People Reveal Celebs They've Met That Aren't As Nice As They Seem


1. Elton the Man-Child

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Elton John. I was always a huge fan (I mean, who isn't?) but unfortunately my opinion of him soured after what I witnessed. He booked out a whole month in a studio at the recording studios I worked at, and so I saw a lot of stuff. He was just, sort of, immature or something. He had frequent outbursts, and was very dramatic about it. But it all crescendoed for me when one day he was mad and started raging, loudly, and then I heard shit getting smashed and broken.

I ran into the place where the sound was coming from and as I opened the door I saw him in the act of clotheslining an entire countertop as he ran along the length of it with his arm outstretched, knocking all kinds of expensive items on to the tile floor, like glass etchings and other fragile pieces of art. I quickly backed right out of the doorway I came from and waited until the chaos subsided before going back in again to take damage inventory so we knew what to bill the record label for.

The story I heard from others was that his boyfriend at the time wasn't going to meet him for their date that day. The rest of his band was cool AF though. Especially Davey, the guitar player. Bernie Taupin seemed pretty chill, too. He kept to himself and didn't really interact with anyone that much, but he was polite when he did.

But my favorite of all the celebrities that ever came in there was Whitney Houston. She was so funny, and nice, and charming, and she was always doing playful things like doing cartwheels in the parking lot, or making jokes about herself, and just, she felt like a down-to-earth, normal person.


2. I Mustache You a Question (But I’m Shaving it for Later)

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Sean Connery I used to deliver computers to Fox Studios, was part of my first real job in IT.
I was on the Studio Lot and had 5 machines going to a new team in a rather large building.
Keep in mind 2 things

1) This was the late 90s and so computers weighed 25lbs each and the 17" CRT monitors were closer to 50. 2) The Lot has numbered spaces marked Reserved. Some days they go completely unused, and other days they are assigned to various people. You never really know.

I drove around the building 3 times looking for parking that was not reserved and having no luck.

I also had no idea which side of the building this new team was on, and it was a rather large building. So finally I gave up, dumped my little delivery van in a numbered reserved spot next to an entrance where I had delivered before and knew one of the ladies was manning the front desk for her department.

Grabbed my paperwork and went inside, showed her the info and asked for guidance on where to park and which entrance to use to lug these beasts in. She pulled out a preprinted map of the lot (every Admin Assistant had them at the ready) and showed me the best spot to find parking and which entrance to use. Grabbed the map and headed back outside to my van.

Now at this point I was inside for maybe 3 minutes. I came out and there was a Town Car double parked along side my van and so I immediately started to apologize and explain I went inside just to get directions.

Well I never got to finish my apology because Sean Connery whipped around and started to bitch me out about taking his spot and he was "going to call the fucking cops on you (me)"

He finally stopped after a few minutes as I was just standing there stunned. He stormed off into the building next door (a standard studio building for filming).

The best part? He was being driven by a chauffer/driver. So its not like he personally had to wait, but rather the driver was the only one who needed to wait for me. He could have gotten out of the car and walked 10 feet to the door of the studio and been long gone.

As the driver and I both got into our cars and Connery stormed off, I asked the driver if he was always like that. He did a full stop, turned around to make sure Connery was gone and the door had shut behind him, and then turned back to me and simply nodded his head in the affirmative.

3. The King & Queen of New York

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Beyonce and Jay Z (& D-list celeb Kimora Lee Simmons) I worked as a Sous Chef at a Las Vegas hotel that was hosting a large charity party for a Russell Simmons back in 2004 or 2005. The guests were a mixture of celebrity guests, rich donors, and a large portion of normal everyday people that purchased the expensive tickets to be able to meet the celebrities.

Beyonce and Jay Z were publicly listed as the main celebrity draw, and brought in a lot of fans who paid to be able to be at the same party as them.

My restaurant was busy with the usual mid-summer Saturday evening rush to the public, and the main big kitchen was doing all of the food for the event. Right at the peak of dinner business, and an hour into the party, I get a call from an event manager to meet right away for a meeting in one of the central underground staff hallways underneath the hotel.

When I get down there, I see a representative chef from each of the 6 other kitchen/restaurants on the property, talking in a group. It turns out that Jay Z and Beyonce were still up in their penthouse suite and didn't want to come down and hang around normal people who donated money to the charity event to see them.

Russell's wife (now ex) Kimora agreed and stayed upstairs with them and started inviting celebrities from the party downstairs to come up to their private party. Now that they had a large exclusive party, they wanted to pull a bunch of food and booze from main event.

A couple of the Simmons event coordinators were at our "meeting", and said that they absolutely may not take things from the charity event (totally understandable).

So we had to pull select staff from across the hotel kitchens and frantically put together an impromptu party buffet in the room service kitchen.

All room service orders came to a halt, as well as the staff cafeteria. All the other kitchens had to work even harder during the dinner rush, because we plucked staff from them, in order to cater to 3 people who thought they were more important than everyone else.

I felt so crappy for literally having to cater to such horrible people, and I felt so bad for the people who donated to the charity in hopes of seeing people they're fans of, only to have them no show. I feel so bad for the donors and for the staff who had to work harder.


4. Radar is an ***

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Radar from Mash. I'm on mobile and don't feel like looking up his name, but he has a house in Connecticut where I live and stopped in one of our antique shops once.

He was on the search for some very specific porcelain doll of sorts for his mother from a very specific collection, he had a very many specific ones in mind that he wanted to buy.

We had a handful of the ones he wanted, but they were all in storage because we just weren't selling them and just had them in the back, however we had signs out for their advertisement so others knew that we had them but we had other things that we had to display that would actually sell.

So when we went back into storage to get some of them, he complained about how long it took us to get them , when we tried to explain that we had to use a ladder to get to the top shelf of one of our racks and carefully hand down the box as to not break any of the Dolls inside which was about a 10-minute ordeal, he labeled us as incompetent and began digging through the box.

After about 15 minutes of him digging, he said that nothing in here was what he was looking for and asked if we had anything else. We went into the back again and took down all of the boxes that we knew of that had the dolls in them, which took about 20 minutes as there were probably three or four good sized ones that weren't exactly light, there wasn't really a safe way to get them down so we ended up having to use a small piece of Machinery to help with lifting them which is why it took so long.

When we got back out one of the other workers was chatting with him trying to distract them from how long we were taking and keep him happy because he was pretty red-faced and angry that we hadn't showing him anything that he wanted yet.

After about 45 minutes of him going through the boxes and asking us questions about what we had and what we're getting in and all the details about the doll and when it was made and where it was made and the company it was made from, he eventually just ended up leaving.

He told us that our store sucks because we didn't have what he wanted and that all of our porcelain dolls are worthless anyway because they're not from the fancy collection that he wanted even though there were a few in there, and the whole time that he was rummaging through those porcelain dolls he would pick one up look at it tell us how awful it was, how some aspect of it was awful and put it back and continue to rummage.

It broke my heart but apparently he's an extremely rude asshole.


5. Never Meet Your Idols

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It breaks my heart to say this, but Carrie Fisher was by far the worst celebrity I've ever met.

I went to London Film & Comic Con 2014, and had planned on meeting anyone but her; as much as I've looked up to her from childhood, I figured there was no way in hell I could afford £60 for a quick hi and a scribble. By the time the morning of the event came, all but one other person I'd wanted to meet had pulled out, so I figured what the hell, I'll go for it.

She was hours late, by the time she finally arrived she signed for 15 minutes before deciding her dog needed a half hour walk. The organisation and venue was terrible--we were all boiling, it was overcrowded, etc, but every other celebrity in attendance handled it with grace.

By the time the end of the day came, she hadn't even got through 100 autos, and the lovely volunteer on her queue let me through even though my ticket was in the 500s. Now, this volunteer had been through hell that day; people getting angry at him because Carrie still wasn't there, he had a single 10 minute break in the entire day to go for a quick smoke, so for the rest of the time he was on his feet, boiling his ass off.

Despite all of this, I was ready to put it behind me and go in there. I expected it to be a bit of a conveyor belt, but screw it, let's do this. She didn't even look up at anyone. You just plonked your goods down, she scribbled, and along you were sent. She couldn't even be arsed to look up at you, and even struggle a smile.

Then, it came to my turn. As I stepped in front of her, she decided to go on a huge rant to her personal assistant, bitching about the volunteer who was guiding her queue, and generally acting like a diva. Lo and behold, because of this slight hold up, she decided to do me the service of actually looking at me, and speaking a word to me.

She asked if I wanted it signed to anyone (despite having a no personalisations rule--how kind of her), to which I just said no, took my box set, and left. I almost wish I'd said something about how damn rude she was being, but I was in shock. Absolute shock.

I'll say now, it might seem silly to some that I'd looked up to this woman; sure, as a kid it was for more vain reasons, given I adored Star Wars and my middle name is Leia. However, as I've grown older I've had much more respect for her because of her struggles in life.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so surprised at the person I saw. It's true what they say about never meeting your idols.


6. Maybe That’s the Problem Mr. Busey

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I was in Arizona for a college soccer tournament, and we were sitting in the lobby of our hotel before we left for our first game.

Gary Busey walks into the hotel and I guess I was just staring that direction while I waited to get on the bus. He thought I was staring at him and said, “if you like it so much, why dont you take a fucking picture”.

The lady from the front desk immediately came running over and apologized, and said he’d been awful to everyone and had even ripped his phone out of the wall after he had been kicked out of the strip club the night before.

I didn’t know who he was, and I’m a dumb college student. So I immediately went ran into the hallway to see what room he went into. Then I grabbed a hotel phone in a different area of the first floor, and called the front desk.

I had only heard his voice once, but Gary Busey has a pretty distinctive cadence. So I put on my best Busey impression and thought “WTH”

I said “This is Gary Busey in room 126. I just walked in but didn’t want to deal with talking to your face again. my fucking phone is still broken, and here I am using the fucking common people’s phone. I expect my phone fixed by 6pm tonight, so I can receive a wake up call at 1am, 3am,5am, and 7am in order to take my medication. Did you get that sweetheart? Thankyou for nothing.” I thought, surely this doesn’t work but why not... and went and got on the bus and told like 2 teammates.

The next day our coach made us be at breakfast at 7am because we had an early game. We’re sitting there half awake, eating, when Gary Busey, whose hair is literally pointing straight up in every direction, storms up to the front desk. He slams his hands on the counter and yells; ”I DO NOT TAKE MEDICINE”

The new girl at the front desk looked right at him and replied ”Maybe that’s the problem”...
I have never laughed so hard, but been so afraid at the same time. And even after I think about it and laugh, the fear still remains.

I watched Entourage recently, and they could not have depicted him more accurately. Except maybe angrier.

7. Nicki and Her Carpets

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I've told this story on Reddit but anyways: Firstly, for those of you who haven't heard of it, Nicki Minaj was performing at T in The Park a couple of years ago, Scotland's largest music festival. It attracts around 85,000 people each year and means that for one weekend, a field in the Scottish countryside is also Scotland's 4th or 5th biggest city.

Nicki Minaj was due to be the penultimate act on the second stage at the festival, the Radio 1 NME stage. As she was not in the country, she had to fly in. I assume she would have caught a flight to Glasgow that would have arrived a few of hours prior to her slot on the bill and then would be driven to the site, giving her plenty time to get there, change into her quite frankly absurd outfit, and perform the full hour she was billed for.

Unfortunately, Nicki Minaj missed her flight. She and her crew were forced to catch a slightly later flight to Edinburgh, which they apparently thought was only 5 minutes from T in The Park. However, T in The Park takes place in a town called Balado, which is around a 30 minute drive from the airport.

Balado is a small town with modest road links, and when you factor in the increased traffic around the area due to the festival, its easy to see that journey time could have been increased. Personally, I suppose you could of have excused her for missing her plane. Maybe. Perhaps. What she did next however was flat out ridiculous.

Nicki Minaj was due on stage at 7.15 pm. Having worked in the artists village for the whole of the weekend, I had seen just about every act arrive at the site and they had all turned up in plenty of time. Just about all of them arrived an hour or two before their slot, some more. At this point, I was working inside the artists village, and was not aware of when Nicki Minaj and her entourage arrived.

I don't know about how long she had been outside the village, which acts as a changing and chillout area for the artists, but Nicki Minaj showed up inside the village a little after 7, and as she entered the village we were told not to look at her. I have no idea how long she was outside for, nor do I have any idea about these claims that she said the grass was too long outside her SPECIALLY ERECTED MARQUEE WITH PINK CARPETS.

I did however ask a colleague who was working outside the village when she arrived and claimed that Miss Minaj did not want to go into the artists village as she was afraid she would get muddy (it had been an especially wet weekend, even by Scottish standards). She wanted all of her things to be moved to the stage, at the opposite side of the site. Her crew were not pleased with this as she had a fuckload of stuff.

