goes in the back corner and talks to a dude for a second. I am feeling pretty uncomfortable at this point and then just as quickly as he pulled me in he walked over to me and said let's leave. I smiled thinking 'okay FINALLY some dinner!'.

NOPE. The same 'just gonna say hi' happened at two more strip clubs. By the third one I was literally the only person watching the stripper and he was just in the corner talking to the mc guy and every now and then looking over at me.

At this point I am thoroughly disgusted and appalled at how this 'dinner date' has turned out. I stood up and walked out of the club and practically ran two blocks away before hailing a cab and high tailing it home ASAP. It took him 10 mins before he started calling me to find out where I was. I never responded.

Honestly, I should have left after the first strip club, I just kept assuming he was going to take me to dinner at some point. It was one of the worst nights of my life--mostly because I was so excited about this 'great guy' who wanted to 'take me out to dinner'. womp womp.

Username: lolitahlia

4. Shoes Off at the Movies; Belching at Olive Garden

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Oh man it's my time to shine. Years ago I started talking to a girl on a dating app and we hit it off really quick. We talked for over 2 weeks before going on our first date and honestly I was absolutely stoked. I had a huge date planned with us going to Dave and Busters for games and dinner, and then a movie afterwards.

She got hurt at work a few days before and couldn't stand or walk for long periods of time so she asked if we could do something a little more chill. She wanted to still do a movie, but D&B would've been too much so we decided to just grab some Taco Bell and then do a movie.

Here's where it goes spiraling down the tube. I pick her up and she's wearing trashy clothes (tank top, sweat pants, and slip on shoes) so I'm already not impressed (I was wearing a nice t-shirt and shorts, my entire outfit matched and I felt really good about it)

So on the way to the city (about 20 mins) she pulls a fast one on me and wants to do Oliver Garden instead. I oblige but absolute hate the spot I'm now in because 1) I've never been to Olive Garden, and I hate going to new places spur of the moment (weird anxiety thing), 2) I feel like I'm not dressed for it, let alone her. I realize OG isn't the fanciest place, but still, and 3) I was (and still am) super sick of pasta.

We go to the movie first (dont remember what we saw) and during she gets really cuddly which i dont mind but she literally takes her shoes off in the theater, and has her bare feet all over the seats, floor, etc. I tell myself "just get through dinner and bounce."

We get to dinner and just like I thought she is severely underdressed for this place. Most of the customers at least have a nice t-shirt or collared shirt on. I tell myself I'll never come back here on my own anyway so just push through.

She surprisingly doesn't order the most expensive thing (the bill was like $30 or something, pretty cheap.) But during dinner is when I had to NOPE. She's slopping up her food like someone is going to take it away from her, she's belching like no one is watching (not burping, but full blown belching.

Think of the scene in 8 Crazy Nights where Davey just let's it rip), and actually comments "I hope you don't mind but I dont hold back my burps." I try to just steer the conversation back to normal "get to know your date better" stuff and she's barely paying any attention to me.

She's on her phone constantly, and anytime she wasn't she was bringing up a story about an ex boyfriend. I honestly learned more about her exes than I did her. Towards the end of dinner she grabs the straw from her drink and uses it to put her hair up with, while exclaiming "dont judge me haha."

At this point I'm 100% done with this date and person as a whole, so the second she looked at her phone I texted my mom "call in 5 mins with emergency" and sure as shit my mom calls, leaves me a voice-mail with an emergency so I rush us out of there, barely stop the car for her to get out, and tear off down the road.

She tried to contact me a few times after our date but I totally ghosted her. Worst. Date. Ever.

Username: Emo_Kills_Best

5. Watching His Nerf Gun Battle

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Years ago I met a guy on a dating website, we talked for about two weeks and I thought he was really cute and funny, we shared a lot of ‘nerdy’ interests and seemed to click. I’m on the Ace spectrum and it’s really unusual for me to be attracted to someone/want to date, so I was excited when we made plans to meet up.

He asked if I could meet at his place that was 40 minutes away, and I agreed since he said he’d drive us around for the date itself. He opened the door and looked nothing like his pictures, honestly just unkempt and frumpy.

I get that people post their most flattering pictures, and I didn’t want to be judgmental based on my own expectations, so I wanted to continue and see how we vibed. Instead of heading off to our date, he invited me inside to check out his game collection first since it’s something we had talked about having in common.

What I saw was a completely empty living room except for a tv on the floor hooked up to a PS2, a cardboard box of games and a lone wood chair. Bare walls, no other furniture, items, etc. He did offer me the chair while he sat on the floor to show me some of his games.

I made light conversation about it while he played some, all the while trying to ignore the mattress with no sheet on the floor that I could see through his bedroom door down the hall... After about 20 minutes I asked about the plans he had for our date, which I hoped would be some kind of activity or getting food, since I really wanted to get out of the creepily empty house that we were alone in ASAP.

He tells me that he has some friends showing up, so we meet them outside, all of whom seemed very nice. They stood around talking for another 20 minutes until he suggests to them in a very weird tone that almost seemed rehearsed, a nerf gun fight.

They all agree and I’m like sure, not what I was expecting but sounds fun! Except that I don’t get a nerf gun to join in with- I end up just sitting there on the front steps watching them run around his front lawn shooting nerf gun darts at each other. I try to be a good spectator and cheer them on, but it was incredibly awkward, like a show he put on for me to watch?

After watching them chase each other around for a while, he asks if I want to go do something and I agree, thinking our date would actually start. What we do is walk down the street (I don’t think he ended up even having a car) to a local game shop where he and his friends began playing MTG.

I don’t play tabletop games and had no cards of my own, no idea how the game worked or anything. He didn’t really engage with me beyond playing the game and narrating what he was doing, again like he was showing off/performing for me without actually interacting or talking to me.

One of his friends could tell how uncomfortable I was and struck up a conversation with me, explaining the rules of the game, asking me questions about my interests, etc. After half an hour of sitting through that I decided I just couldn’t handle it anymore and got up to leave.

My date followed me out of the building and without saying very much else and tried to kiss me on the mouth as I was leaving. I immediately dodged it, told him no thank you, left and never spoke to him again.

Username: VelvetThrills

6. I SMELL S**T!

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I swear this is a true story. It was a Tinder date. She didn't look as good as on the pictures, but I was willing to give her a shot in case her personality made up for it. As she came closer, I noticed her hair was messy and she had an odor. I'm not one to tell a date off immediately,

I always make sure they don't get hurt. We sat in a nearby coffee shop and the way she talked was really offputting, don't know how to describe it, other than saying she talked like a man. Then the real kicker came.

She went quiet and started giggling. I asked her what's up and she yelled "I SMELL SHIT!" (There was no bad smell in the air, other than her body odor). The whole bar could hear her. Keep in mind, my language doesn't have different words for "smell" and "sniff", so this could easily be misinterpreted as her enjoying to sniff shit.

The waitress looked at her funny and she laughingly repeated, louder: "I seriously smell shit, it's true!". I was embarrassed. Some time later, a group of people leaving the bar stopped at our table, asking her "Oh, you have a new boyfriend?" and I politely corrected them, saying "Just a friend.".

I wanted to go, but no matter how weird my date is, I never want to leave rudely, so we stayed a while longer, I paid for her drink and ice cream, then I suggested we take a walk. We walked past my car and I told her it's really cold and I'll be going home.

When I got home, I messaged her, saying that she's a good person, but explained that she was being inappropriate and gave some quick advice.

This, I believe, is how we should always respond to weird dates or bad flirting. I never ghost just like that when I lose interest. Instead, I give advice before I stop contacting. She lost her chances with me, but that's no reason to hurt her and keep her guessing where she messed up.

