Corn. Let me explain. When I was like 18, me and some buddies went to this fall festival thing in my town. We got pretty drunk beforehand, so when we got there, I was pretty fucking into it.
We decided to do this Corn maze that they had set up. Now this Corn maze was fucking huge. Like little kids aren't allowed in it without a parent, because they would probably die or something. Now I'm not some idiot kid, so I'm thinking I have this Corn maze in the bag.
In fact, to give the Corn maze a chance, me and the boys decide to get a little high beforehand, to even out the playing field. So, we find a spot to burn one down and then get in line for the maze. Now while I'm standing in line, I hear the people in front of me really hyping this maze up.
This freaks me out a little bit cus I'm high, so I start trying to calm myself down. In my head I'm thinking, "Pfft this maze can't be that bad, I mean it's made of Corn. Everyone knows that Corn is a bitch vegetable! It can come in a can, like a dickhead. Fuck Corn!"
I am no longer scared. In fact, being that perfect combination of drunk and high, I have chosen to disavow Corn entirely. I no longer want to just get through the maze, I want the record time. I want to embarrass Corn. So, once I get to the front of the line and get the green light to head in, I take off. I'm full sprint through this maze.
In my mind I'm making great time, and even though I don't actually know what the record is, I know I'm on pace to beat it, and Corn will have to rue the day it tried to face me. Now, at some point my phone falls out of my pocket. I of course don't notice, as the only thing I'm thinking is how big of an idiot Corn is. I also pretty quickly run out of steam, so I decide to take a break and gather my wits.
This is when I notice that there is no one around me any more. Where once you could hear the laughing of the maze runners as they searched for escape, there was now silence. The only sound was that of Corn's stalks brushing against each other in the wind, seemingly whispering "You're a bitch".
Being the level-headed individual that I am, I did not panic. I continued my search for the exit. While I no longer had my phone, thus not able to keep track of time, I was able to track the position of the moon in the sky and calculated that I had been in there for 11 days.
Panic began to set in. I now realized the position I was in. My hubris had sealed my fate and I was naive to think I could take on Corn. I began sprinting through the walls of the maze. Being pelted by stalks, I realized that Corn would not be defied so easily. I began ripping down the cobs and tearing them open in a last ditch effort to save myself from impending doom.
That was when I felt an intense heat coming from my right hand. The Corn, hell bent on seeing me die in that maze, had sliced my hand open with one of its husks, and I now had a steady stream of blood pouring out of my hand.
I tried wiping my hand on my shirt, but the blood would not stop pouring out of my hand, as it began dripping onto my pants as well. I was now covered in blood and seemingly destined to die lost in that corn maze.
I ran and I ran for what seemed like an eternity. I had given up hope of escaping that Corn maze. In what I believed to be my last moments on earth, I cursed my foolishness. I acknowledged Corn as my superior, and accepted that I deserved what was coming.
Out of breath and without any more blood in my body, I had given up hope, and as my last act, I cried out, "I'M SORRY, CORN". Then a bright light. I emerged from the maze. Corn had spared me. My acknowledgement, had granted me Corn's forgiveness and I was allowed to live on.
My happiness was immeasurable, and I stood there for a few moments in disbelief that I was still alive. As a rush of relief came over me, I experienced peace. Nothing existed in that moment. Not the sights of the festival that had come back into view, nor the sounds of little children that had just taken off screaming as they had just witnessed a strange man come barreling out of the corn maze, screaming and covered in blood. Pure Bliss.
I was taken to hospital for stitches, and was left with a scar across my hand as a constant reminder of my place in the world. To all those who have taken the time to read my story, let it be a warning to you. In Cob we Trust.
Username: nut_s_a_c_k