Seriously, I watched them unload it. There must have been 15-20 bags crammed full of garish clothing. So anyways, after what I understand to be a fairly lengthy debate, she entered the village, and didn't even use her marquee. She emerged a little before 8 o'clock dressed like Rainbow Brite on LSD. She then took to the stage a little after 8, mimed her way through a 25 minute set and was rightly booed at the end of each song.

Her behaviour was absolutely disgraceful and should have offered an apology to her crew, the people who went out of there way to build her a marquee and most of all her fans. The woman is a truly absurd human being who is not worth the time of day.


8. Kung Fu Panda’s Dad Bit Me

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James Hong. You'd probably recognize him as the voice of Po's dad in Kung Fu Panda ("You had the noodle dream!") or the villain in Big Trouble in Little China.

So, I was helping out some friends in the Guests Relations department at a convention Mr. Hong was a guest for. When the convention was over, everyone was getting ready to head out to the after-convention dinner party, but some work still had to be done. Mr. Hong had made it abundantly clear throughout the weekend that he was a perverted old man, so myself and about 4 other ladies left to hold the table for everyone else while they finished working.

Mr. Hong was hilarious for the entire walk over & dinner. He was very personable... he came up with nicknames for all of us (I was "The Dwarf" because I'm 5'3" while another girl who was over 6' tall was "The Giant Monster"). He promptly dubbed two of my friends who were gay "The Homosexuals" and insisted they dance for him while he played an imaginary guitar. The drink was flowing and everyone was having a great time. I sadly had to drive home that night, so I was pretty much the only one NOT drinking.

During dinner, I was talking to another guest about how much we loved dragons. I happen to have a dragon tattoo on my shoulder (shut up don't judge me) so I pulled the back of my shirt down a little to show her. "Oh! Oh! Let me see!" Mr. Hong exclaimed, so I went over and showed him. He made a few comments about how he really liked it, and dinner went on as normal.

Cut to leaving the restaurant. One of my friends was fall-down drunk (3 scorpion bowls) so Mr. Hong and I each took one of her arms and were helping her walk. As we're passing a porn store, she lurches to a halt and insists that we go in. Mr. Hong is all too happy to oblige, and we all spent a good half an hour or so wandering around and laughing over comments and purchases.

Finally, we make it back to the hotel room. I'm waiting for my friend to pack up his stuff because I am leaving with him, and everyone else is playing Apples to Apples. It looks like my friend is about ready to go, so I walk over and offer my hand to Mr. Hong.

"It was a pleasure to meet you," I told him. "I must see dragon again!" he gleefully (and drunkenly) proclaimed. Whatever, I thought, he's an old guy, might as well let him get his kicks while he still can, so I turn around and pull the collar of my shirt down a little.
At this point, Mr. Hong, in all his 80-year-old glory, grabs my waist and pulls me down onto his lap. I am shocked speechless. All my friends, drunk off their asses, are cracking up. I laugh a little, then he kisses my exposed shoulder. Like, right where your neck meets your back. I freeze. He keeps kissing down my back, pulling my shirt down. At this point I am beyond shock, and I am looking at my friends with pleading expressions to help me, but they're all still laughing. He kisses his way back up my back, then proceeds to BITE my shoulder.

We're not talking some little love-bite, either. This fucking HURT. I had bite-marks on my shoulder for a DAY. At this point I managed to break my paralysis and shot to my feet. I turned and managed to stutter out something like "Thanks, bye," and make my way to the doorway, where the head of guest relations is standing, his face pale as a sheet.

"Oh my god," he whispers. "Are... are you ok?" I laughed (a little shakily) and assured him I wasn't going to sue some old guy for sexual harassment. My friend and I left, and on our way to the parking garage I called my boyfriend and told him the whole story. He was, unsurprisingly, pretty pissed. He's decreed that I'm never allowed to go to conventions without him anymore.
In retrospect, it's a hilarious story, and a blast to tell at parties.


9. My Dad Told Clint Eastwood to Leave Canada

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My dad once accidentally told Clint Eastwood to please kindly leave Canada. Back in the early '90's, Clint was in southern Alberta doing some shooting for Unforgiven (I think, probably). It just so happens that so were we, but not because of a movie; we were doing some camping, and had been camping for like a good solid week before deciding, one day, to check out the Royal Tyrel Museum of Paleontology.

Because that's the best thing ever, it wasn't super expensive (we lived on an extreme budget, our family of 4 in the '90s), and it's an easy way to keep your tiny children (I was maybe 6?) occupied when you just need a day of not keeping them from killing themselves, you know?

So there we were, this extremely stinky, camping family, the very embodiment of the lower class, hanging out in a museum looking at dinosaur bones because awesome. It just so happens that Clint and crew had the day off and decided to check out dinosaur bones too, because that shit is awesome and I respect a movie guy who likes massive bones. Er, what? Anyways. We're there, looking at dino bones, they're there, looking at dino bones.

Now, to add some context to my father's state of mind: I was a loud, obnoxious 6-maybe-year-old. My sister was worse because she sucks and is dumb, but this story isn't about her anyway. Dad has spent a week trapped more or less in the confines of a tent with his idiot son and stupid toddler daughter, and is on edge. He probably wants a fight, I dunno.

He's spoilin' for an argument. Well, Dad overhears one of the crew guys griping about how lame Canada apparently is compared to America, and how he couldn't wait to go back home, etc, and the crew guys were chuckling about it.

So, stinky dad waltzes over -- a true, red-blooded Canadian, proud of his country, a real patriot -- and tells them that if they don't like it, why don't they all fuck off and go back to America*. Dad doesn't realize that Clint Eastwood is among the people he's swearing at, because Dad invented the Dumb Dad trope.

After they wander off, grumbling about rude stinky Canadians or something, Dad comes back to us, and Mom essentially asks him, happily, "Oh what were you talking to Clint about?" all bubbly and excited. "Clint who?"

Because Dad is a red-blooded Canadian patriot who realized that he fucked up hard, I spent my youth watching a loooot of Clint Eastwood movies. Dad suffers pretty deeply from 'Canadian guilt', which is a lot like your standard 'white guilt', except it isn't biased toward race.

Essentially, he's just sorry all the time. Made for good movie nights as a kid though. A++, would watch Dad put his foot in his mouth again.


10. My Dad Hates Mick Foley

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I might have the only negative Mick Foley story I know of. When I was 14, or so, my parents divorced. While it was all happening some wrestling show was hitting Indianapolis that had a fan "convention" before hand. Their big guest was Mick Foley. He'd just walked out of WWE on vince's plane as commissioner and all that. My dad, who hates pro wrestling, got us two tickets so I could go.

He mentioned Mick Foley and I lit up because, outside of Kane and E&C, he was who I liked watching in WWF the most. With all the divorce stuff, I was staying at my grandma's with my mom while he was finding a new place, and this was kind of a way for him to do something with me.

We get there, I meet Sensational Sherri, Cornette, a bunch of others. Sonni Siaki was awesome to meet (i was watching the weekly TNA shows at the time). He was really cool. I also made Virgil a bit mad when I asked why his highlight video was just segments of other people's matches.

Foley arrives late, we get in line. My dad bought the tickets and was a bit strapped for cash with all the divorce stuff (lawyer costs, getting a new place himself, etc). It cost some money to get something signed and he paid it ($7 or something like that). I took a Raw Deal card to get signed. I was super stoked.

As my turn comes up, Jim Cornette goes to the table and shakes Mick's hand. They start to chat. I stand and wait. I didn't want to interrupt or anything as they said hello to each other. The security guy tells me to go forward. I reluctantly step forward (because I really didn't want to interrupt Mr. Cornette and Mick Foley). Mick shakes my hand. I say hi. I pull out my card to get signed and ask him a question (something like "are you coming back?" dumb 13 year old wrestling question).

Mick doesn't break conversation with Cornette, doesn't answer my question, and my card is just in my hands as I wait for an answer or a signature. I stand for like a minute, the other guard guy moves me along and says "we have to keep the line moving". I'm holding back tears because I'm a baby and that sucked. My dad is outright furious. We head home and he makes me dinner.

Any time someone talks about Mick Foley or he sees him on a DVD cover (or my dad stops over and Mick is on while I'm watching wrestling) my father is not to pleased. Far over a decade later, he still has a problem with how Foley acted.

I got over it. I figured the security was told to do their job, Mick arrived a bit late, and everyone was there to see him before an indy show. They had to get everyone through as quick as possible. Timing just sucked as I was up when Jim wanted to quickly catch up with Mick.

I still like Foley as a wrestler. He genuinely seems to be one of the nicest guys to ever come from the profession. I just got the unlucky experience to be the one fan who seems to have had a crappy encounter with him. My dad, though, he kind of hates Mick Foley.


11. Nuclear Wessels, Mr. Chekov

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Walter "Chekov" Koenig. He used to attend DragonCon regularly in the late 90s and early 00s - riding the wave of Babylon 5 and trying to ignore his ST:TOS roots. He was an absolute pain in the ass. I wasn't attempting to meet him - hell, he was there so often that I just kind of ignored him - but it happened by accident.

Some friends and I went into a now-closed bar that was in the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta (where the con was hubbed) and were going to get a drink. We were told that the bar was closed for a private party. A little digging later turned up that it wasn't a private party so much as Koenig and a couple of associates (less than 5 total) didn't want to be bothered while they had lunch - so they had the bar closed to everyone else but them.

Also, over the years, heard lots of shitty comments from him in passing (on stairs, in elevators, etc.) He didn't mind being among the congoers, but he acted like a diva the whole time.

Corin Nemec (Parker Lewis Can't Lose, Stargate) was also a bit of a cold, aloof nutcase.
I posted it elsewhere once, but there was a time where Lou Ferrigno almost went THROUGH me to clobber some fans whom he mistakenly thought were making fun of him.

In short, a buddy of mine and I were scienced up (inebriated) and waiting for an elevator in Atlanta's Hyatt Recency at DragonCon. Lou was with a couple of girls and another guy - looked like a normal couples group. They were also waiting on said elevator.

Behind us were 2 stocky, normal-looking guys in hockey jerseys with what appeared to be a girl paired with each of them. Lou looks at, then past my buddy and I (standing about a foot from him) and shouts past us:

"Hey! You got something to say? Wanna say it to my face?!" We look at each other, then behind us to see the 2 guys and 2 girls - the guys are shellshocked - THE Incredible Hulk (still hulking at this point) just got real. The guys weren't cowardly or afraid - just confused. Turns out that they were simply marveling at how cool it was to be all-but rubbing elbows with a celeb like Ferrigno.

They apologized for any misunderstanding but Ferrigno didn't seem convinced and still challenged them a couple times more. Lou's friends calmly urged him to let it go, which he reluctantly did. The 4some that Ferrigno was challenging wasn't even mad - they were just amused and perplexed.

One even remarked that it was cool that he almost got his ass beat by Lou Ferrigno. Elevators arrived and no one in the lobby got on the same elevator as Lou and his friends.


12. “Sorry” But it Sounds Like “I Don’t Care”,

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I met Helen Hunt at a press junket, she was in a horrible mood all day. I was responsible for getting her lunch. She wanted a salad, but not the salad on the Four Seasons menu. She wanted the salad the former chef used to make. That was the only salad she wanted. When we told her that chef no longer worked at there. She looked at us blankly and said find him.

We tracked down the chef on the phone, got her salad recipe and the new chef made it. We brought it up to her and she said it took to long and left without eating it or saying thank you.

Mel Gibson was so hungover at his press junket that we had to get him a shot of espresso and cigarette between every interview. This process took too long and the espresso wasn’t hot by the time it arrived from room service. So we had to get an espresso machine and a staffer set up right next to him in the interview room to make him a coffee every couple minutes.

I’ve never seen someone drink so much coffee. When the camera wasn’t rolling he had the shakes, but once the camera was on he could turn on the smile and charm. When he was not on camera, his head was down and he would not make eye contact with anyone even if he was being directly spoken to. He would look at the wall when walking down the hall to avoid acknowledging others.

Russell Crowe was being interviewed after his film was screened. He was 45 minutes late and the audience was left waiting for him. He arrived by private car and I was escorting him to the theater and let him know the audience had waited. He stopped me and said, “I need a cigarette, they can wait a little longer.” And then took a 10 minute smoke break.

At a second screening, this time in NY at the MOMA, I knew to allow time for him to smoke, he arrives late again, there was a crowd outside so he couldn’t smoke. I told him and his team he absolutely could not smoke in the museum. I brought him backstage and he looked at me and lit up a cigarette. I ended up getting in trouble with the museum team who I was working with on future events. Just rude entitled people 😩

The Rock: I've heard other wrestlers in shoot interviews say he's a dick, but the most damning direct evidence comes from one of Mick Foley's autobiographies. There was an infamous "I Quit" match between the Rock and Foley. As the name implies, the match means that anything is legal and the only way to win is to get your opponent to say "I quit".