People who are weird or inappropriate usually don't know what they're doing wrong. Be nice, give some helpful feedback before you stop contacting. They could be a good person and, if they correct some mistakes, could have more luck on their next date.

Username: [deleted]

7. Too Good at Speed Stripping

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When I was in the army, buddy of mine is dating a girl and she shares an apt with her cousin. He's like, "You should meet her. She's really nice!" I like girls, and the GF is smoking hot, so I'm like "Let's do it!"

So we go in his car and meet them at a place just off of base that he says has cheap on tap beer and great live music. I love music, especially live music and I love cheap beer, so this should be great. Then we get there.

Not a fan of country western music. Just not my thing. If you like it, great. but he knew i didn't. Whatever, I'm in a midst of a dry-spell so hey, try something different, right? His GF is hot. Her cousin is...not bad.

Something's off, I can't put a finger on it right away, other than she kinda looks like she grabbed whatever was closest on the floor to wear. Nothing really matched, and she looked more appropriate for cleaning the attic or garage than going out.

Okay, you know what, he says she's really nice. We'll have a conversation, and see what happens. Apparently the girls had been there for a half hour before we got there. We ordered a fresh pitcher of beer. The girls had already been through two of them. Well the cousin had. The GF was on her second glass.

When we leave - which wasn't long, because the cousin got into it with a bartender that cut her off, we're going to head to a beach party the GF was invited to. He's driving the GF and he hands me the keys to his truck so I can follow and "get to know" the cousin.

Not 2 minutes into the drive she starts drunk crying because she really wanted to meet me, but now she's drunk and a mess and I'm going to hate her and she really think I'm hot and wants to fuck me, but she needs to stop fucking guys on the first date because she doesn't want people to think she's a slut anymore so she can't fuck me, but she really wants to so she might if I promise to tell people that we didn't fuck, but they're going to know because she always gets horny when she gets drunk and she always fucks guys on the first date and she's a horrible slut but she doesn't want to be a slut so she can't fuck me, but maybe if I was her boyfriend and would stick around then it would be okay and then we could fuck and I could spend the night and she'd make breakfast and then we could fuck in the morning because she's always wanted to fuck after a pancake breakfast, but does that make her a slut...

And this stream-of-consciousness drunk-crying goes on for the ENTIRE 20 minute drive to the party. i literally only got a few words in to tell her "No I didn't think she was a slut" and "No she didn't have to sleep with me on the first date." and "It was okay, and I didn't hate her"

She stopped crying the moment we got there and she perked up smiling because there was an open keg. She ran to it like a three year old to a plate of cookies, smiling and giggling the whole time. Then she ran to the lake, got out of her clothing to skinnydip as a few other people were and wanted me to get naked and come in the water too. I declined. "If we're both skinny dipping and you accidentally fucked me, it would be okay."

Two points. I have never seen a grown woman fo from fully dressed to fully nude at the speed to which she got naked. If there was a video-game type skill at getting naked, she had taken several perks in speed stripping. As a 20ish year old guy, having an attractive naked woman tell you to take off your clothing so you could "accidentally fuck" is one of the hardest things I have ever had to think about in my life.

I still declined and told her with as drunk as she was, going in the water was a bad idea. So of course she started crying again about how I didn't want to fuck her because she was such a slut.

I took the naked drunken crying girl to her cousin, handed her the clothing, turned to my buddy and told him I was leaving and taking his truck. The GF told me she'd make sure he got back to base and apologised. "She gets like this when she drinks. You should come over tomorrow during the day. She's really great when she's sober."

I left. I did not come over the next day. Or any other day. My buddy kept telling me that the cousin kept asking about me. Wanted me to come over because I "hadn't fucked her so I must be a great guy".

Eventually my buddy took a different guy from the unit to meet the cousin. She sent me a letter through my buddy to tell me she fucked the other guy, and she only fucked him to make me jealous because she wanted me and included a bunch of naked polaroids "to show me what I was missing".

Username: Dealthagar

8. Nearly Bit and Shot At

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I met this girl on an app. We hit it off and were texting for a week and made plans to meet up. Earlier in the week I mentioned to her that I wasn’t feeling good. She hit me with the first red flag. She said something along the lines that it’s funny I’m feeling sick. I told her that I wanted to go out it was just that I wasn’t feeling well and that I wanted her to know so that she wasn’t blindsided.

She cooled off and we continued talking during the week. Sexual chemistry was building between us and I was excited to see her. Remember when I was feeling well, I decided to go to an urgent care, where I was diagnosed with bronchitis and another red flag.

Guess who got upset again cause I was changing are plans. She got pretty upset with me and thought I was lying. I almost took a photo of my diagnosis! Again, she sees that I’m not lying and change plans to meet up the following Saturday. Deal!

We talked on a daily basis throughout the week where she mentioned that she was trying to cut back on her drinking. Great! It’s a good thing to be healthy. Again, Saturday came around and we met at a movie theater. Great first impression and we were definitely into each other.

Movie ended and we both had separate plans after the movie but made plans to hang out again.
Later that night I was tired and was just getting in bed. This girl calls me, drunk as hell, tells me to come meet up with her.

I decline while I’m laying in bed and she hits me with the “how much nookie would i have to give you to get you to come out.” With that I’m magically dressed. She hands the phone off to a friend who gives me the address to a house party. I drive the 40mins to the party.

Now it’s a house party, I always walked in, did I know these people? No. Was I temporarily blinded by nookie? Absolutely. Did I think I was making a terrible decision? No.
I decided to walk straight in and this big, meaty pit Bull goes ballistic. Now I’m just kinda in the entryway frozen cause I don’t want to get bit. Then I hear what made this situation worse.
“WHO the FUCK is this guy?!?”

“I’m commenter and I’m here to see Bumble girl.”
“So you just walk into someone’s house without knocking?”
“It’s a house party, and I thought you guys wouldn’t hear me.”
“Your lucky, I’m a shoot first ask questions later kinda guy”
You’re cool buddy. I didn’t say that.

The homeowner settles down and finally invites me in. I’m committed to the nookie at this moment. As I’m sitting very awkwardly on the couch, his friend is side eyeing me.

He told me “you got some balls dude.” I didn’t say that I was blinded.Now the dog still wasn’t liking me. This meaty fella was just glaring at me like, “do something, bitch! I dare you.” I’m not getting bit, so I sat there.

If you made it this far you may be wondering, where’s Bumble girl? Well someone who was trying watch their drinking has passed out in the 40min drive... Her friends, go to the back room, as I’m getting interrogated, and wake her up.

She comes stumbling into the living room, continues to stumble into the kitchen, she then turns around goes straight back to the bedroom. She was so far gone that she never acknowledged me. Looks like no nookie for me.

Her friends then go back a second time and try to wake her and fail. They come out and tell me that she’s not waking up and I need to leave. I agreed and bounced. I wasn’t shot or bit, I was happy.

Username: Asleep_Reputation_11

9. Two Bottles and RuPaul's Drag Race

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I talk to this girl on tinder for like three months without meeting. Every time we’re supposed to meet she has some thing that occurred. In the meantime we’re talking and she’s just asking me these questions that are like straight out of an MTV dating show. “ what do you feel you bring to the relationship and what do you need from a partner to help you grow and develop”.

Just really weird questions like that. I finally go over to her apartment for a date. I step inside. Mind you we are both in our late 30s and are supposed to be adults. Well at least I’m an adult. This girl is apparently a functioning drug addict or alcoholic.

Old dog poop and urine stains on her carpets that were half assed cleaned up, furniture that is like not even attempted to be matched just like whatever free shit she got. Outdoor Christmas lights hung up with thumbtacks on the ceiling.

Stuff that I expect for a 20 year old but not a 38-year-old that supposedly holds a full-time job. She wants to order Chinese food and decides that we’re going to get two bottles of wine. I am not getting drunk and stuck in this chicks apartment. She wants to sit together on the couch and watch RuPaul‘s drag race.

I’m not homophobic I’m not uncomfortable around cross-dressers or trans people or anything like that but I do not want to sit and watch RuPaul‘s drag race. But lo and behold we watch it while we wait for the food. The food shows up she pours me a small glass of wine and her a small glass of wine.

I get up to go to the bathroom real quick and I come back and the bottle of wine is nearly completely gone. She must’ve guzzled almost an entire bottle of wine while I was in the bathroom for about a minute. I put my detective skills to use and saw that a good amount of evidence was missing.

We eat and are talking and she tells me that a few days ago she did a bunch of cocaine with a friend and had sex with some random guy. then she jumps on me and starts to try to make out with me. I tell her I’m tired and I don’t feel good I’m going home.

She offers to give me a BJ. Only time in my life as a guy I’m like no I’m good. I don’t want a BJ from this girl I just want to leave. I drive home and she tries to FaceTime me at midnight. Negative.

Username: Petro6golf

10. Loose Refuse From Top to Bottom

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So me and this guy, both early 30’s, match on Tinder and end up having a lot in common. He loves old muscle cars and has a ‘67 Torino he’s working on, and I have a passion for them too. He’s active duty military and I’m a vet so I’m 100% aware of all the inner workings when it comes to dating someone in that profession. Just all around great chemistry, conversation comes super easy.

I show up at his house for pizza and a movie for the first date. Things go exceptionally well and we end up making out and doing the thing before the movie is half way over. We cuddle for a while and I decide not to sleep over because I’m in love with my own bed and we part ways with kisses ‘n all that.

I let a day or so go by before I text him that I really enjoyed his companionship and that I’d like to see him again. And this is where it goes downhill. He responds a day after that with, “I enjoyed our time together too, but I’m not looking to date someone who sleeps with me on the first date.”

*Fucking what??* To this day I still cannot comprehend why someone would say something like that when he’s the one who literally took my pants off, but whatever. Bullet dodged.

Another bad one was talking to a guy a few years younger than I, I think he was in his mid 20’s. Decided to show up at his place to watch a movie and chat. The second I saw him I knew something was off; he looked like he hadn’t bathed or washed his hair in a week or two.

The second he opens his apartment door the stench smacks me right in the face. Now I’ve been in some really rough places (I’ve literally waded through shit in Iraq and a few of my childhood friends lived in squalor) so I walk in.

The kitchen is non-existent; it’s literally filled with loose refuse and trash bags from floor to over counter tops. The fridge door has dirt stains all over it and the walls are that tell-tale banana cream yellow. The living room looks much the same with a extremely soiled mattress on a metal frame being at one end surrounded by piles of filth and refuse.

He walked in and sat on the bed and asked me where I wanted to sit and made the most trivial attempt at clearing a space for me. I wanted to nope out so badly, but I knew what I was looking at; I just didn’t know the why. Without taking more than a few steps into the place I politely told him that I didn’t feel comfortable and that we could talk outside.

I ended up mentoring the guy and tried to encourage him to do better for himself in the most gentlest of ways that I could. It was super obvious that his family was incredibly dysfunctional, as was he, and that they needed help in the worst of ways.

I never spoke to him again after that, although I did tell him that if he ever needed advice or someone to talk to that he could message me, and I honestly hope he’s doing alright. Living like that is a cruel existence.

Username: MercurialMal

11. Most Massive Gold Digger Awards

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I don't like walking out on dates, I like to make the most out of them, so at least I enjoy them. One of my first tinder date started with her asking about my salary. It was her second question within the first 5 minutes.

The first one was "what do you do for a living?". I told her I'm a marketing assistant at a chemical company. Her eyes started to shine brighter, made her lips wet and started to caress the brim of her wine glass. Her enthusiasm soon collapsed when I told her I barely make more than minimum wage. (first job after graduation in Hungary).

As the twinkle in her eyes faded, my eyes just started shining brighter from the possibility to have a memorable date. I quickly told her that despite the shitty starting salary I already got a company car.

"Really???" - she straightened up, put her hand closer to mine. It was really easy to tickle her interest.
"Yeah, a 22 years old Opel Astra". I said with a big smile as she dropped her shoulders again and said in a slightly broken voice "oh, okay".

I enjoyed the emotional rollercoster so much! I told her that I invested in stocks though, because I heard there is good money in those. I want to move to a new place. She could have won the Most Massive Boner of a Gold Digger performance AVN award. She started smiling again. Life came back to her cheeks, she started shining.

"I mean, I only lost money so far, so I still have to live where I grew up. At least for a while". This was a Hiroshima moment for her and Nagasaki soon followed. She asked me where I grew up. I had lived in the 'projects' with 4 and 10 stories panel buildings, concrete pingpong table, the classic mid-eastern european blocks you know. I shit you not, she said "Oh my god, I'm so sorry". Like I just told her I have leukemia or something...

So this went on for like 20 more minutes. I got tired but she looked pale and withered by this rollercoster of emotions. I could have chosen mercy, but... nah. I have no problem with paying on dates, but this was too good of an opportunity for a final blow. "So we are splitting the bill, right?". Btw, it was a café, and she ordered the most expensive wine from the menu. I had a beer.

She whispered a "yeah" as someone when they let the last word out on a deathbed. She reached in her bag for her wallet and MAINTAINED EYE CONTACT WITH ME FOR LIKE A WHOLE MINUTE while she was looking for it. We paid, she turned her back and left without saying goodbye or go fuckmyself or anything. Good date.

Username: Sancred

12. Not Your Average “Rough S*x”

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Back in my fuck boi early 20s I matched with this girl on tinder. She had a Star Wars comment in her profile, I dropped a “Hello there” and she said General Kenobi, so naturally I’m digging this girl. I tell her to meet me at a local park, with the plan of six pack of beer, blanket, Star gazing.

Seemed like she was into, and it’s honestly a very popular park so well lit and not as creepy as it sounds while I’m typing. Somehow we talk about taking one car, so I meet her at Ymca, im sitting at my car and she pulls up saying “hey my baby daddy’s got the little shit for 2 hours,” in a joking matter, so I said “perfect I got all night before my parole officer checks in.” She laughs, we hop in car and drive to park.

She brings up sexual stuff on the drive. And like, I tried some shit, so I was ready to explore whatever she’s talking about. Starts off “light.” Simple stuff like being choked and guy in control, so sure I can do that.

Then she says she likes calling her man daddy and asking for permission, jokingly I say “well you can call me father,” which she took as making fun of her instead of joking — to be honest, I’m not into the daddy thing so maybe I laid it a bit thick.

Then the stuff started coming out that’s not your average “rough sex.” Cutting, pissing, humiliating. Again, each to their own, but first date on the drive to the date location is a weird flex to say “I like being pissed on and humiliated.” Get to the park, lay the blanket out for about 15 minutes. Didnt even open the beer... shit it was still in the car because I purposefully left it.

Asked if she wanted to head back to the car, she said sure, thinking we were doing something else after all the sex talk. Got in, drive her to her car, said “well I had a lovely evening,” and she hopped back in her car. I was blocked before I even got home.