It was planned in the match for Foley's hands to be handcuffed behind him for most of the match, and for the Rock to hit him in the head with a steel chair. The reason this is a big deal is that chair shots to the head (which are now banned entirely in the WWE) are usually taken by the wrestler taking the shot putting his or her hands up, so that they absorb most of the impact. With Foley's hands behind his back, there's nothing to cushion the blow and he's just being hit hard in the head with a piece of steel. Obviously this risks concussion, fracture, brain damage, etc.

The reason that this makes the Rock a dick is that what was agreed on before the match was 2 chair shots. The Rock gave him 16. The match was considered particularly brutal, and while Foley was getting medical attention after the match a whole, long line of wrestlers came to him to check that he was okay and to say congratulations. Everybody except the Rock.

There was a documentary called Beyond The Mat that was being made at the time by a man called Barry Blaustein. Blaustein discovered that the Rock hadn't said a word to Foley after the match by reviewing his footage. Feeling somewhat put out, he approached the Rock and asked him why he hadn't. At first the Rock claimed that he had but, when told that Blaustein had footage of it all and he hadn't, the Rock just shrugged and said "sorry" in a "don't care" kind of way.


13. Yep, He Ruined My Dad’s Guitar

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Trust me when I say, I won't tell you who until the end. [MD= My Dad; TG= The guitarist]. When MD was 17 years old and in high school (this story was in 1965), he was in a band. They weren't ultra serious about music and didn't write their own songs, but they were happy to do gigs and open up for more popular bands. One band was gaining popularity and was making a name for themselves, but they still did gigs at this place because nostalgia.

And MD and his friends opened up for them. MD thought they were really exceptional musicians, but MD wasn't a fan of some of them as people. The drummer was the only one he hated, and TG was meh. But TG seemed fine.
It's worth mentioning the guys in this band were around 9-10 years older than MD, so they didn't talk excessively but knew each other to a degree because MD opened up shows for them. It's also worth mentioning that MD played on this gorgeous Cherry Red electric guitar that he had saved up for and loved like a child.

TG often complimented him on his guitar and asked if he could play it a few times. MD knew he was amazing, but told him he could play it on one condition. That condition was he take off his belt buckle or the belt.

Weird right? But it actually makes sense; TG wore this large elaborate metal belt buckle that would scratch the back of guitars and MD knew that if TG had that belt buckle on while he played MD's guitar, then MD's guitar would be awfully scratched and TG'd dig past the paint and damage the guitar horrendously.

So every single time TG asked, that's what MD said, and every single time, TG didn't want to go to the trouble of removing his belt buckle just so he could play MD's guitar. MD was fine with that. He had his conditions and if TG decided he'd prefer not playing it, then that was fine. He was relieved that TG didn't argue with him.

Well one day, TG said that he'd like to borrow it, and this time he said he'd turn around his belt buckle so it would only touch the smooth side. MD was satisfied with this and left to get food and came back. When he got back, he noticed TG playing his guitar, but he didn't have his belt buckle flipped.

He was furious and instantly TG left a bad taste in his mouth; but after the show, MD gathered up his things (including his newly scratch guitar) and left without saying anything to TG. TG and the rest of his band ended up becoming wildly famous.

They are now known as Legends of Rock and Roll. They in fact earned a spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993. TG changed to a piano player a few months after the incident with MD as another person took over as guitarist. He left in 2000 and unfortunately passed in 2013. If you're a fan of them, you right know who they are by now. Yep, Ray Manzarek from The Doors ruined my dad's guitar.


14. Mad Man

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I grew up close enough to Burbank to sign up with Central Casting and do extra work when I was 19/20 years old in 2009 - 2010 to make a bit of extra cash. I did background on Desperate Housewives in a grocery store scene, Cold Case in a hospital scene and the setting for our story.... Mad Men.

I am not a conventionally attractive female (I've been told I look like Rachel Dratch and Heather Matarazzo) so it was difficult getting cast. With Central Casting, you come in, get a photo taken, are given a phone number and call every day to get a description of what the casting directors are looking for. Most calls go like this "Pool party during murder investigation on CSI Miami- hot, sexy ladies needed to wear bikini's. The skimpier the better" and so on, and so forth. If you match the description, you call and the person on the other line pulls up your file on the computer, looks at your headshot and tells you if you're a match or not. If selected, you're given details for the shoot. If not, you're very politely told "Not at this time, but thank you for your call."

One day there's a call for Mad Men. Now Mad Men is a job you want, because it qualifies as a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) job, even for extras. I'm not completely sure how SAG works because I was only interested in making extra cash and eating delicious set food (Best food ever btw) but the more SAG jobs you do the easier it is to join SAG later as an up and coming actor. This call for Mad Men they need ANY women with natural hair- meaning, not dyed. I call in, and even though I have natural hair I am initially told they think they've already reached their quota but they'll keep me in mind in case anything changes.

Two days later, I get a call asking if I'm available. Desperation was on my side! There were several cool things about doing Mad Men. Because it was SAG we got paid more, additionally we got to go to the costume warehouse to get fitted in ACTUAL 1950's clothes (The episode I was on was a flashback to 5 years prior) and we got paid for our time that day as well. Something that was mentioned in the call was there was a chance our hair may be cut if it was considered too long. The person who called me told me I likely wouldn't need my hair cut, but to be prepared just in case.

Sure enough after I try on my costumes the ladies in charge of hair and makeup inform me they need to cut my hair. There's already another girl in the trailer, and she is sobbing. She has beautiful, long curly hair and she is begging to somehow keep her long hair. Now the advantage to not being conventionally attractive is you're used to looking ugly anyways, so when the stylist told me I'd get an extra $100 I decided to go for it. Unfortunately, my hair was cut lopsided so one side was longer than the other, but what are you gonna do?

I am given the address for the shoot, told what day and time to arrive and am given a heads up that this may turn into a multi day shoot. I go to bed, excited for next few days. Unfortunately, I wake up the next morning sick as a dog. Hit me out of nowhere. Had this been a small job like Cold Case or Desperate Housewives I would have called the Central Casting line to let them know I couldn't make it... but this was a SAG job, I got an BAD haircut for this. I thought about how desperate the casting directors were and decided to suck it up and go.

So I arrive, go to hair and makeup and am actually feeling better. Maybe it's the Dayquil, or the adrenaline rush but I feel proud of myself for making it... Until the woman working on my hair asks if I'm okay. She sounds far away, and I realize I have tunnel vision. I reply "Yes I'm fine" and even I sound weird to myself. The stylist informs me I had fainted, and the onset medical is called to the trailer.

Turns out all of the hair spray made me pass out. The makeup/hair trailer is literally a trailer with no windows and 5 or 6 girls all getting their hair and makeup done. Medical and a Directors Assistant come to talk to me, ask how I'm feeling and bring me water. They were all so nice. I admit, I started crying and apologizing. I told them I did not feel good that morning but didn't want to let the crew down or get blacklisted by Central Casting for cancelling. The Directors Assistant assured me I did not have to continue, I would not get in trouble with Central Casting and I would still get paid for the day. He asked if I wanted to call someone to pick me up, or if I wanted to rest for a bit. Medical cleared me to keep working if I wanted. I asked if I could soldier on.

I can't emphasize how nice everyone was to me - the hair stylist said I was being so brave, all the other pretty extra's said they would do the exact same thing and the Directors Assistant kept asking if I wanted water or banana's. I got dressed, got onset and did my first scene. Then I started feeling faint again. The bright lights and heavy 1950's era accurate coat I was wearing ultimately made it impossible for me to continue on. Saddened and disappointed, I was placed in a chair and called my sister to come pick me up.

Then, over by the cameras and Directors and Producers I see him. John Hamm. He looks at me, asks the crew why I'm sitting and they tell him I'm not feeling well. I will never forget what he said next. "Keep her away from me, I can't get sick" I am ushered to John Slattery's trailer, and I nap on his couch until my sister arrives to pick me up. I ended up getting a retail job a couple weeks later, and thus ended my acting career. But I'll always have John Hamm telling me to stay far way from him.


15. You Know What Shut the *** Up Means?

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Wale This happened a year ago or more, and was one of the most irritating and cringe worthy moments of my entire life. I've never felt like such an idiot before. It is 100% true. There are a few dudes who work for Daniel Weisman (I think one's name is Davion) can confirm.

Here's how it went down. It was around January or February of 2012. I had started going to a ton of local gigs around Boston (where I'm from) to get involved in the culture. I had been going alone, no friends or anything. Now around October I had met this dude named "Da Corporation." He had worked with other Boston MCs like Young Bean and O.T.O. This dude was young and real cool, we became good homies. Now back to February. Corp had been contacted by Daniel Weisman (Wale's manager) or one of his representatives and asked to open for him at a show in New Haven. Corp asked if I wanted to join him. I really ****ed with Wale's music so I said yeah. Why not. Free show. My dude is performing.

Okay, flash to the show. We had been on a long ass road trip, we were hungry as hell. But we didn't have any time to grab anything. This one dude named David or Davion said the team (Wale and people) were going to go get food after and we could join them. I was like hell yeah. eatin dinner with Wale. That'll be sick.

Corp killed it. Got the crowd jumpin and everything. I was hyped. Wale came through later and I expected him to do something like say my friend did a good job or something but nah. He didn't say **** he came out and started performing. I was like whatever and started jamming.

After the show. We follow that Davion dude to Wale's bus and ask where we're going. Then some white dude says that they're going to get pizza and to hang tight and that Wale is in the back we can chill. So we go to the back, say hey. He says nothing. My friend sits down next to him, I sit down across from him. Wale is just texting. I didn't want to be an **** so my friend and I just started talking about random **** like the trip or or comic books or how dope the show was (Wale couldn't hear us).

Then my friend slides over and tries to dap Wale and talks about how much he loved Ambition and he was honored to perform. Now let me tell you this part is completely true. Wale looks up from his phone, stares my friend in the eye as he's speaking, then says "shut the **** up" literally fifteen times in a row. My friend already shut up from the first one.

Wale shakes his head like he's disgusted or something then looks back at his phone. My friend was in shock. He didn't expect that at all. He moved over to sit next to me instead so Wale was alone on the couch with a few girls and some dude we didn't know. We started talking again waiting for the food and Wale looks up and asks "you two know what shut the **** up mean?" the girls start laughing and i make a "wtf" face. Wale shakes his head and laughs at me. Saying I look ed. And that my friend was a wack performer.

Corp didn't want to start **** so he kept his head down and stayed quiet. I was pissed off. I asked Wale why he would invite Da Corporation if he didn't think he was good. Wale just shrugged and said he didn't even know about it. I was shaking my head and began whispering to Corp about how Wale was a ****. I think Wale noticed me talking **** because he came over and started me in my eyes. Like he was gonna ****in kill me. He told us to get the **** out and Corp managed to say that we were waiting for the pizza. Wale said "aint no pizza. get out"

So we did. We had no food and no place to stay so we just slept in Corp's cousin's car (he drove it up there) then drove back to Boston the next morning. He kinda stopped rapping after that and we don't talk much.


16. Big Ben @ Jungle Jim’s

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I ran into Ben Roethlisberger one time in Ohio. I thought it was weird at first but I later found out that he's from Ohio and he was most likely visiting family. Anyway, my wife and I stopped at this crazy grocery store called "Jungle Jim's". We were walking around looking for some Ritz crackers and that's when we saw him. I saw him from the side and I wasn't sure it was Ben, but he was huge. But I kept peeking and he eventually turned my way and I could see a Steelers logo on his cap.

He started walking towards us down the aisle along with a woman who I'm guessing was his wife. As he got closer he made eye contact and I just smiled and said "Hey Ben, how are you doing?". He smiled back and said something like "Doing good, just doing some shopping." I nodded my head and all I could think of to say was "Well, hey...good luck next season." He said "Thanks, man." and kept walking. It was a short interaction but he came off as genuinely nice and pleasant.

So my wife and I moved on to the next aisle after grabbing our crackers, and there was Ben coming down the aisle on the other side. Again he came closer, but this time I just smiled and kept walking. I felt like I was passing up some kind of opportunity. I already talked to him but it's not every day that you see an NFL quarterback casually browsing the store.

We walked to the next aisle and I was waiting for Ben and his wife to turn the corner but they didn't. We walked all of the way to the end of the aisle then we saw him there against the back wall. He was looking at the frozen meat and just picked up a frozen chicken.

Right after he picked up I said "Hey, Ben!" He turned and looked at me while still holding the chicken in his giant hands. I held up my arms with open hands and said "...hit me!" He laughed and shook his head and continued to read the label. I walked a little bit closer with my arms still held up in front of my face. I got about 10 feet away from him and said "Come on Ben, I'm open!"

He turned to look at me again, then he looked all around as if it was some kind of joke. But I was determined so I kept staring at him. He looked into my eyes and I gave him an encouraging nod and smile. So he flipped his shoulders to me and tossed the chicken to me underhand. Sure, I dropped it but he was still the pussy for tossing it underhand.

By the time I picked it up I looked at Ben and he already grabbed another chicken, put it in his cart, and started to walk the other way. I shouted "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT BEN?" and I threw the chicken expecting him to turn around and catch it. Instead it hit him in the back of the head. I thought it would hurt because the chicken was frozen solid, but he didn't even flinch. He stopped walking and turned around slowly.

He didn't even look mad, his face was completely straight. What he did next changed my life forever. He picked up his entire shopping cart and threw it. I managed to dodge it but it hit and killed my wife. I screamed and cried and the whole thing was just a red blur until the ambulance got there. I didn't even notice that Ben took off but he must have ran away right after that.

The cops arrived too and I asked them to check the security tape and they agreed. But when they went upstairs to check the tapes, the recorder was smashed into a million pieces. They said they had no evidence that Ben Roethlisberger killed my wife. I know in my heart that is exactly what happened and even though I'll never see Ben behind bars, I smile every time the Steelers miss the playoffs.


17. Lou Smash!

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I have met Lou Ferrigno. He’s an asshole. A total dick. I knew I was going to see him at a comic book convention I was taking my son to, and I mentioned that to somebody I was talking to regularly at the time via email because of my job: Kenneth Johnson, Lou’s old showrunner at The Incredible Hulk. Kenny gave me a message to pass on to Lou.

Before I agreed, I asked Kenny if he and Lou were friends still, or if I was stepping into the middle of any beef. “Absolutely good friends,” he told me. So I went out of my way to reach Lou at this comic book convention, mainly to pass on the message. And it didn’t hurt my feelings that I was going to meet a guy I absolutely adored...not just for his role on television, but also because of his work with the hard of hearing (I have two cousins who were born deaf).

When I told Ferrigno about all this, he was a complete prick about it. Did not want to hear a word of Kenny‘s message. He did not care about any other thing I had to tell him. I def understand that he was mainly there to make a living: sign autographs and get paid for it, and get paid for photo opportunities. But it would’ve cost him nothing to talk to me for two minutes, when he wasn’t doing anything else just at that moment.

By comparison, the reason I took my kid to the convention was because there were a lot of Power Ranger actors there. The two guys who played Bulk and Skull, the bullies of the show? Super nice! Spent time with my kid even though we couldn’t pay for a photo op, and invited me to take a photo of them using my cell phone camera.

Same thing for the actor who played Lord Zedd on the show: we ran into him just walking around the dealer booths, and he talked to my son for like a half hour! Nearby, while my son talked to him, I saw Felix Silla at a booth. Felix played the original Cousin Itt, and also the body of Twiki on Buck Rogers. I wandered over to say hello, since his booth was empty at the moment. We chatted for about 15 minutes, with him telling me all sorts of stories about his time in show business. Great guy!

Buck Rogers had another cast member who I found great to talk to: Erin Gray. I was calling her secretary wants to ask a question that related to the DVD release of the show, and the secretary put Erin on. I was not expecting that! She chatted with me for a while and was super nice. Had a similar call once with the actor who played Turk on Scrubs, Donald Faison. Super awesome man. Used to speak to Kenny Johnson (showrunner for TV shows The Bionic Woman, The Incredible Hulk, V, and Alien Nation) for years via email. Really truly the best guy you could want him to be.

Robert Fuller (“Dr. Brackett“ on Emergency, and also seen on Wagon Train) was a real class act when my family met him. John de Lancie (TNG’s “Q”) was terrific, and so was Walter Koenig (“Chekov”) and Garrett Wang (“Harry” in Voyager). I’ve actually had mostly good encounters with celebrities over the years (no worries; I WON’T name them all, LOL).

My most recent one was a couple of months ago, when I took my wife to Hell’s Kitchen at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. It was our 25th wedding anniversary. Chef Christina Wilson, who won the 10th season of the show, and for the past few seasons has been the sous chef for the red team on the HK show, was two tables over from us. I told our server how my wife would be thrilled to meet her. The server told her manager, and the manager asked Christina to come over.

It took a while for her to finish her business (she was apparently interviewing a potential new chef for one of Gordon Ramsay‘s Las Vegas restaurant), but she did come over and say hello. Hugged my wife, and took photos with her. Brought us a couple of nice glasses of champagne on the house to celebrate our anniversary with. We already knew and are friendly for years with Chef Kimmie from Season 10, who is from our city and who came in fifth during that season. She always told us how nice Chef Christina is, and now we got to see it for ourselves!


18. Christina Aguilera and the Queens

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Christina Aguilera is definitely the worst. I’ve worked in TV for many years, and my job requires me to work pretty closely with the talent. And whilst unpleasant experiences with celebrities are not uncommon, they can usually be justified — they’re often tired or don’t have a concept of time and other people’s jobs or are used to a certain lifestyle etc etc... but they rarely go out of their way to be unpleasant.

Yet it takes a certain amount of effort to be as ostensibly rude and disagreeable to every single person around you the way she was the times I worked with her. Incredibly nasty to security and runners, particularly fond of “firing” people who she has absolutely no power to fire as she is not their employer.

So basically they get a day off and production is then delayed as we have to quickly organise replacements, usually just for looking at her or addressing her (one of the rules is everyone must look down and face the ground while she’s in the room. And from a production perspective, she gives herself way more credit than she should and decides to chime in and try to exec produce everything, and so the DOP and director have to entertain this for a while until we can manage to get what we need out of her.

The last time I worked with her was a few years ago, and we didn’t want to book her because of how she is, but the talent manager told us that she’d changed a lot since the early 2000s, especially after she had worked on The Voice and that she’s much nicer now than when she was young and let the fame go to her hear etc etc. She wasn’t. She was exactly the same and she’s the only person I would decline to work with if I had the choice.

Another one (for redditors who are from the UK and who know who this is) is Jimmy Carr. He screams at everyone, particularly runners and those in low-level positions. Instead of asking for something, he skips straight to throwing a tantrum, like an actual child.

It’s the most bizarre thing to see and anyone on here who’s worked with him will fully understand what I’m talking about. Thankfully there are genuinely far more nice celebrities than awful ones. Those two stick out the most in my head because their behaviour is unnatural for any adult, famous or not.

The seasoned ones understand that if you’re nice to everybody and are pleasant to work with, people will come and help you back up when your career or popularity starts to decline (which it always will).

But when you’re at the peak of your career and you’ve done nothing but make everyone around you miserable, when the public inevitably start to lose interest and you become yesterday’s news, none of us will give a shit and will just be glad never to have to work with you again.

The nicest ones are also usually the most professional — Paris Hilton comes to mind, as well as Kylie Minogue. They’re the opposite of the above — they don’t need to make an effort to be nice to everyone around them or acknowledge everyone in the room or speak to everybody on the same level, but they do, and it honestly makes such a big difference.


19. Four Years Later, I Got My Wish, Thanks Matt Dillon

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In 1980, I was a small brown boy and Matt Dillon was advertised as "The Star of Little Darlings" on a poster for a March of Dimes Walkathon. If you participated, you would meet him at the end of the walk.

I had no idea what "Little Darlings" was, but I was 10, I was already a juvenile delinquent and I had inadvertently discovered Matt when I snuck out into the living room late one night to watch HBO and saw Over the Edge, a rated R drama about a group of juvenile delinquent teens vandalizing a suburb. Being a boy vandal myself, I identified heavily with the story, and immediately idolized Matt. So I collected my money, going door to door around the neighborhood with a coffee can and a lined form, meticulously writing names and donation amounts.

The day of the walk, I put a pen in my jeans front pocket, carefully rolled the poster featuring Matt and carried it with me the entire walk, so that I could get his autograph at the end. I did the walk--I have no idea how long it was, but I don't remember it being long and can't imagine having walked anymore than a couple miles--and at the finish line, there he was: Sitting in the back of a 1979 convertible red Cadillac Coupe de Ville with a rack of bullhorns attached to the front grill. He was 14 years old. Cut-off sleeveless t-shirt and jeans. Feathered brown hair. Lip snarled and smirking. He sat up on the trunk in the back seat with two teenage blonde girls on either side of him.

I was not shy and went right up to the side of the car. I unrolled the poster. Wiped dry the poster dewy with sweat from my tiny palm. Stood on my tip-toes and told him I liked him in Over the Edge and would he sign my poster. Did he say, 'Thanks, kid'? I feel like he did, in that throaty, New York Matt Dillon kinda way, but I can't be sure. What I am sure of is he hesitated, looking at me and my small extended arms holding up the pencil and poster. Even then, I registered the awkwardness of the moment. Of me, too short and too male to compete with the sea of teenage female hormones bubbling up around him.

A cute teenage girl appeared beside me also vying for his attention and he immediately gave it to her. Then another girl. And another. He looked down at me and my pencil one more time, curling his upper lip, flipping his bangs, and I thought he might get around to me after taking care of the ladies--I was a romantic boy and appreciated his prioritization and careful and studied approach of beautiful women--but when he failed to further acknowledge my existence, I tapped his jeaned hip. He flipped his feathered hair around to see who was tapping him. We clocked each other. I smiled. This time, he was more resolute in his snub of me and went back to taking photos with the girls.

I was crushed. But I took the hint and went home without my Matt Dillon autograph. Did I think he was an asshole then? No. I was such a fan, I dismissed the missed encounter and went on to love Matt Dillon for the next few years. My Bodyguard, The Outsiders, The Flamingo Kid. I got a life. Forgot about Matt. Then one night in Fall, in the year 2000, I was walking in the East Village with my girlfriend and I heard that instantly recognizable voice. I dropped my girlfriend's hand, spun around and saw a group of trench-coated men sauntering up the sidewalk about 20 feet behind us, smoking cigars. And there he was, snarling beneath a perfectly-pomaded hair cut:

Holy shit. It was two years after the cum in Cameron Diaz's hair movie. I thought about another celebrity encounter I'd witnessed recently on the subway. Booger from Revenge of the Nerds had gotten on the train and a man with a wife and young child had geeked out and exclaimed, "I love your work!" to which Booger had graciously replied "Thank you." When Booger got off the train, his wife went to town on her husband. "Oh my god, you love his work?! What is his name?" "Booger." he replied. "What's his name? You don't even know his name! You're a fan of his work. Please..."

I knew Matt Dillon's name. I was a true fan. I had details. And it was time for redemption.
The plan was to relate the March of Dimes story and finally get my autograph 20 years later.
He clocked me, the snarl ran away from his face and I knew things wouldn't work out for me once again. "Matt!" I exclaimed. "Aw, come on," he replied, already annoyed. "Real quick..." I said, and gave him the 10 second elevator pitch: "I met you in 1980 when I was 10 and tried to get an autograph but you were distracted by all the girls. You were in Little Darlings but I liked you in Over the Edge and no one knew that film but I did!"

His buddies laughed and he tried to keep walking. He didn't say 'Thanks, kid" because we were both grown men and now I realized he had no attachment to my very one-sided story of rejection. "Can I get your autograph?" If he had cared, he might have winced at me out of pity, but instead he puffed on his cigar, then waved it at the night: "I'm out with my boys trying to have a night and you're here with this?" "Aw, ok," I said, barely hiding my disappointment as I back-pedalled to my girlfriend and we all went our separate ways. Secretly, I wished for him to star in a horrible, career-ending movie. Four years later, I sort of got my wish.


20. We All Wanted to Punch Those ***holes

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I was a dealer at the MGM Grand in Vegas and a few other joints so I had more than a few encounters. The worst was Oscar De La Hoya. He had/has a thing for underage girls and on this night he & his buddy had a gaggle of them in tow.

So him & his friend are on my game (dice) and there is only room on the rail for one girl to try in squeeze in next to them and no sooner did one get in then another one would just reach over the top and rip her out by her hair and a new one would squeeze in.

This repeated itself over and over again and De La Hoya and his buddy just laughed & laughed enjoying every minute of it. Now I know what you're thinking, what are underage girls doing on a game in the casino? Short answer is different rules for celebs.

We all wanted to punch those assholes. I dealt to Corey Feldman one night, black nail polish and all, who was so fucked up he was unintelligible and a complete pain in the ass. He literally had to have someone stand behind him to catch him when he nodded out (same for Arnold Palmer at 10:00 in THE MORNING!! no less a few years later at a different casino).

Jimmy Connors was a prick, refused to acknowledge anybody and just scowled the entire time he was on the game. Shocking how physically tiny of a man he was also. I enjoyed taking his money very much. MC Hammer was a fucking idiot, we beat the shit out of him on the game one night.