Username: Traditional_Formal33

13. Husband For My Neice

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I used to hit up a diner for breakfast a few times a week and one of the waitresses asked me out. We’d never really talked, but she was cute, whatever. So we meet for dinner and it’s kinda awkward and forced, but nothing too freaky. I was picking up some weirdness, but I figure it’s just nerves.

Now, this was a few years back, but I’m probably older than most of you guys here so I was already full on Mike Gundy (I’m a man! I’m 40!) And I looked 40. I looked 40 when I was 20. No baby face here. The drinks come and she goes, “So I’m wondering if you’re into younger women?”

This has me thinking maybe she’d never gotten a clear look at me at the diner and she thought I was younger? Because SHE’S younger? Maybe she has a daddy kink or something? But she looks at least 35-40 to me. Like I don’t have wrinkles and shit and she does. I don’t really get it, so I say, “Well... I dunno, why do you ask?” “I’m wondering if you’d be interested in my niece?”

Now I’m totally confused. Turns out her niece is 20! She says she took my photo at the diner and sent it to her niece and she’s into me. Now this shit is sounding really twisted, but I’m like dumbfounded. Im having coherent thoughts, but nothing is actually coming out of my mouth. Probably look like a landed bass.

So she keeps going. She extols a few of her nieces virtues and then shows me her picture. The niece looks like a baby. Like maybe it’s her 5th grade picture or something. I got a little freaked, but I’m thinking no way is the niece 20. So I’m still speechless, but now I realize it’s some kind of joke. I look at the photo, then look at this woman for the punchline, but she’s just looking back at me. Some moments pass and I go, “that girl isn’t 20.”

She says, “20!” So now I’m trying to figure out a way to escape that will still allow me to have pancakes a couple days a week. This shit is surreal, but nothing too serious has occurred. I say, “oh, sorry. I thought YOU wanted to have a date.” “Ohh... no, Im married.” Shows me her ring. “I want to find a husband for my niece.” “But Im twice her age?” (And maybe more, judging by the pic)

So now im waiting for the cameras to come out and say I’ve been punked, or the catch a predator guy to arrest me or something. But nothing happened. She just shrugged, sipped her drink and started looking through her phone. I dropped a 20 on the table and bailed. Never went back to the diner.

Username: No_Ad_8005

14. Cat-Facting Me For Hours

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God I LOVE telling this story. She had cats in her dating profile pictures. One of mine also had a cat, my cat who I love a lot. Conversations veered a bit more than normal into our cats while we were messaging each other but as we were getting to know each other and it was a similar point of interests it wasn’t really a red flag.

We finally agree to have lunch together at one of her favorite spots. I show up a bit early and she did to! We sit down and order food/drinks and start to talk. Within a minute she had her phone out and was showing me cute pictures of her cats in outfits. Every single time I tried to change the subject to anything not her cats she circled it back into something to do with her cats.

I speak for a living. I’m really good at it. I’m also really good at making a conversation go where I want it to. She was better. My friends later made the joke that she was “Cat Facting” me but live and in person instead of over texts. 😂😂😂

Finally the waitress swung by and I asked for the check. Cat lady was still talking away. I paid for the meal, cat lady was still showing me pictures of her cats. (I’d seen a few hundred at this point.) I stand up and just walk out of the door.

I was so just shocked that I had spent like 40 bucks to listen to a women rave about her cats for 30 minutes non stop I didn’t know what else to do. My friends couldn’t believe it. They swore I made the entire date up until I showed them all her texts and messages all of which were in some way cat themed.

To this day we still don’t know if this women was: 1: Nervous so she fell back to here favorite thing in the world. 2: Was trolling me and it was being recorded. 3: Had a fetish. 4: Had a learning disability. Sometimes I laugh about it and sometimes I feel bad for how I ended it. Classic.

Username: chessythief

15. Where Do You See Us?

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I was 18 at the time and freshly out of my first relationship which ended badly. I had asked this girl out that I had met through mutual friends. She was pretty and a bit too into her image but I didn't really care about that. I had booked a table at this fancy restaurant and had met her there since I wasn't driving at the time, pretty sure she was annoyed about that but whatever.

We kind of hit it off and had mutual interests and hobbies. She was quite pleasant to talk to in all honesty. We ordered our food, I had ordered a spaghetti dish and she ordered a risotto. The food arrived a few moments later and I started eating. She started playing around with her fork and her food and meanwhile I was eating my spaghetti.

This is where things took a very wrong turn. As I was swallowing a long ass spaghetti piece, she looks directly at me and asks "So what are we and where do you see us in a few months time?"

I kid you not, my throat closed up and this long spaghetti pasta got lodged in my throat. I obviously started panicking at the realization that I was actually choking. After a lot of coughing and jumping up and down on my seat, the spaghetti got dislodged.

The waiter came along and gave us water and asked me a few times if I was okay or not. My date, still looking at me surprised and covering her face with her hand, clearly embarrassed, didn't do anything to help me.

After drinking two cups of water I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I didn't go to the bathroom, I left the restaurant after paying the bill at the till. I got out of there and caught the bus home.

Username: alphawolfmlt

16. No Good Films Since ‘89

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Had this really awkward date with this girl once who started arguing with me over 80s music and films. And not in that playful, banter way of arguing, I mean angry, cross arguing. She was saying that no good films or music had been made at all since 89. I joked and said "well what about films like Jurassic Park, Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas?", mentioning bands, tv shows, songs, artists from the last 30 years.

No. To this girl, her cultural experience ended Dec 31st 89 and she started really arguing, causing a scene in this bar, involving other people off other tables to try and bolster her argument all the while looking more and more unhinged.

And it wasn't like she was drunk because it was literally the first drink. I said I think I'm gonna leave, went for the exit. She followed me and tried desperately to do the end of date kiss, as if that would make it all better. I shook her hand and left.

There is an awkward follow up to this story too, this is around 6 months later. My brother and I went on a week's vacation to Rhodes, both of us were in need of some sun and relaxation. We'd booked at one of those all inclusive resorts, all you can eat and drink places.

I'd spotted this pretty red head staring at me whilst having my evening meal in the hotel restaurant but thought no more of it.

My brother and I would get a table and have a few drinks each night, I mean, free bar, why wouldn't you. My brother went to get the next round of drinks and I hear someone shouting my name. I look around. Still my name being called. It's this big middle aged guy with a beard. I look at him and gesture "me?" "yeah you!" and he waves me over.

I walk over to this middle aged couple sat there with their family and the guy says "remember her?"......aaaaand it was my date. From 6 months ago. I mean, the odds of it happening must have been astronomical but there we were in the same hotel, in the same resort at the same time, like something from a crap Adam Sandler film.

So her dad pipes up and says "so why was there no second date?" and my drunken mind is trying to search for any answer other than "because your daughter is an argumentative psycho" and I'm stuck and I can see her enjoying watching me be uncomfortable with it all.

At which point my brother shows up with my drink "HEEEEEY! this is my brother, we're on holiday together, best be going now, bye!" and walked off. Thankfully didn't see them again the remainder of the trip

Username: DownFromTheAttic

17. Daddy Gave Her Permission

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Friend convinced me, after a lot of pushing, to go on a blind date. Showed up at the date and as I walked up the booth at the restaurant thought, “oh fuck ok I know this lady”. Knew I didn’t feel interested in this woman bc she had been into the bar where I was a DJ & bartender several times and had asked for my number.

Mind you, I was ALWAYS nice to anyone asking for my number, even if I was saying no. I’m no stud, I’m not ugly, but there’s something about being a DJ/bartender that makes even average guts desirable. So I go to the table, say hello and oh I know you and we proceed to have dinner and drinks. I know the entire time I’m not interested, but she’s a nice girl so I’m not going to be rude.

During dinner she says “My daddy gave me permission to go on a date with you.”
She repeats “My daddy gave me permission to go on a date with you.”

Daddy? Wtf. Who? Your dad? What? No.
No. She says her lesbian daddy has given her permission to go on a blind date with me.
Well....ok but I while I’m not judgmental , it’s not my jam.

I tell her I’m not really into that scene. We converse, finish dinner. She took a bus to the restaurant so I offer to walk her to the bus stop bc it’s dark out and it’s rude to not offer. As we wait at bus stop she goes in for a kiss and I reject it into a hug. She gets on bus.

Every. Single. Day. That I’m working for the next month she shows up stalking me. Every shift. It’s creepy. It’s detrimental to my income (if anyones been a bartender or dj you know a lot of income is based on harmless flirting).

I had to eventually get a restraining order! It got so bad. I’m no stud, I swear. I’m decent looking. No girl should be obsessed with me. She brought her daddy lesbian lover into my bar one night and they glared at me.

It was unnerving. I’m glad I’m engaged to a sane girl now. Don’t say yes to blind dates.

Username: weareherefornothing

18. You Can Have Me If I Pass Out

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College, both of us were in college but okcupid was a thing. She tells me she wants to hang out that night but has a party to go to. It’s only close friends or else she would invite me but she would get together for dinner or a hang out after. I’m like sure, anyways she messages me and sees if I can get her.

This is not a small friends party. She had to meet me around the corner because the street and yard was lined with cars. Anyways I figured she just wanted a ride, sort of pissed but wasn’t going to leave her and her school was less than five minutes away and I am about ten minutes away.

So at first driving to my place because I have my own apartment and she is in dorms. On the way there she starts passing out, I tell her let me just take you home. She doesn’t want to go there, she goes “you can just have sex with me if I pass out, I give you permission.”

I put less than a hour of back and forth text into this girl and knew her around 5-10 minutes. I pull over because I try to get her to tell me where she wants to go that isn’t my place. I don’t know her, we go to different colleges in same city. I definitely don’t feel like babysitting a trashed girl I don’t know.

Someone keeps calling her so I answer it and it’s a female. I tell them she is breathing but she keeps passing out and the girl tells me that she was worried about her because she said she was going off with some guy she didn’t know. I was like I’m that guy and I would rather take her home or to someone she know’s house.

Girl tells me the dorm and was like I’m her friend I’ll meet you there but I gotta make sure coast is clear to sneak her in because we aren’t supposed to get drunk. I’m like sure. Pull up, wait ten minutes and hope she doesn’t wake and puke.

Girl comes down and sees if I can help, we get the girl awake enough to barely walk. I help her to her room with her friend and I hear “come cuddle me” and I said no thanks and just left. Her friend walked me out and on the elevator ride told me she does shit like that all the time.

The next two days she sent me random messages throughout the day like what you doing, want to hang out, and just random sentences like that. I was actually on date/hookup with another girl I met later that night so ignored them completely and by the time I looked at them 6 hours had passed since last text so I didn’t bother replying back. Never talked to her again.

Username: Indiana-BDC

19. A Man With Standards

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I was at a bar and met a woman there before trivia started and we sorta hit it off and made a team and it sorta turned into a spontaneous date. Trivia takes a while to get through and she got pretty wasted. And she got SUPER irritating.

Without getting into specifics, she got passive-aggressive and annoying. She was asking me some questions and I was like, well this is a subject I'm a little sensitive on, let's just not talk about that now. And she kept needling me and promised it would be fine and she wouldn't say anything to offend me and I should just tell her.

So I did, and she immediately messed it up in the way that really bothers me, and I kept trying to tell her over and over how she was messing it up and she didn't bother listening, she just kept getting it wrong over and over.

So finally she gets it through he head that she's bothered me, and she "apologizes". But in that special passive-aggresive way which says, "Okay, now it's your turn to tell me that it's fine, I didn't do anything wrong, and that it's your fault for not explaining it well enough to begin win". And weirdly enough I did not feel like doing that.

This goes on for 10 minutes. I keep trying to accept her apology and change the subject, and she keeps coming back to it, like talking slowly and simply like she's talking to an idiot, she cannot figure out why I don't realize that I have to tell her she did nothing wrong.

Finally, while she's in mid-sentence (she's basically always been in mid-sentence for the past 10 minutes because she will not shut up making sure I know how wrong I am) I turn away from her and say to the bartender, "Please, dear god, close me out so I can leave."

She got wide-eyed and shocked like I had just slapped her. That's what sticks with me. The fact that after five minutes of me trying to talk over her to tell her she was doing the one thing she had promised me she wouldn't do, and 10 more minutes of treating me like I had misbehaved by letting her be awful to me, she was utterly flabberghasted to learn I wasn't having a good time.

Like, I am a woman, I am showing interest in a man. It literally never occurred to her that any man might have standards, that any one of us might not put up with absolutely anything if we think there's a chance we'll get to touch boobs. I'm sure she's out there right now making some poor desperate shmuck's life absolutely miserable.

Username: Oudeis16

20. I Hate Your Dog

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Yes. Met a girl online and we decided to have drinks spur of the moment. We met up and everything seemed fine. We sat down and just started to get to know each other. Here are the highlights of the conversations:

**Conversation 1: I hate your dog**
Her: "So you have a dog? I'm a vet tech, what kind of dog do you have?"
Me: "Oh that's awesome...I have a mutt...he's part terrier and part....."

Her: "Stop. No. I will never own a terrier EVER they are the worst. What else is he mixed with?"
Me: ".................uhhhhh. Well they think he's part corgi..."
Her: "Oh. My. God. Corgis are crazy. I only own pugs because they are the best dogs."

**Conversation 2: My ex is the most romantic person ever**
Her: "Have you ever been on a cruise?"
Me: "Yeah, once, to Mexico...."

Her: "My ex fiance took me on a cruise. It was the most romantic moment I've ever had. He made the trip all about me, it was fantastic."
Me: "...huh. Well that's, uh...nice."

**Conversation 3: My upcoming surgery**
I should point out that throughout the night she kept refusing alcohol offered by the waitress because she was due to have surgery in 2 weeks. I'm not a prying person so I didn't ask, but she dropped the fact that she was about to have surgery several times during dinner.

Her: "Yeah, it's just tough...I love red wine but, you know, gotta have that surgery in 2 weeks."
At this point it was clear she wanted me to ask about it.
Me: "That's rough. Is it a serious surgery?"

Her: "Well....see...2 years ago I had the lap band procedure..."
Me: "Uh huh."
Her: "And it's been great because I've actually lost weight on it where as my friend who I HATE had it and she's BARELY lost any weight because of it, hahahah!"

Me: "Wow. Well. Uhm. You look good!"
Her: "So anyways, yeah, I have to have surgery because sometimes after you lose all that weight you get extra skin sagging everywhere..."
Me: "..............................................." awkward silence.

Her: "...and it's kind of a problem because I've started getting a rash on the underside of it...."
Me: "..................................................................." awkwarder silence.
Her: "So I figure I should just have it done because I just love being naked around the house."

Me: "...............oh! Oh I completely forgot! I completely forgot I need to take my sister to the airport in the morning at 5am! Wow. Wow, I should really go. Because. Because of my sister. You see. Yeah. Wow. Well, hey, it was so great meeting you. Yeah. Too bad I can't stay, really really too bad. Anyways! Take care...or, you know, whatever people say, hahahah!"