He wanted everybody in the joint to know he was there. Kept yelling over & over 'I'm Tyrone Burrell, I'm a VIP, where is so and so, get them here right now' etc., etc. His brother was hands down one of the worst gamblers to ever come down the pike by the way.

Louis CK wouldn't listen to my advice and missed out on making a nice little score because the table was hot. I might of ran him off the game because my frustration with him was fairly evident so he left. Suppose I was the dick that time but in light of recent events fuck him.

I could go on about others but lets acknowledge some very nice ones instead such as boxers Roy Jones Jr & Pernell 'Sweat Pea' Whitaker, comedian Dave Atell, basketball players Charles Oakley & Sean Elliot, music exec Berry Gordy & The Jackson family sans Michael & Janet, from football the entire Washington Redskins original 'Hogs' offensive line, from baseball a very drunk and funny Rickey Henderson, and a bunch I'm forgetting as it's been a long while now.

The best though and I'll never forget was Al Lewis, Grandpa from 'The Munsters', he was an old Vaudevillian (sp?) and did his act for us early one morning. It was hilarious!!


21. Washed-Up, Angry Old Quarterbacks,

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Boomer Esiason. I’m sure hardly anyone here will know who he is, but he’s a gigantic dick. He’s a washed up, forgettable NFL quarterback that played for the Cardinals for a short period of time years ago. I was 9 when I met him and didn’t even really know who he was, but I got the chance to meet and get an autograph from an actual professional athlete so I was pretty stoked.

It was right after my dad died, and my aunt took a few of my brothers and me to this event where Boomer was at signing autographs to give my mom a much needed break. Everyone got like an 8 x 10 picture of Boomer at the beginning of the line to get signed.

My aunt didn’t really want to wait so I asked to have her picture to get it signed for my mom. Wasn’t sure if she knew who he was either, but I just wanted to do something for her because she had been in a bad place after my dad passing away.

I finally get to Boomer, said hello and placed the two pictures of himself in front of him. “Two?! I’m not freakin signing two dude. What if everyone in this line had two pictures for me to sign, huh? What makes you so special?” He just stared at me, waiting for an answer. I was shocked and so embarrassed that I just stood there, open mouthed, wide-eyed and shrugged my shoulders.

“Yea that’s what I thought,” he said right before he scribbled his name on one of the pictures and snapped both of them back to me. I just walked off, I didn’t even know what had just happened.
I never really even told anyone either.

For a long time, I really didn’t know if I had actually done something wrong there. I know now that he was a prick to a kid for no reason. Boomer Esiason, if you’re out there and read this, from the bottom of my heart, with all my soul, fuck you.

When I was younger my dad lucked up and won a contest at his work that was an all expense paid trip to the 98 Super Bowl. I forget the name of the event but the day before the game there is this huge event outside the stadium with lots of events, booths, games, panels, etc and we caught the end of Boomers panel.

Immediately after he rushed off stage surrounded by security and my dad walked up and all but was tackled by Boomer just trying to get an autograph, which being a kid watching your dad treated like that was hard to see. On a side note Mike Ditka is a solid dude. He did a panel in our hotel and signed a football, poster, took a picture with me and asked me all about myself.

I’ve been watching Inside the NFL for years now. My initial reaction upon hearing Boomer opine is that he’s truly an unpleasant human being. And over the seasons he did nothing to change that impression. So many great hosts and guests, passionate about the sport and respectful of each other, and he throws himself into the conversation like a flaming bag of dog sh*t.

/jonnyringo602/ /CCMacReddit/ /dahopppa/

22. It’s Over 9000!

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Sean Schemmel. Voice actor of Goku in the English dubbed dragon ball series. Massive dick. Seriously. Fuck that guy. He yelled at me because I asked if he watched Dragon Ball Z Abridged and got super offended by it. Asswipe.

Basically he went on a tangent how that series is copyright infringing on Toei Animation and how Akira Toriyama should sue their asses off and how they were taking money out of their pockets which didn’t make any sense. And a true fan wouldn’t watch that stuff. I was like dude. Holy fuck. Lighten up.

He then goes I should watch Dragon Ball Kai instead. Lol. I was like uh no thanks. He did sign a poster for me though after he wanted to charge me 50 bucks for it. I paid as really like Dragon Ball but looking back wish I didn’t. He probably made me pay as he was butt hurt about Abridged.

Aaron Carter is also a dick and really manipulative. He pulled the do you know who I am thing. I was like uh yea a washed up pop singer.

Nicest was Hoku. She sang Perfect Day from Legally Blonde. She told me she left the music industry as people within Interscope high up tried to molest her as a kid and wouldn’t fund her next albulm until she let the executives dick her. Smdh. She said she is proud she stood by her faith and left as other celebs in that position she said have done so. She said they said “you don’t think

Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera, Mandy Moore, Jewel, or JoJo hasn’t done this because your wrong!” She goes I’m not them and left. That’s why Perfect Day never had a follow up album to go on. Also, Lou Ferrigno is extremely nice. He’s like a big care bear. He let me take pictures with him. Alexis Texas is also nice she gave me a big hug. She has self esteem issues. We took a pic and she didn’t like how her chin looked. In person she has a really big chin.

They obviously edit it down for pictures or videos. She didn’t like how her chin looked in the pic and was visibly distraught. I told her I would photoshop it before sharing on social media and she gave me a big hug. She was like oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much! Thank you!!! I feel bad for her.

Raven Symone is also really nice. Goofy acting. But nice. I met her with my sister and later her and my sister hung out by themselves and got their faces painted together and got fake tattoos together. Pretty sure she had a crush on my sister. Walter Jones the OG power ranger is also really nice. Vannessa Hudgens is also really nice. I made it obvious I had a crush on her lol

I met them from places like comic con and other conventions. Raven I met at a mall. Was really weird how much she liked my sister. Like followed her around like a puppy and my sister was like a celeb likes me! This was when That’s So Raven was in season 1. She had a body guard with her I remember. Then years later Raven comes out as a lesbian. I’m like. Ohhhhh 😂


23. Tom Brokaw is an **hole

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Ooh finally my story is relevant! I'd always heard Tom Brokaw was an asshole but you never really think about that stuff because, well, he's Tom Brokaw and what are the chances you'd ever meet him? At the time he was the biggest news anchor in the US.

Well, my buddy and we're on our way back home from Japan and had a layover in LA. Between the timezone changes, not being able to really sleep the night before and waiting for takeoff I had been awake for close to 48-hours and was freaking delusional. I didn't really process that we'd been bumped up to 1st class: I just wanted to get on the plane and try to get some sleep so I could drive home.

We got boarded 1st so I sat down, put my earbuds on and was pulling my hoodie up when a guy who looked like, you guess it, Tom Brokaw got on the plane. Again, not sure if I was just delusional so I poked my friend and asked him. He told me he didn't know who Tom Brokaw was. JFC.

So this man puts his bag on the ground to open up the overhead compartment and I steal a look at his luggage tag and there it was: Tom Brokaw. I was shitting my pants. I grew up watching this man every night with my parents for years and here he was sitting in the catty seat to me.

After furiously trying to figure out what to say I finally decided what to do. I very politely touched his shoulder and asked, "HI, excuse me. Are you Tom Brokaw?" He turned in his seat a little, side-eyed me, then patently turned in the other direction and ignored me.

Needless to say, being from TX I was fuming the whole flight at how rude that was. I just wanted to say hello and thank him. When we landed and pulled up to the gate one of the other passengers in 1st class had noticed him and stood up and said, "Sir, didn't want to bother you during your flight but thank you for the decades of great news reporting you gave us."

Everyone in 1st class started clapping. I didn't. He didn't say a word and gave this half-assed smirk and started pulling his stuff down from the overhead compartment. As he pulled his coat out his wallet fell out onto the floor. I bent to pick it up and tapped him on the shoulder and said "Excuse me, you dropped this."

I don't know if he didn't hear me or was continuing to ignore me but he didn't turn around immediately so I raised my voice a little and repeated myself. He turned around, and I very vividly remember him putting his hand on the wallet to take it, but he hesitated for a second and gave me the meanest glare I've ever seen.

He looked like I had pickpocketed him before he literally snatched it out of my hand. He hadn't said a word the entire time. Just stalked off the plane. Tom Brokaw is an asshole.


24. There’s Something About Ben

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Ben Stiller. Fuck that guy. If you work in the industry, you likely have a story about him.

So I posted this story before but I can't find it so I'll just abbreviate it. .Basically I used to work in research doing movie screenings. We were testing one of his movies in front of an audience. My job is to watch the movie and make some notes.

In the theater the last 3 rows of chairs are roped off for the screening staff and friends/family of the crew of the movie to sit. So that's where I go. Halfway through the movie (keep in mind its dark) a short grey-haired man comes up to me and demands to know what I am doing back here.

I'm dressed professionally so I just say, I'm supposed to be here. He says no your not, you need to leave.

Now, the theater is like quiet and this dude is whisper yelling at me. But my job is literally to watch the movie so I tell him my name, that - I'm with the screening staff, I'm not an audience member, my job is to sit here and watch the movie so that's what I am going to do. He leaves.

Now, as far as I know, that's the end. The movie continues and eventually ends, the screening staff leave and I go home.

The next day I go to work and immediately everyone is asking me what happened, if I'm okay, and if I know what is going to happen. I'm confused. I have no idea what they are talking about. Eventually I figure it out: The short grey-haired dude that yelled at me was Ben Stiller, the director of the movie.

Ben saw that I (a young black guy) was sitting in the staff section and assumed I wasn't supposed to be there. When I told him my name, he went to the screening staff and started yelling at them about me and if I am who I say I am and all this other stuff.

I'll just say that I did that job for like 5 years and no one ever questioned me like that. Also, after clearing it up with other screening staff people, they told me that they ALL had had bad experiences with him. They all had a story.

25. I Hope You Start Playing Pizza Parlors

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Oh boy a thread I can actually comment on. I was "in a band" in high school with some friends at the time. I put "in a band" in quotes because, even though I can play guitar and bass, I was actually a mascot of sorts for them because their name involved fruit in some way. I was broke at the time and they'd always ask me to come to shows to which I'd say I couldnt so this was a way for me to go to the shows. I'd throw on the fruit costume and go ham, which lead to the better part of a year doing the same at various shows.

Was good fun. Anyway, the first time I did this was the biggest show they ended up doing before inevitably splitting up, as these things tend to do. They were opening for Reel Big Fish at a venue called Toad's Place in New Haven, CT which is pretty popular and, imo, always a fun time.

Anyway, needless to say this was not happening during RBF's prime like whatsoever. Only a few years ago really. Despite that though the turn out was good and we were all having a good time.

They are getting to the end of their set so me and one of my friends in our band were like "Let's go see if we can meet em or something" since we had access to backstage and the little changing room area running under the floor of the venue.

We go off to the side of backstage and wait patiently for them to finish up, the entire time there's only the two of us back there. They finish, say thank you, and start heading off the stage towards our direction. Me and my friend both just held out our hands in a handshake kind of way, certainly weren't trying to have conversation or bother them in that kind of way or anything. Literally a handshake or a fist bump or something.

If they had just walked by without acknowledging either of us I probably would not be nearly as salt. I am standing far closer to them than my friend, and YET, each and every one of them proceed to shake hands/fist bump/etc with my guitar-playing friend while completely bypassing me. All while giving me eye contact and all that jazz. They head beneath the venue and are never seen again. Me and my friend both look at each other like "What the fuck?" and proceed to meme on it endlessly thereafter.

I guess it pisses me off so much because aside from being rude, it's just really dumb. Like, this isn't the 90's RBF, you're really not that popular anymore and are aging more (physically and culturally) on the daily. I imagine in their prime they might have had hordes of fans waiting for autographs and stuff like that but c'mon.

You went from selling out big ass places and having movie cameos (BASEketball) to playing dinky, seedy little venues like Toad's where your whole band has trouble standing on the stage because it's pretty small. Don't give me that superiority crap when you're in the throes of being irrelevant. Again, we weren't trying to harass them or bother them or anything like that, just a friendly handshake and a "Nice set!" was all.

Honestly it feels kinda shitty to be like "You should appreciate the fans that you have" but it's the truth, especially when we were opening for you guys. It was incredibly rude because I could see them actively ignore me and go for the actual musician of the group while completely treating me with disdain. Fuck you Reel Big Fish I hope you start playing Pizza Parlors soon.


26. I Bet He’s ****ing Sweating Now

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I literally bumped into Prince Andrew at the British Open Golf Championship. IIRC it was at Royal Lytham & St Anne’s some years ago.