Then I proceeded to do that Scooby Doo thing where you run in midair for a moment before vanishing in a cloud of dust.

Username: [deleted]

21. Chickens Don’t Have Faces?

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A girl messaged me on an online dating site and we started to chat. I had not been on there that long and most of the girls had profiles like "Yo dis yur bby gurl DNeese! I smoke mad phat bluntz all day with ma bitchezzz! I gots 4 kids but nun of der bby daddys coz any BS drama so no worries!" so when I had someone who seemed to be able to comprehend the basics of the English language message me and everything in her profile and pictures looked good I was kind of surprised. So we talked a few times and we setup a time and place to meet.

We decided on a restaurant pretty much right between where we both lived. I love this restaurant and used to frequent it a lot so I was really looking forward to it. I mean even if the date sucked the food was still going to be good.

So we get there and she looks just like her pics, but seemed a bit different than when we talked online. She had a very grating voice. Kinda like when a girl is attempting to sound cute and bubbly, but comes off as someone suffering from a helium overdose imitating Minnie Mouse.

Anyways she seemed sweet and we laughed and talked for a bit, but within about 10 min of sitting down things kinda went for the worst. She asks me what Im going to order. I explain Im going to order the chicken tenders and mashed potatoes (Yes Im a grown ass man and I love me some chicken tenders!). Then she asks me if Im a vegitarian, because she is one.

I kinda look around like if she is joking and she kinda looks serious. So I replied thinking she was joking "I eat what eats, what you eat." She doesnt understand, so I say it again. She doenst get it again. I say never mind. She replies with "Oh so you are one!"

I explain how I just ordered chicken and she says she doesnt understand because she is a vegetarian and eats chicken all the time. I explain that means she eat meat. She says it doesnt count because chicken doesnt have a face.

Sigh....... She then commented that our waitress "has big boobs and is too tall to be Asian. Do you think that she is like a cross breed with a normal person or just had like normal people surgery to look better?"

I got up and went to the 'bathroom' and told the server what was going on. I cancelled my order, paid for the girl who I came with and just left. I also left a $20 tip to the waitress just incase the girl made any more insulting / racist / borderline retarded comments.

Username: MrCrix

22. Nearly Busted the Shocks on My Car

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In my early 20s I moved across the country after landing a new gig and I quickly found out that not being in college any longer makes it *really* difficult to meet people. So at the time I took a suggestion and ended up registering with OKCupid to test the waters in the hopes that I'd at least get to meet people my age in the area.

One reply I got sounded quite promising -- a girl my age - we'll call her 'N' - began to exchange messages and we had some long chats where it seemed we shared quite a good many interests. After some days of this she mentioned that she's hosting a Halloween-themed party at her place in the middle of summer for fun and there would be a bunch of local university students there.

She invited me, and I was excited to finally find a potential social scene, and so the day of I picked up a six pack of hard cider and headed over. I show up a half hour late and the door is answered by girl. I peer inside past her and ask if N in there. "I am N!" To put it as politely as I am able, she did *not* match her online picture.

At all. There was...*considerably* more of her than expected and the face shot she had taken did not reveal this in her profile. It certainly didn't match her listed body type of "average". I feel a little bit lied to.

At this point, though, I feel kind of awful for having such shallow thoughts and figure it isn't really nice to be so judgemental and besides - I get to go to a party and meet other people. I step inside, pop open a cider, and sit down on the couch. This is when things became slightly uncomfortable.

"Where is everyone?" It's just her and I. N says they'll be showing up soon and to relax as she sits down next to me. Five minutes of awkward cider sipping and short conversation, the doorbell finally rings to my relief. In bounces two girls who look *very* young and immediately pop the caps on some ciders.

"So, what classes are you enrolled in at the university?" "Oh, we're still in high school." Awesome accomplishment number one for the evening: break the law by providing alcohol to minors. Beads of nervous sweat are starting to form on my forehead and at this point.

While my mind frantically raced to think of an exit, N began to scoot closer. She's now close enough that I could feel the heat radiating off her body and she has an enormous smile on her face. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as she traced her fingers over the back of my hand. "Can I get you another cider?" "I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM."

I learned that day that sending a text message to friends requesting for a fake work emergency call using T9 predictive text is *very* difficult while urinating. I manage to hit 'send' and go back to sit down on the couch while silently hoping someone comes through.

On the way to the couch, I stop to grab a cider but the cardboard case has none to offer -- already four empties are scattered on the coffee table in front of the high school students. My phone rings and my heart skips a hopeful beat. "Oh, look -- I gotta take this. Work is calling." I step outside and make some fake conversation while my friend listens in astonishment.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. *All* the servers are down? Everything? You can't get anyone else to come in? Okay, I guess I can stop in pretty soon." I step back inside and sit down, gathering my bag and explaining that I need to leave soon. N's lower lip curls in a pout while the now very delighted high schoolers are asking if I can stop by the liquor store on the way back to pick them up another case of booze.

As I am slipping on my shoes, N leans in close, crushing me against the armrest as she breathily whispers in my ear: "I have a vase full of condoms in my bedroom." I stumbled and nearly fell on my rush to get to the front door.

On the way out, N looks to me with huge puppy eyes. "You'll be back soon, right?" I explain that maybe I can, but work might take all night. She asks for my number, which I stutter some excuse that I'll get it to her later in a text message. Her hands latched onto my arm. "Call me now so I have it." My phone rings as another good friend comes though. "I- I gotta go."

I nearly busted the shocks on my car on the speed bumps as I left the apartment complex. The absolutely livid messages I got later that night on OKCupid were a treat.

Username: zerobeat

23. I Call Her “The List”

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The woman I shall forever call "The List" When I got separated from my ex-wife back in July 2007, I took some advice from my best friend at the time: "date as many people as possible, just whore it up... you've been with the same 2 people your entire life."

After a month of ZERO interest from dating sites like match, eHarmony and other shitty dating sites, I took a look at my profile. It was me trying to show my romantic side, trying to post what I thought people wanted to see. Literally ZERO messages... not even from bots.

So my friend took my account and wrote it for me. Under protest, he told me to "try it for 2 weeks and see where it goes," and that he would change it back if nothing else happened. Those 2 weeks were insane.

I got so many messages from women thanking me for being brutally honest, not wasting their time and for being confident in myself to say what I wanted, rather than what I THOUGHT I wanted. I cannot have kids via elective surgery at age 29.

Surprising enough, one of the top comments was "we aren't necessarily a match, but thanks for being up front about it and not keeping that a secret like so many men do" - I guess shitty men hide that fact just to have sex? IDK, but that's lame, if true... don't be *that* guy, guys...

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. One of my many dates, I considered a "bad date" but ultimately one of the most valuable, was the woman I dub "The List." We met over Match, and within a few emails, I take it to phone, so I can hear someone if they hesitate or are obviously lying or change their story.

You can edit an email, it's harder to take back words or if you hesitate on a question, etc. I give her my phone number, she calls me. We agree to go out for a long walk in West Haven, CT on the boardwalk, and afterwards go out to dinner in Milford at Texas Roadhouse, which just opened.

We meet up, hug and go for a nice walk. About 3 miles total... was a great time so far. Chit-chat and small talk, but nothing serious yet. So we drive over to Texas Roadhouse and get seated. The hostess comes by and asks for drinks while we wait, and leaves us with menus.

I go to hand the menu to my date, and I start to say, "this one's yours," meaning the menu is for her... as I kept the other one for myself. I shit you not, she put one finger up to shush me and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought... oh, now I remember. I'll have a bay breeze, please." - I just sat there, and my eyes got wide. Red flag #1. I brush it off, though, and thought maybe I was the one wrong here.