He was a right arrogant cunt. I was watching Tiger Woods play, just for a few holes and it was a complete scrum. Every time Woods hit a shot I fucking legged it, weaving through the crowds to get a good spot to watch him up close.

In between shots there’s me, head down, slaloming through the spectators at pace, when: WHAM! I slam straight into this bloke walking inexplicably against the flow of humanity. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry!”, I say, looking up.

And there, in all his pompous, wobbly necked ingloriousness is Prince Andrew, flanked by two security guard dudes. He’s just looking at me, with the utter disdain you’d expect from a Royal gazing upon a pleb.

For some inexfuckinplicable reason I remembered I had a camera on a cord round my wrist and said, “I’m going to take your photo, Sir”!

[‘Sir’????!!!! What a tit! Anyhoo...] I took a pic from about chest level pointing upwards. My mum still has a printed copy. If I can get her to find it, I’ll post it.

He condescendingly snorted, “You aren’t ALLOWED cameras on the course!” Not true, you just weren’t allowed to take photos while players played their shots. So I told him that. He snorted derisively again and looked flustered. Like he’d got caught appearing on the flight log to a private island...or something.

With that he ducks under the rope onto the fairway followed by his minders. Later that week he was in the newspapers for spunking away £50k of public money to get helicoptered to the course, justifying it on the basis that he’s the chair of the Royal & Ancient Golf Society. Fucking bellend.

For someone who said he lost the ability to sweat due to being shot at in the Falklands War, I bet the alleged paedo is fucking sweating now. Prince Andrew is a fucking cockwomble.


27. The Things You See in a Gated Community

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I worked at a gated community in the 90210 for several years, so I met a big number of celebrities. This is hella late, so it'll get buried, but here we go. Kevin Hart was a douchebag, at least to me. When I met him, he sized me up and waved me away as if I was a fly or something. Boss later told me that he doesn't like people who are taller than him to be next to him, especially if they're not famous.

Kaley Cuoco was pretty lame as well. She would berate us for telling her she couldn't do certain things in front of her house. Like lady, it's not us, it's the HOA. If it was up to me, I wouldn't give a shit what you do in your own home. She'd always threaten to have us fired and such.

Christina Aguilera was a huge fucking cunt. She acted as if we didn't exist, even if we were 3 feet away from her, opting to talk to her assistant and pretty much making her speak to us in the 3rd person? Her and her boyfriend at the time, idk if they're still together, were incredibly obnoxious, always calling us about "people walking in the street in front of their house" whenever they were high on whatever it was. Coming up to talk to us with the glassiest eyes you ever seen.

Perla Hudson, Slash's ex wife. Huge fucking cunt, biggest Karen in the community. She was one to scream about people speeding inside the community, then she'd be doing the same and get mad when she'd get a citation. Last I heard, she lost a lot of friends because of the way she is.

Charles Sophy is a fucking psycho, ironic that he's a therapist to the stars. Stuart Linder, plastic surgeon. A complete piece of shit. Known to be racist. Rob Dyrdek was ok, his wife's demands were annoying and ridiculous as fuck. Like how am I gonna call LAPD and tell them to fly their chopper somewhere else while they're looking for a suspect in the nearby hills?

DJ Kahled and his wife were fucking asshats. They had this somehow street legal golf cart that they would drive up and down Mulholland Drive with their newborn kid holding him IN THEIR ARMS not properly secured to anything, not to mention their toddler who was just holding on to dear life. Both of them and their entourage were some of the most obnoxious, ignorant, and moronic asshole you've ever seen.

Kardashian/Jenners were trash. Always had drama, never tipped once for putting us through some bullshit. Mike Shinoda was surprisingly kinda douchey. Only time he ever acknowledged my coworker and I was when Chester Bennington an hero'ed. Steven Tyler was douchey, never bothere to even look you in the eyes. Adele was bitchy, also acted like she was superior to you.

Jack Black was a douche every time we saw him. It was a huge letdown because I imagined him to be just like how he is online and on TV. Dude acted like we were a huge nuisance and would yell at us for not opening the gate fast enough. One time he picked up some packages and yelled at me for "looking at his address" Dude, I was just trying to see if I had the right package. If he only knew our computer had all of their addresses, home phone numbers, personal cell phone numbers, emails, all of their car license plates, list of residents no matter their age, visitor lists, etc. He was just a huge letdown tbh.

Mary J Blige was cool at first, but then she started to ignore us and act as if we didn't exist. Lamar Odom was an idiot. He seemed brainwashed or something, we always thought it was the Kardashian curse. He was like the dude who stands behind his girl while she pays or orders food. He def wasn't wearing the pants.

28. Stink Eye From the Rock God

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I don’t know how nice Prince ‘seems’ to most people, but he was veeeery particular about some odd things. I was an uprigger at a Prince concert. Stagehands will know that we are the first to start work and the last to be done.

At the beginning a meeting was called. We were informed that because of Prince’s faith as a Jehovah’s witness, we were not allowed to smoke tobacco or use swear words. If we did we were sent home.

Oh also, don’t even fucking look at Prince. He hates it, and you will be sent home. So now, everybody is pissed off at Prince.

Show goes fantastic, ran waaay over time and the encore set of five songs is putting the end time closer to midnight. For whatever odd reason there was no security backstage and nothing to keep me from walking out onto the floor to watch Prince play. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. No superlative is inapt. The man was a rock God.

11:45pm and ‘Purple Rain’ is vamping down through the instrumental ending, I’ve got my climbing harness on and all my gear, even though it will be at least a half hour until I need to do anything.

As I’m standing by the coke machines backstage a massive black stage case rolls off the floor, the first thing to be unloaded at the end of the show. It’s about 8’ tall by 5x5’ and it’s not being unloaded by the stagehand crew though.

On each corner is a very large security guard, and that’s when I realized they were loading out Prince first-while his band was still playing.

They rolled the case directly in front of me and opened the front. Inside was a red velvet tuck and roll upholstered bench, and sitting there were Prince Rogers Nelson and his equally tiny wife, and yes I stared. I made a point to do it because I was told otherwise and I’m just like that.

If you’ve ever gotten the stinkeye from Prince, you’ll remember it the rest of your life. He just glared right at me until his golf cart pulled up and shuttled them about 60’ to three identical suburbans which raced off into the night as the band was wrapping up ‘Purple Rain’.


29. Carrie Underwood Called Me A Useless Piece of S**t

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In the late 2000's I worked at an outdoor stadium in a decent-sized midwestern city. Occasionally we'd host concerts since it filled in the non-game days and we had the largest outdoor capacity for a concert venue. I worked for the food service provider.

I wore a lot of different hats since getting full-time hours in sports food service is difficult unless you're a manager or can do year-round events, which due to weather we couldn't. Most of the time I bartended, sometimes I worked in concessions or catering. On non-event days I'd do whatever was asked of me just to get some hours. Clean a cooler, help set up a private event, assist the unit controller with billing, I did a bit of everything.

This matters because the building started booking a lot of concerts one summer, and as the official food service provider with an iron-clad contract, we were bound to provide all the craft services at the time. And we started getting riders, which was new to us. All of the managers had their hands full taking care of their own departments, so the GM put me in charge of making sure we had all the rider requests taken care of.

At first all goes well, most of the asks were pretty easy to get hold of. A few special requests, but as long as the promoter gets us the rider early enough, we can get the product in. That all changed when the building booked an all-day country music festival. Now we're getting 10-15 riders for big-name acts with incredibly specific demands.

The riders show up and it's only 3 days until the show. The GM gives me his company credit card and I scour the city for everything on the lists. I made 3 drop offs at the stadium to unload food and beverages because my car was full. At the end of the day I had about 75% of the list done.

The next day I start calling every grocery store, specialty shop, co-op in the city for the 25% of requested food that is not easily found. Then I make another shopping trip. End of day 2, I have 95% of the list accounted for, but the last 5% is stuff I've never heard of. Think something like, "Cousin Ida's organic, vegan, non-toxic, soy-based honey."

We brainstorm and ask everyone if they've ever heard of the missing stuff. We're able to get a few of the tour managers on the phone and ask if we can substitute the impossible to find items for something else. We get a few ok's.

Fast forward to the day of the festival. I've tracked down everything except this very specific brand of tea which one artist HAS to have before they go on stage. Apparently it strengthens their vocal cords or some shit. I can't find it anywhere. I've been to 30+ stores in a 60-mile radius. The Tour Manager says it has to be THIS tea, no substitues. 2 hours before showtime, I admit defeat because I have to go to the bar I'm running that night. I go backstage and find the Tour Manager to apologize and show him all the other teas I have and see if any of them will be acceptable.

He looks at all of them, frowning. He then wheels the little tea cart service I had brought down into the dressing room as I wait outside. The door didn't fully close all the way so I can hear him explaining the situation and how I'd tried to find the tea and couldn't but we did have all these other teas and would any of them be acceptable? And that's when I heard Carrie Underwood call me, "a useless piece of shit."


30. Ricky Really Hates Gum

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Ricky Gervais. I worked on a movie with him a few years ago (I work in film in the camera department, and work very closely with the cast) and he wrote, directed, starred, and produced this movie. This was his baby. And for all his roles, he was BARELY there. When he was, he was an absolute prick to the crew, yelling and swearing at people on set. I will specify that he didn't verbally harass individual crew members, but instead demeaned us as a whole.

Ricky HATES seeing people eat and/or chew, so gum was forbidden on set. (As an aside, a typical short filming day is 12 hours, you're going on maybe 4-7 hours of sleep, and coffee is so important to the point where access to it is written into union contracts. Gum is VERY important when you have to communicate with anyone after all you've consumed in 5 hours is 4 coffees and some stale costco pastries.) Every 3 working hours we have it in our contract that we're to be fed a small meal. Ricky wouldn't let that food on set because of his neuroses, which meant that many people who are unable to leave set to eat would be unable to eat anything for up to 8 hours a day, depending on when or if we broke for lunch.

He BARELY directed this movie. He'd leave early or come in late almost every single day, and most of the time one of the other crew members (1st AD, or Assistant Director) or the Director of Photography would end up directing the scene. During the penultimate scene of the movie, we were shooting deep in a conservation park during a torrential downpour.

Huge action sequence, tons of FX and we built a whole bloody village there. Very expensive, important day where you would imagine the director would want/be forced to be in attendance. You know, directing the bloody movie.

Anyway, the crew started work around 4:30-5:00am, with an hour drive to the location itself from the nearest city center. It takes us 2-3 hours to physically get the gear to set; slogging gear cases and carts that weigh hundreds of pounds through mud up to your knees, so we're all pretty eager to get this day over with. It's finally time for our cast and director to start telling us where to point the cameras, and Ricky has not made his way to set.

We wait. And wait. And an hour later we hear definitively that Ricky will not come to set until it stops raining. (I'll also note here that the rain did not present a continuity issue, he just didn't want to get wet.) So there we all are, a hundred exhausted, hungry, pissed off film technicians standing around in this fake village in the woods with very little shelter from the rain, waiting around for Ricky to leave his nice warm trailer.

It clears up enough to the point where Ricky travels to set, and we manage to get everything filmed that he specifically was in the frame for (approx 2 hours). The MOMENT they called cut on his last on-camera scene he took off and left the rest of us to shoot for 13 more hours with no director.

Honestly there are so many instances from this one 8 week shoot that were so similar to this I could keep writing all night. In my 10 year career he may not have been the worst actor I've worked with (that honor will always go to Vin Diesel), but just the sheer frequency of awful behavior puts him up in my top 5.

The whole experience was really heart breaking, I was SUCH a huge fan of his. I even turned down another more lucrative movie at the time just to get a chance to work with him.


31. Cheap Trick Are Jerks

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This is years ago, but the entire band Cheap Trick. What supreme assholes.

I was working in radio at the time and our city had a big four-day festival each year with different bands, etc.

Our station always sponsored one of the stages so we would have meet and greets for the fans with the performers, intro the acts, etc.

I mean - it's a midsize city festival .... we're not getting Beyonce, ya know?

But generally smaller up-and-coming bands or bands that were bigger a decade prior.

Well they showed up like it was an alternate universe where it was 1980-whatever and they were the biggest band on the planet.

Spent the whole time making fun of the fans that showed up to their meet and greet,

dissing the festival, dissing the city, and acting like they didn't belong there.

Honey, you guys are lucky you got the gig. Ugh.

For best I'll say Bob Dylan. His hotel was a third of the mile up the street and it was a beautiful day so he just decided to walk on down all by himself to the arena

before his sound check for the concert and the poor guy working security didn't recognize him

(I know he was young, but come on!!) and told him that he couldn't let him in without the appropriate backstage pass.

Dylan just said it was no big deal and walked back up to his hotel and called someone to find out where he could get a pass.

The guard was MORTIFIED when he found out and everyone was running around freaking out, but Bob just walked on back. LOL.

He was super nice to the guy who didn't recognize him the first time, too,

and told him he was just doing his job and he should have had a pass or had someone to meet him at the door. Class act ... 100%.


32. Kelly Osbourne Is a Diva

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I did a fashion show back in 04 for seventeen magazine and Kelly Osbourne was one of the performers and she was wildly rude.

I said to her “hey Kelly” and she turned and looked at me with the most disgusted look and was like “don’t talk to me”

I was only 17 at the time and I was pretty hurt by that.

I also worked as a fashion stylist for a long while and encountered a lot of celebs.

I did a shoot with Ashley Graham and she is gorgeous in person.

She was really sweet and kind. This was right before she became pretty famous.

At the same shoot, I worked with Dania Ramirez who played turtles girlfriend on entourage and devious maids and she was THE WORST!

She walked in and immediately said “no pictures of me please”

she was constantly degrading the staff, snapping her fingers and saying “do you even know how I am?”

At one point when she was changing into the clothing I picked for her,

there was a behind the scenes photographer that definitely wasn’t shooting while people were changing and she screeches

“make sure that guy doesn’t take pictures of me naked, he will sell them”

I couldn’t help but bust up laughing because honestly she thought she was super A list.

She also had tattoos all over her nipples.

At the same shoot, Melania Trump was there. This was wayyyy before her monster husband was involved in politics.

She was making fun of him in a kind of light hearted way the whole time.

She definitely acknowledged her wealth from him but she was surprisingly nice and funny and she came with her own beauty team and they were awesome.

I’ll probably get downvoted for this but that’s the truth.

She was definitely a different person pre trump reign of terror.


33. Helen Hunt Has Impossible Salad Demands

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Background: I met Helen Hunt at a press junket, she was in a horrible mood all day.

I was responsible for getting her lunch. She wanted a salad, but not the salad on the Four Seasons menu.

She wanted the salad the former chef used to make. That was the only salad she wanted.

When we told her that chef no longer worked at there.

She looked at us blankly and said find him. We tracked down the chef on the phone, got her salad recipe and the new chef made it.

We brought it up to her and she said it took to long and left without eating it or saying thank you.

Mel Gibson was so hungover at his press junket that we had to get him a shot of espresso and cigarette between every interview.

This process took too long and the espresso wasn’t hot by the time it arrived from room service.

So we had to get an espresso machine and a staffer set up right next to him in the interview room to make him a coffee every couple minutes.

I’ve never seen someone drink so much coffee. When the camera wasn’t rolling he had the shakes,

but once the camera was on he could turn on the smile and charm.

When he was not on camera, his head was down and he would not make eye contact with anyone even if he was being directly spoken to.

He would look at the wall when walking down the hall to avoid acknowledging others.

Russell Crowe was being interviewed after his film was screened.

He was 45 minutes late and the audience was left waiting for him.

He arrived by private car and I was escorting him to the theater and let him know the audience had waited.

He stopped me and said, “I need a cigarette, they can wait a little longer.”

And then took a 10 minute smoke break. At a second screening, this time in NY at the MOMA,

I knew to allow time for him to smoke, he arrives late again, there was a crowd outside so he couldn’t smoke.

I told him and his team he absolutely could not smoke in the museum.

I brought him backstage and he looked at me and lit up a cigarette.

I ended up getting in trouble with the museum team who I was working with on future events. Just rude entitled people 😩


34. Daniel Stern Wasn’t Rude, But Everyone Else Was

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Most actors on sets are just absorbed in their work and trying to cut out a lot of noise.

So not really rude in a sense, but they’re not going to make chit chat with every person on their way to a scene.

There’s tons of people on a set. Imagine being trapped at a mall where everyone is angling for a conversation.

I mean most people on set are just there to do their jobs and aren’t really enamored with celebrity but still, it’s probably taxing.

That said, Daniel Stern was far and away the nicest actor to people in the lower pecking order.

I was working in accounting and I guess because of my frequent smoke breaks most people assumed I was a PA.

So I’d get barked at to go get catering or carry some shit.

Which I usually did cuz it’s nice to help out the pa’s and I thought it was funny.

There’s like this gross rule you can’t help the pas with anything or carry something or whatever if it’s not your job because it’s beneath your title.

Some of the people who yelled at me would see me go into accounting and fucking come in and apologize.

Like it wasn’t okay to speak to someone that way that wasn’t a pa. The industry’s gross.

ANYWAY I’m out on a smoke break and this producer pulls up in an suv,

rolls down her windows and yells at me to “Park Daniel’s car!” and then speeds away.

Sure enough right behind her Daniel Stern rolls up window down

and I’m like sorry dude I have no idea where the cars get parked or where my wallet is or what day it is.

He lets out a hearty laugh and asks where I work so I tell him. Daniel, the producer and I all end up on an elevator five minutes later and I figure hey time to end this parking cars shit.

So I try introducing myself to the producer. My plan is to say hi I’m ——- and I work in accounting but I don’t even get that far.

She stops me and says yea yea yea we met pre production (spoiler alert I didn’t work pre production) anyway Daniels laughing to himself.

We get off the elevator and with a big smile he slaps me on the back and yells “go back to your hole” and points to accounting.

It probably sounds small compared to that wall of text but he went out of his way to acknowledge all the pa’s and everybody working in the lower echelons.

He played tennis with one of the security guards a couple mornings, just him and her.

She was so stoked. At the end of the series he sent out an email thanking every single person on crew, devoting as much time to runners as producers.


35. Celebs Are Rude to Restaurant Staff

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I work at a restaurant that's had a few celebs come in.

Rudest would by far be Joe Theissmann and his family.

They walked right in without acknowledging anyone and went and sat at a dirty table that was in the middle of being cleaned off,

when we told them they needed to be seated and we were on a wait they got up

but still refused to speak to anyone and just stood in the walk way for a while.

I didnt even know he was a former NFL player until someone I worked with told me,

but I gotta say watching the footage of him breaking his leg was a little funny after how he acted.

Also Jason Aldean was rude and short with the staff and only tipped $2 on $50 check.

Emma Roberts wasnt rude but she definitely didn't want to be bothered at all and didnt seem like a very happy person

even though the people she was with were cool and seemed to be having a good time,

she also looked way too thin, could see just about every bone in her body.

Vince Vaughn was sort of the same as Emma Robert's but he also had his newborn with him at the time

and he suddenly snapped at some young boys who wouldnt let him be and stormed out, kinda felt bad for him actually.

Nicest was Dierks Bently, Kelly Clarkson, and John Schneider (Dukes of Hazzard, Smallville) Dierks was actually a regular and learned everyone's name there,

sometimes he would come in just to say hey, loved him.

Both the guys from Lady Antebellum were semi regulars and always very polite.

Vern Yip (interior designer - Trading Spaces) is kinda a weirdo lol.


36. Chad Gray From Mudvayne Hates His Fans

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Chad Gray, singer of Mudvayne and Hellyeah.

I was in an autograph line where you had to buy the album at the show to be in the line back in 2005, at the peak of Mudvayne's success.

This kid was in line in front of me, maybe 19 years old. He gets to his turn and says

"hey man I've spent every free dime I have to see you guys when you're in the area since before your first album. I don't have much, but I love you guys so much,

I saved all year to buy a festival ticket because of the meet and greet opportunity,

it would make my dreams come true to take a picture with you guys" and takes out a shitty disposable camera.

The rest of the band starts moving to take a picture when Chad tells him "no fucking way" and directs security to confiscate the camera.

The year prior, a kid asked Cradle of Filth for a picture.

The security guard moved in to confiscate the camera, and Dani stood up quickly, yelled at the guard to stop,

and said "we tour this fucking country once every two to three years and you're going to tell a loyal fan who paid money to meet us that he can't have a fucking picture.

You're taking the picture now. And you're going to take it enough times that we are sure he will have a perfect shot."

Definitely polar opposite ways a band can handle the same situation.


37. Kris Jenner Shrieks Like a Banshee

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Kris Jenner. I worked for a Vespa dealer in southern CA around 2010.

She bought a scooter and i drew the short straw and had to deliver it to her Hidden Hills home.

I knocked at their door and no sooner did her assistant open it,

i hear Kris screech from the second floor, " DO NOT LET HIM IN HERE!" in her Cruella de Vil like voice.

She repeated herself so loudly that i could hardly understand what her assistant was telling me from 2 feet away.

I said that is fine ( as if i wanted to linger around there any longer than necessary)

just tell me where to leave the scoot so i can get out of here. She says "out back. The garage should be open."

Upon getting to the garage i see someone with a dustbuster, cleaning the floor board of a GT3RS Porsche.

I make my presence known and out pops Bruce Jenner.

Since my douche of a boss had the same car, i knew a little about it and we talked cars for a bit.

After which, he invites me into their house for some water.

I was giddy with excitement as i knew Kris would be livid at the sight of me in her home.

Sure enough, as Bruce was showing me the family christmas photo and explaining how Lamar had to be photoshopped into it,

Bitchface came storming down the stairs with a look of rage on her puss.

Bruce introduced me to her by name which was cool. After having enough of my being there and my shit eating grin, she stormed off back to her upstairs lair.

Bruce had no idea about what she told her assistant prior and that made my day.

I dont care what Bruce/ Catlyn is up to these days but he (then) she (now) was very kind and down to earth at the time. Kris is a total bitch.

TL;DR: delivered a scooter to Kris Jenner, she screamed about how i was unwelcome in her home.

Bruce, unbeknownst, invited me inside for water, Bitch was fuming about it.

Edit: He/She...


38. Playing Mini-Golf With Gary Coleman

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He wasn't super rude, but I had a weird experience with Gary Coleman

When I was 12 or so, my dad scooped my brother and I up and told us we were going to play mini golf (no pun intended) with Gary Coleman.

This was ~20 years ago so he hadn't been in anything in a long time and my brother and I had no clue who he was.

My dad drives us to Mulligans in Torrance where we meet some of his friends and...

Gary Coleman. I'm surprised my dad didn't prime us with some information about him to make sure we wouldn't say anything awkward about his height,

but I guess he assumed we knew who Gary Coleman was.

We got to the front desk and a weird jokey conversation ensues between Gary and the front desk lady wherein he tries to get some free golf.

It doesn't work out so we grab our scorecard and head to the first hole.

Gary played golf like he was angling for the Stanley Cup.

He didn't keep score, didn't stay with the rest of the group, didn't count his strokes at all.

He just kept planting and whacking his ball into each hole as if the point of the game was just to get your ball in there before anyone else.

My dad and my brother and I played a regular game and when we came back to return our clubs,

Gary was in the arcade playing Cruisin' USA.

We said goodbye and that was our whole experience with Gary Coleman.

I guess it could be considered rude that he tried to haggle for his round and didn't play with the group,

but I didn't get the impression that he meant any disrespect by it.

He seemed like he was having a good time.


39. Celebs Are Ruder in Canada

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I'm from Vancouver, Canada (big film industry town), and a close family member of mine has worked in film here for 20 years,

so I have too many stories to list. How about some rude ones, and some nice ones.

Gerard Butler. Around nine years ago he insistently pursued a friend of mine at a club/lounge.

She wasn't interested and told him so. Instead of respecting her wishes, he approached us,

her friends, and attempted to get her number from us without her knowing.

He would not respect her boundaries, or respect that no means no.

Dedee Pfeiffer (Michelle Pfeiffer's sister) attempted to have my female family member (crew member)

fired from the movie of the week they were working on because Dedee was threatened by my family member's appearance.

This is not hyperbole. A producer told my family member "She's threatened by you because you're a petite blonde, like her,

and you're outgoing and popular with the other crew members".

My family member wasn't fired; Dedee was presumably told to cool her jets and focus on her job. Dedee Pfeiffer's ego really is, apparently,

that delicate that she can't handle another woman around her having any kind of positive attention.

Later on in the shoot Dedee was purging in a set toilet (she is bulimic) and her gag reflex wouldn't stop gagging,

so she passed out and an ambulance was called.

David Duchovny circa X-Files. Frequent hissy fits on set, flipping garbage cans over, etc.

Probably contributed 90% of Vancouver's stripper and escort income during the show's run.

John Travolta. Kind, professional man on set.

Arrested while here filming Look Who's Talking in Stanley Park for soliciting sex from an undercover male VPD officer and discretely bailed out of jail at 2am by a producer.

Evangeline Lilly. Fucked her way into her career, which isn't at all uncommon and I don't judge her for it.

Started as a movie extra and fucked producers for roles.

Vinnie Jones, Juggernaut in X-Men. Carried on an affair with a makeup artist during filming,

then went home to England and was featured in a Hello! magazine spread with his wife,

portrayed as the glowing, loving husband.

Kim Basinger. Shy, and stunningly beautiful in person.

Halle Berry. More beautiful in person than on film, if that's possible.