So drinks come, I don't like to partake in drinking during a date because I want my mind clear and focused. More small talk about the new restaurant, if she ever gets out to my part of the state, etc. The waitress comes by, and we order some basic appetizers and I ask for that nice cinnamon honey whipped butter they have and some bread. The waitress smiles at me and walks off, and the look on my date's face was as if I just shit in her pocketbook.

She takes a deep breath, and says, "Before we go any further, we need to talk about what I won't tolerate in a man." And this is where she takes out a piece of paper, folded about the size of a business card, out of her purse. My eyebrow goes up on the right side of my face, I can feel it.

And then she unfolded it. And unfolded it again. And again. Now she's holding an 8.5x11" sheet of printed computer paper with 3 columns of traits and qualities she won't tolerate in a relationship. She takes a sip, smacks her lips, which is a pet peeve, and begins:

"Things I deserve or won't put up with. A man that won't call me before leaving the house, on the road, when he gets to work and on his lunch, when he is about to leave, when he's on the way home, and when he arrives before he comes into the house."

She looks up over the paper at me, sitting there smiling wryly. "I won't put up with a man that won't do the shopping without being told." "A man that won't show me his phone, or bank statement when I ask." "A man that doesn't want to cuddle every night." "A man that--"

I cut her off by clearing my throat and said, most directly, "I'm sorry, I apologize for cutting you short, but I don't see this going any further. I value my time, your time and our time in a relationship, but I will not be controlled. I've been there already, and I've had my heart broken by someone who took advantage of me and my finances. We should split the drinks and apps, and you can have them when they get here, but this really isn't going to work out."

I took my wallet out to take some cash out, and she just had this look of being completely flabbergasted, put off that I even spoke up and folded up her little list and stuck it back into her pocketbook with her stubby fingers and beady eyes.

She walked by me and said, "Thanks for wasting my time, and the guy is supposed to pay." She barged out, and I pulled an extra $10 out to cover the food.

It was the first time I ever stood up for myself in that manner, normally I'm waaaaay too chill and just roll with it. But I realized, right then and there, that the bad dates are probably more valuable than the "good ones" that you get to make out with someone.

Bad dates help you refine your dating pool, your focus in what you want, and ultimately who you truly want to be happy with. And from that, and a few more bad dates like that I ended up meeting my ex, and we dated for 10 years before we broke up amicably when she moved to Florida.

But I wasn't going to be controlled again. I wasn't going to be put "in my place" or have to give up my life or merge bank accounts, or sacrifice my time and space, and my person to satisfy someone else's expectations.

Compromise? Absolutely. Give up? No. Never lose yourself because of someone else's insecurities. And I've been blessed to really have good dating experiences since. Thanks, OP, for giving me inspiration to go down this memory lane.

Username: kalitarios

24. We Should Have Children

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I really tried to abort a date didn't seem to get the hint though. During my senior year of college, I met a guy at the campus gym who seemed ok enough. He asked for my number, so I gave it to him. We texted casually for a few days, and he still seemed ok enough.

We eventually get together for a date. He called to push back the time because he had to work late. This should have been when I bailed, but I thought that seemed legitimate enough. We finally met up for some unmemorable meal and went to his place to watch a movie.

We were talking and he kept going on about drug use, his hockey obsession, and his missionary work. I'm not keen on drug use, I've never seen a hockey game, and we have vastly different religious beliefs, so I knew right then that there would be no date number two.

Still, it's not bad enough to just bail because that seems awfully rude. Then he went full on creeper. He tried to make out with me while repeatedly telling me that we should have children. That's when I bolted. I was just like, "ok, I'm leaving," and got out of there without so much as a handshake.

He texted me the next day saying we should go to a hockey game later that month when his favorite team was in town. I told him no thanks and said it wasn't going to work with us (because apparently that wasn't obvious). After that, he repeatedly texted, called, and sent me messages on facebook, which I ignored. He eventually stopped, and I forgot about him.

About two or three weeks later, I got a call from a number I didn't recognize at like 7am on a Saturday. I ignored and went back to sleep. The voicemail was from creeper's dad saying he asked him to call and apologize for missing our hockey game date, but he's been in rehabfor drug abuse and other mental health issues and couldn't make it, but he wanted to make it up to me and take me when he got through treatment.

Fortunately, that was the last I heard from him (or his dad). I guess if your date is crazy and high enough, walking out of a date and saying you aren't interested isn't enough to abort future dates.

Username: amutepoint

25. Ditched Her For White Power

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So, I went on a date with a girl, and it was great. For our second date, she asked if I wanted to go to this concert across town. She seemed oddly excited for, WAY excited. We drive to the show, and it's at some Friar's Club-type banquet hall or something.

We walk in and it's a shitty, all ages punk crowd. I'm trying to have fun, but everyone's so young...and there's no booze...and i just want to make it through and potentially get laid. The band starts playing, and she's singing along to it, all giddy...knows every lyric...

During a lull in one of the songs, she turns to me and says "this song is about ME, you know?" Puzzled at first, I listen to the lyrics.

It's some shitty, bleeding heart ballad. I put two and two together and realize the lead singer is the girl's ex. Meanwhile, the girl is mad-dogging this other chick from across the room, who I realize must be the lead singer's new girlfriend.

I excused myself, ready to bail...and ran into an old friend. I told him what was going on, and that I needed a drink. He mentions that there's some sort of meeting going on in the basement, and that I might want to check it out and see if they have beer...

I go downstairs and knock on this door. And--I shit you not--it had one of those sliding "what's the password" hatches in it. This guy slides the hatch open and asks "can I help you?" I tell him I'm looking for beer...bad date...shitty music... He laughs and invites me in...

I saddle up to the bar. He charges me two dollars for a can of Bud. I start telling him about this shitty date... And then I start to get a good look around... I'm surrounded by all these gnarly-looking, middle-aged white dudes...when I see...a confederate flag above a fireplace...and then I notice...white power literature and signs scattered around... Finished the beer, thanked the guy and peaced the fuck out. Never saw the bitch again.

Username: [deleted]

26. Sweat Pants

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Happened to me just the other week. Had plans to meet up Friday night with this guy, everything seemed good. We had been chatting and there was mutual chemistry. We decided Thursday since we both were sitting home doing nothing to meet a day early. Thursday we go out, grab some drinks, flirt, kiss, it was a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed myself. We decide to keep our plans for the next night. Fast forward to the next night. I work until 8:30 so as soon as I can I leave work, rush home, quickly change and throw some makeup on, and head over to the bar we were meeting at.

I get there on time and head in to use the restroom. In the meantime he calls me to tell me he’ll be a few minutes late because he can’t find the restaurant and he’s yelling how could I have picked this place we should have went to another establishment.

First warning. After asking him where he was and realizing he was right across the street I instruct him on how to find the bar (insert eye rolling here). He finally pulls into the parking lot and gets out of his car. He’s. Wearing. Sweat. Pants. And looks like he just rolled out of bed.

Second warning. He starts walking over to me and is stumbling. First thing he says to me is that he’s shitfaced.

Third warning. At this point I’m annoyed and don’t want to be there. I take a deep breath and we enter the restaurant. We sit down and he orders a rum and coke and cheese fries and I order a water. We get to chatting, i make a comment and he leans over acting like he’s going to smack me in the face.

I look at him shocked 😯 like don’t touch me. I tell him that made me uncomfortable and feel weird. My ex husband hit me before and is one of the reasons we aren’t together anymore. He then made a comment about me getting on his level. I said I couldn’t drink a lot i had to drive home.