I'll edit when I think of more. I've had a few glasses of wine and my memory is failing me.


40. The Most Spoiled Rock Band Ever

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The band METRIC is the most intensely stupid group of people I've ever met.


Their rider (the list of demands for their dressing room) was 7 pages long.

It was filled with insane things that were brutally pretentious.

I've worked with much much larger bands and I have never seen even a 2 page rider.

I should make it clear that this was in 2009 and they were not very popular yet.

They would play small venues of less than 500 people mostly.

They refused to allow anyone to be in the room during their soundcheck.

There many people in and out of a venue throughout the day setting up the bar, cleaning, moving equipment, etc..

All work had to come to a grinding halt for their shit show.

Again, no band I've ever worked with has ever done this.

When it was time to be brought into the bar for the show they refused to leave the bus out of fear they would be swarmed.

THEY WERE NOBODIES AT THIS POINT. I assured them no one would recognize them and they would be completely safe and they got upset at that

and refused to leave until I grabbed random bouncers from a neighbouring bar to assist in the escort.

When they entered the venue they had to walk through the crowd and no one batted an eye at all.

This is the part that I don’t enjoy telling their fans.

They had a meet and greet a few hours before the show and expressed very clearly how they hated this part and they hated shaking hands and touching and being touched by people.

They had the venue staff set up a blockade so that people couldn’t get too close physically

(picture how close you can get to a bartender, that kind of separation).

They made me stop people and delete photos they took with the band.

There were 10 lucky fans at this M&G.

The band wanted people to come in and in a constant flow go past each one of them and then get out immediately.

The whole thing was over in 2 minutes. As soon as they all left they shit talked their 10 fans.

Many of the venue staff were fans but were very shocked and disappointed at their behaviour.

No respect for their fans or their support. Egotistical, entitled, rude people.

Even their tour manager just shook his head at some of the things they said.

When I've told this story in the past, many fans make excuses for them

but I've worked with an uncountable number of famous people and musicians and Metric is the standout most undeserving of your admiration group of people I've ever encountered.

No others have even been close to their attitude. And again, they were nobodies at this time.


41. Stephen Stills is a Jackwagon

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I've been waiting for this one. I don't even know if his ass even qualifies as a celebrity

but anyway, Stephen Stills is a fucking jackwagon.

I've met a bunch of celebrities because growing up my dad owned the only reasonably large chain of musical instrument shops in our area

so when they'd come to play around here,

they'd come to his shop, and as a teenager, I worked for him in some of his stores.

Most of the celebrities were pretty nice or basically just normal people.

So this one night I'm working, and at the time I was about 16,

probably 5'4 and weighed like 95lbs soaking wet.

I'm a girl. This old fat guy comes into the store and says he called up for a Trace Elliot amplifier and it should be waiting for him.

I looked around and didn't see it anywhere so I told him I would get the other guy working there to see if he hid it or something.

The guy acts all impatient, sighing heavily, etc.

He had several other people with him and they were all just hanging around not saying much.

So I go find out where it is, and it's under other stuff up near the front.

The other guy brings it up to the register, it's very large and heavy,

and he just went back to smoking a blunt in the back or whatever and left me to ring up this big amp.

I rang it up and gave the guy the receipt, and then kind of pushed the amp around the counter so it was next to him, thanked him politely, and started doing some other shit.

I notice he's still standing there, looking particularly douchey.

So I asked him if there was something else he needed and he goes,

"Uh, aren't you going to carry this out to my car for me?" I literally thought he was KIDDING because it was so ridiculous and I kind of chuckled and said,

"Well... I can TRY but..." And the guy cocks his head to the side and gives me like a

"Are you fucking kidding me" look. Then this younger guy with dark hair comes up from behind him and says,

"It's fine, I'll carry it! There's no way you're going to be able to get that out to the car!"

And the old fat guy turns around and walks off. The younger guy was like, "Sorry about that..."

under his breath to me and carries the amp away with the help of someone else in their group.

It was only later on that my dad asked me if Stephen Stills came and got his Trace amp that I was like OMG, that's who it was? What a dickface.

ETA: Apparently the nicer, younger guy was his son and at the time Stephen Stills was in our area because he was getting married to some poor woman.


42. Aaron Carter Was a Jerk to Fans

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This is lame because I haven't met many celebrities but I'll say Aaron Carter.

It was summer 2000 I think and my mom took myself and some friends to a Nickelodeon music tour featuring some popular enough but not A list musicians like Monica,

Jordan Knight and 98 degrees being the biggest act they had.

Aaron Carter was probably the least well known at the time, having no real commercial success.

His few songs only having been played on Radio Disney or whatever.

But he was doing autographs before the concert started so we got in line.

His manager kept making announcements that Aaron wouldn't be talking to fans to save his voice for the concert.

Ok fine, whatev except he spent the entire time talking to someone in his entourage.

He never looked up or acknowledged anyone and then abruptly got up and left when there were less than 10 people in line.

I do try to give him pass however because he was still really young

and I assume run by stage parents into spending his summer working a music career that never really took off.

On the flip side, Andre Agassi was the nicest. I met him after a match when I was a kid.

He signed my giant tennis ball, shook my hand and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

And some second-hand encounters from people I know.

My old boss knew Jenny Slate when she was a teenager and said she was as adorably dorky as she seems.

And my sister-in-law met Kid Rock when he performed at a teen club in Detroit before he was famous.

He (early to mid 20s) was hitting on her and her friends (15-16 year olds)

after the show and was basically as sleezy and trashy as you would imagine.


43. Owen Wilson Admiring Paintings

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I saw Owen Wilson at the Dallas Museum of Art a few months back.

It was a cold, rainy Sunday, and no one was really in the museum.

I had gone there with the intention to look at "Icebergs" –

a large realistic painting of icebergs by Edwin Church – for an upcoming project at work.

When I finally found it after wandering around the museum,

there was a man, all alone, standing in front of this massive landscape piece

(It truly is an epic masterpiece that will take your breath away).

I decided to hold off to the side and pretend to look at some other smaller paintings while this man continued taking in the painting.

I remember thinking that he looked kind of scrappy and dirty, not someone you expect to be viewing fine art on a Sunday.

Once he was finished gazing at the piece, he turned around and walked my way, he looked up from his red trucker hat and caught my gaze.

It was Owen Wilson, dressed down to avoid attention and spending a nice afternoon at the museum.

I didn't say anything to him because I was only 95% sure it was him at the time, and that was not my intention.

My intention was to take his place in front of that wonderful massive landscape piece and take it all in.....

I haven't thought much of that encounter until I saw this post.

It's kind of nice now that I think about it. I also remember regretting later on not saying

"hey, you're that guy from anaconda!" haha. Glad my immaturity didn't get the best of me.


44. My Dad Embarrassed Neil Armstrong

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More funny than rude but still.

About 15 years ago my dad, mom, and I went to Bulgaria (a country near Turkey)

to adopt a couple handicapped girls (my dad has done well and built a house for my older disabled sister who passed away).

A day or two before we were to meet the girls,

we went out to a super nice restaurant and we kept hearing a bunch of whispers.

None of us really knew the local language, and we heard this lady talking to a couple guys at the table behind us in a pretty sweet accent.

My dad got up and went to the table and one of the guys immediately said

“I don’t want to take a picture right now”.

My dad just said “cool” or something then asked the lady if she was Bulgarian blah blah blah. Small talk and that kinda thing.

My dad wishes them a happy dinner, and the guy said “do you know who I am?”

My dad, like a complete badass, said “Nope, I don’t really care either.

I came over to talk to her.” TO NEIL FUCKING ARMSTRONG

Tl;dr: My dad made Neil Armstrong look silly


45. Kirsten Dunst Terrorized an Airport in Idaho

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When I lived in Hailey, Idaho (a year ago, these are all recent, in past 3 years)...

I worked at the Sun Valley airport & lots of celebrities fly in/out. Kirsten Dunst came through for an early morning flight with her mother and boyfriend.

She looked like she just rolled out of bed & was incredibly rude to her mom, who seemed very nice & patient.

She pitched a fit going through security, complained about everything & was just miserable in every way.

Her mom & boyfriend looked great, all showered & awake...& they both kept apologizing to everyone for her behavior.

I now live in Boise, & if anyone asks about celebs up there (because it's crawling with celebs)

I do not hesitate to tell them about her. She was that awful.

I can't even watch movies with her in them anymore, because I saw how rude she was, especially to her own mom.

The nicest was Jaime Lee Curtis...always smiling & thanking everyone & so down to Earth,

always joking with us & would say hello to anyone if you ran into her in town.

You feel like old friends with her as she loves to chat & remembers everyone.

Also.. Scott Glenn lives in the area..always seems to be cast as a villain in movies but is a charming sweet man.

And....Adam West, who recently passed away (the original Batman).

He was another charming sweet man...never bothered by people getting all geeked out over Batman.

Oh, and Michael Keaton (another Batman).. so incredibly nice & taller than you'd think, in person.

Crystal blue eyes & a very quiet, nice guy. He was the only one who made me starstruck,

just because he shook my hand & thanked me for doing my job...& those eyes,, what a nice guy.

Anne Archer flew out one afternoon & she is just as beautiful in person..very quiet, classy.

Jodie Foster & her girlfriend came through a lot & she was always polite & quiet,

just wanted to be left alone, but her girlfriend was very friendly & liked to joke with us.

Others that I met were Tom Skerrit, Bill Paxton, Bruce Dern, John Lithgow,

and we all saw Arnold Schwarzenegger around town...

and that man will wave & smile if you wave at him...always...everyone waves at him,

because we know he will wave back!

Everyone loves Bruce Willis, who still has a house up there, but I never got to see him.


46. Bam Margera

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I used to manage a Spencer's Gifts in an upscale mall in PA. Bam Margera and his crew came in on a very slow weekday. 

One of his guys asks at me to close the store so Bam can shop without being hassled (out of earshot of Bam). 

I politely informed the guy that we don't close the store for anyone. 

The guy gets loud and in my face threatening to call my bosses and get me fired...and this guy was really big and intimidating. 

About 20 seconds into his loud ranting I suddenly see a fist come out of nowhere and drop the guy. It was Bam. 
He very calmly told the guy, who was now streaming obscenities and trying to pick himself off the floor, to shut the f**k up and wait outside. 

He then profusely apologized and continued shopping while the rest of his crew laughed their asses off. He bought a few shock pens and a few t-shirts. 

My opinion of Bam changed that day dramatically from negative to positive.

47. I Met Chris Brown The Day He Hurt Rihanna

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I met Chris Brown the exact day he beat up Rihanna. 

He was actually pretty nice, so we were shocked when we heard later that day that he was currently being searched for by the police. 


48. I Pissed off Emeril

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One of the most embarrassing moments of my life. 

I met Emeril Lagasse. I saw him at a shopping mall for some kind of promotional thing he was doing there. 

I passed by and was looking at him and I ran straight into this big camera. 

It fell over and everybody just stared at me. 

Emeril came over and was really pissed, he was all red in the face and asked me why I ran into the camera. 

Nobody around seemed to notice he was being a huge douche. I told him it was an accident but he just told me to get out of there before I caused anymore trouble. 

Easily the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. When I see him on TV it makes me cringe and I have to change the channel. 


49. I Freaked Out Hillary Duff

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Pizza place in Sacramento, CA. It was the Warped Tour and Hillary Duff was on it. The night BEFORE the concert she and her posse (yes she had a posse) decided to stop into our restaurant. 

When I saw her outside, I immediately asked to be the person to take her order, even though I was a cook. The cashiers obliged. 

So she walked in and I gave our usual greeting. She walked up, I explained the menu all courteous-like, and her group ordered. After everything was done, I asked, "And what name will be on the order?" 

She just looked at me like I was f**king crazy. "Uhh, Hillary..." 

"Is that two L's or just one?" "Only one..." 

As I took her money and stuff, she asked, "Do you really not know who I am?" "No, should I?" was my only reply. 

She mentioned she was Hillary Duff and was on TV and actually playing at the concert the next night... 

"Huh, that's strange." I said. Then I yelled to my friends in the back, "HEY GUYS! You ever heard of anybody named Hillary Duff?" 

"Nope." "Naw." "Who?!" It was classic. Not really a confrontation, but still fun in my mind.

50. Batman Told Me to Go to Hell

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I was at a horror convention years ago, where Adam West was one of the guests. As I was coming back in from outside the convention center, I noticed he was leaving so I held open the door for him. 

"Have a good evening, Mister West!" I said. 

He turned around, rolled his eyes, and snorted "Whatever." 

This royally pissed me off. So I responded, without thinking "Wow, you're a prick!" 

He turned back to me, and growled in that Adam West voice "Go to Hell!" 

Yeah, Batman told me to go to Hell. 