He looked at me and said what do you mean drive home? I laughed it off and said I can’t get drunk I have to drive home. This is when everything turned from terrible to even more terrible.. He literally gets angry with me that I’m not coming back to his place with him and he tells me “but i charged my other controller for you” ummm cool? I tell him I don’t know where he got the impression i would be coming back To his place but I don’t even know him.

It’s not happening. He then tells me i didn’t text him enough today and that I took too long to reply earlier (it was 1 hour 15 minutes but doesn’t matter how long i take to reply imo he’s just clingy) He then called me boring for ordering water and told me if i wasn’t drinking *points to door*

I looked at him and said “don’t have to tell me twice” put my jacket on and left. He was a real peach lol. Ugh. The entire encounter lasted maybe 15 minutes. Maybe.

Username: luckylungs678

27. Didn’t Read Dune

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I met this guy at a networking event for young professionals in the sustainability industry. He seemed nice and we had a good chemistry. We talked a little about what we both did- he had an interesting job in waste management (not being /s). He asked what I was into and I was currently rereading the Dune series.

I was telling him that I usually stop at *God Emperor of Dune* because a 3,500 year old giant sand worm tyrant is a bit hard for me to get into. (that's not really true, it's a great series. I was just trying to be funny).

He's nodding the whole time and saying, "yeah, me too- oh I loved those books". I asked if he read them and he said he had multiple times. I feel like we spoke about the books for a while and it was a thing we'd keep going back to in conversation.

We schedule a date to meet up at a coffee shop and then find a place to grab dinner. I didn't want him to know where I lived so we both drove to the coffee shop. We were flirty and it was going pretty well so we decided to have him drive me to dinner and the coffee place didn't care that I left my care there.

We're driving away and only one light from the coffee shop when I asked something about the Dune books, being it was kind of a highlight of our first conversation. He replied, "Oh, I never actually read them- I saw the movie though." Very blase about it too.

Hold up. Wait a minute. You *just saw the movie*? You can pull over right here sir. I got out at the red light and said he was cool but he should maybe read a book he claimed to have read. Lying about something so small makes me think larger lies were yet to come.

Looking back on it now I see that was sort of a bitch move on my part, but my thinking was he was just lying and saying yes to everything to go on another date with me. I want to know a person, they don't have to be into the same things I am; don't just say yes to everything I say.

I didn't leave because he didn't read Dune. I left because he said he did and led me to believe we had a shared interest.

Turns out he was just tryin' to smash. A colleague of mine knew him through previous work and said he just does that so girls are into him. The guy calls me Dune Tits now.

Username: reighbooker

28. Hot and Heavy

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Man, I've been reading this thread and thinking to myself "Oof, some of these stories are rough! Glad I've never had an experience like this!" ... then I remembered this one girl from college... I had a thing for her, but purely on a physical level. We got along fairly well, but I didn't see things working long-term; I was a senior and she was a sophomore, so upcoming graduation would put a shelf life on any porential relationship.

But I was totally down to hook up if she was, and since she lived in the dorm building next to mine, we hung out daily for a couple weeks and would make out from time to time. Sex hadn't happened yet but it seemed like it was headed that way.

This girl was a night-owl, and I'm not... but hey, hot girl knocks on your door and invites you out to grab a bite at 2 am, whatcha gonna do? So we walk to a nearby coffee shop, get some food and caffeine, and sit outside just chatting. All of a sudden a guy walking by stops by and strikes up a conversation. Ok, kinda weird, neither of us know him... but we're friendly people, so why not?

We start talking and it quickly becomes a conversation between just the two of them, with me trying and failing to get involved multiple times. I'm naturally outgoing and talkative, so clearly I'm being forced out.

He sits down next to her, they start talking about New York (where she was from) and making references I wasn't understanding. A few minutes in and the conversation takes a distinctly sexual turn, with the guy basically saying "Hey, you know they say girls from your borough (I forget which; Queens, maybe?) are supposed to be absolutely fantastic kissers, any truth to that?" And of course, they then start making out. Like, full-on hot and heavy.

I'm sitting across from them wondering "What the hell just happened here?" Got up, walked away. A couple minutes later I get a text asking "Where did you go?" to which I responded "Bed; you looked a bit busy."

She gets all offended, but by that point I didn't have any interest in arguing, as I'd effectively lost all interest *in her*. To be fair, she WAS a really good kisser, but her behavior was just too bizarre!

Username: AurelianoTampa

29. Dodge, Dodge, Dodge

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Haven't walked out on an actual date, I'm too soft when it comes to enforcing boundaries in person I think; but late last year I cancelled a date with an incredibly intelligent, beautiful Polish girl because it became obvious she was *unbelievably* narcissistic.

By which I mean we wrote each other deep, enormous texts which was nice until I started noticing she wasn't responding to anything I said about myself, it was only "And then I wrote 300 books in the last year, and did hundreds of courses, and then I..."

Those figures aren't even exagerations. Hmm. Name something and she will have already done it, and much better than everyone else ever. Because you see she was bitten by a snake and nearly died as a teenager, so she has to live her life to the fullest...

Well I wanted someone brilliant but I *also* want a companion, someone to share lives with not just watch hers like a TED talk, so I'm wary already... I ask to arrange a meeting and she just says "On Wednesday. Or maybe Sunday, I'll tell you when".

And doesn't. Sunday comes, and I ask "So when exactly...?" and she goes "Oh I'm so busy and successful, wait for me to decide this afternoon, I may have an hour I can slot you into." I say it isn't fair to expect me to give up entire days in the hope of a one hour interview slot. She immediately claims I'm trying to control her like her ex-husband and I just want someone soft that I can boss about...

Nope, immediate red flag there. I say "this isn't going to work, good luck and bye". I get a huge message saying "I already have someone accepting my timed slots, so you must be wrong, and ..." Well yes, she *was* gorgeous.

There are always going to be naive idiots ready to make enormous effort for gorgeous women. But thankfully I'm not *quite* so stupid and unwordly these days. I think I can see this bullet coming this time, thank you and dodge, dodge, dodge it I shall!

Username: CMDR_Expendible

30. Talk While You’re Chewing

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We just sat down and he said “before we start this, two things. One, order whatever you want. I’m paying and actually eat it. I hate girls that pretend to eat something they typically wouldn’t. Second, talk while your chewing. I hate waiting for responses while someone finishes their bite.”

I didn’t want to stick around to hear anymore instructions. My boss (who I was friends with but older) said I would be perfect with her boyfriends brother who was younger and opened a pizza joint. We decided to go to a lynyrd skynyrd concert at the state fair and let it be a blind date and double date.

Pick up the dude at his pizza place and I ask to use the bathroom and the entire back room is disgusting. The bathroom is horrendous. Immediately turned off. This guy is like the biggest douche. About an hour and a few drinks in he hasn’t even looked at me in the eyes.

I go down and to the other side of the stage to get some drinks for all of us. Just dreading that I have to go back. Run into an ex who I’m cool with and his new girlfriend. Chatting it up and I run into an old old friend and we all jam out to free bird together.

It was one of the best concert experiences of my life. I say I wish I was with them instead of this terrible date and my old friend invites me up with him. Look at my now two drinks left and say fuck it and go with him. Phone blowing up. Didn’t even look at it.

Had one of the best nights of my life and a few months of dating and no regrets. Work was obviously interesting for a while and she really tried her hardest to ruin me. But I don’t think she really knew me that well or liked me to begin with to set me up with that trash. Worth. It!

Username: uffdathatisnice